android Programming Glossary: shots
How to fetch Android Market data when there is no API? extract the live data Using some kind of automation screen shots text recognition seems complicated Modifying the open source..
Take screensot and save android e.printStackTrace iv.setImageBitmap selectedBitmap snap shots My Layout snap shot On button click prompting the user to enter.. Note I have saved the cropped image in sdcard. The snap shots size varies. This worked for me on my device. I have posted..
Designing android apps for tablets words I think there is someone in Google looking at screen shots from your app making a qualitative judgement probably an intern.. cause of the problem. I uploaded a new apk with new screen shots no xml or manifest changes and the problem went away. Here is.. but don't neglect the qualitative stuff choose screen shots that don't display empty space . Update re. the Designed for..
Android Publisher Account on Android Market a mail from them they asked me to send order number screen shots the version of OS and browsers I am using to access android..
Unable to parse response error while uploading screenshots on google play (Android Market) to parse response error while uploading screenshots on google play Android Market I just signed up with Market.. it is asking me to upload assets. After i choose screen shots for the app and hit upload it gives me an error saying Unable..
How to fetch Android Market data when there is no API? Running some kind of debugger with the official app to extract the live data Using some kind of automation screen shots text recognition seems complicated Modifying the open source to write a log file I'm just curious how this was done because..
Take screensot and save android catch Exception e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace iv.setImageBitmap selectedBitmap snap shots My Layout snap shot On button click prompting the user to enter a name to save Image cropped and saved opened in gallery.. enter a name to save Image cropped and saved opened in gallery Note I have saved the cropped image in sdcard. The snap shots size varies. This worked for me on my device. I have posted the same. If anyone has a better idea pls edit the above post...
Designing android apps for tablets that this is a completely automated process. In other words I think there is someone in Google looking at screen shots from your app making a qualitative judgement probably an intern . This is my reasoning for arriving at that conclusion I.. sw600dp and layout sw600dp land and I couldn't see the cause of the problem. I uploaded a new apk with new screen shots no xml or manifest changes and the problem went away. Here is the current status of the Irish app . Next I implemented the.. approach may help a few more xmls in sw600dp and sw720dp but don't neglect the qualitative stuff choose screen shots that don't display empty space . Update re. the Designed for Phones message December 2013 Since I wrote the above Google..
Android Publisher Account on Android Market contact_type dev_registration . Then I received a mail from them they asked me to send order number screen shots the version of OS and browsers I am using to access android market publisher account.I mailed them and within 4 hours they..
Unable to parse response error while uploading screenshots on google play (Android Market) to parse response error while uploading screenshots on google play Android Market I just signed up with Market and uploaded my app. On the next screen it is asking me to upload.. signed up with Market and uploaded my app. On the next screen it is asking me to upload assets. After i choose screen shots for the app and hit upload it gives me an error saying Unable to parse response. If you have a browser extension or add..