android Programming Glossary: showname
getExtra from Intent launched from a pendingIntent for it at the given time. My problem is that the showname that a putExtra on my Intent cant be received at the broadcast.. through the pending intent public void setAlarm String showname String time String hourminute time.split String hour hourminute.. this alarmreceiver.class Bundle c new Bundle c.putString showname showname This is the value I want to pass intent.putExtras c..
getExtra from Intent launched from a pendingIntent selects something with a time from a list and create a notification for it at the given time. My problem is that the showname that a putExtra on my Intent cant be received at the broadcast receiver. It always get null value. This is the way I do.. differentelly. Thank you The function that sends the Intent through the pending intent public void setAlarm String showname String time String hourminute time.split String hour hourminute 0 String minute hourminute 1 Calendar rightNow Calendar.getInstance.. t1 System.currentTimeMillis try Intent intent new Intent this alarmreceiver.class Bundle c new Bundle c.putString showname showname This is the value I want to pass intent.putExtras c PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast this..