android Programming Glossary: showed
Can The Android drawable directory contain subdirectories? need to keep that hierarchy flat. The directory layout you showed would result in none of the images being available. From my..
Remote debugging with Android emulator to the local interface of the remote machine. adb devices showed a new emulator &mdash emulator 5556 &mdash and I could use it..
HelloAndroid emulator problem help. The emulator still hung. I noticed that Task Manager showed my box at 50 CPU usage which seemed rather high. CPU 0 was pegged..
Android - Hide all showed Toast Messages Hide all showed Toast Messages I have a problem how do I disable all toast..
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? and only 1 was detected in the ADB. The one that worked showed up in device manager as android adb composite interface and.. adb composite interface and the 2 that did not work showed up as android adb interface . In Windows 7 I did the following...
Remove the bottom line border in tab bar? (And change selected color) selected color Is it possible to remove the bottom line showed in the tab bar It is grey when not selected. And is it possible..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? in a data image png base64 ABCD... style URI. This too showed up in Gmail preview attachment icon but no file name but did..
SecurityException: caller uid XXXX is different than the authenticator's uid android accountType @string account_type The logs showed encountered new type ServiceInfo AuthenticatorDescription type..
How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate] my first Android App and I need a ProgressDialog to be showed while a background task in this case just a http call on the.. disappears after project clean my drawable folders in Eclipse and the newly added files showed up. But when I tried to access those resources using R.drawable.xyzimage..
Android read text raw resource file null return byteArrayOutputStream.toString The text get's showed but after each line I get a strange character How can I remove..
“Android library projects cannot be launched”? to run my application as an Android project it failed and showed this message. Please tell me what the problem is android ..
Animate the transition between fragments integer config_mediumAnimTime set But when I tried this it showed 02 08 16 27 37.961 ERROR AndroidRuntime 1717 FATAL EXCEPTION..
TelephonyManager.getLine1Number() failing? string. If I run code on emulatur phone number is normally showed. If I go to Settings About phone Phone identity Phone number..
Dialog throwing "Unable to add window ??token null is not for an application??with getApplication() as context the context outside of its own scope. The example above showed the case of a static reference but inner classes and their implicit..
Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 Solution? [duplicate] android after i added a tab layout to the program an error showed up to Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 I have..
Android Google Maps Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme app following the Android MapView tutorial . The app showed this exception in AVD for the file file main.xml Failed to find..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager on the entire FragmentPagerAdapter and this showed to update the data sometimes but others I got an IllegalStateException..
Android 4.0: widgets not appearing? I had a user complain that he bought it and it never showed up on his Android 4.0 device. I loaded up the 4.0 emulator ran..
Can The Android drawable directory contain subdirectories? support subfolders in the drawable directory so yes you need to keep that hierarchy flat. The directory layout you showed would result in none of the images being available. From my own experiments it seems that having a subfolder with any items..
Remote debugging with Android emulator to use 5556. Also the localhost in the ssh command refers to the local interface of the remote machine. adb devices showed a new emulator &mdash emulator 5556 &mdash and I could use it as if it were running on my local machine. share improve..
HelloAndroid emulator problem starting Eclipse at the command prompt and that didn't help. The emulator still hung. I noticed that Task Manager showed my box at 50 CPU usage which seemed rather high. CPU 0 was pegged at 100 . Here's what fixed it. I uninstalled the Android..
Android - Hide all showed Toast Messages Hide all showed Toast Messages I have a problem how do I disable all toast messages being process currently In my App there is a list when..
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? had the same issue with the Motorola Droid. I had 3 devices and only 1 was detected in the ADB. The one that worked showed up in device manager as android adb composite interface and the 2 that did not work showed up as android adb interface ... ADB. The one that worked showed up in device manager as android adb composite interface and the 2 that did not work showed up as android adb interface . In Windows 7 I did the following. Right Click Computer then Manage Expand Android phone at..
Remove the bottom line border in tab bar? (And change selected color) the bottom line border in tab bar And change selected color Is it possible to remove the bottom line showed in the tab bar It is grey when not selected. And is it possible to change the yellowish color to something else layout xml..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? it has been emailed. I have even tried encoding my image purely in a data image png base64 ABCD... style URI. This too showed up in Gmail preview attachment icon but no file name but did not result in a recipient side attachment. Has anyone been..
SecurityException: caller uid XXXX is different than the authenticator's uid resource which didn't get resolved properly during the installation android accountType @string account_type The logs showed encountered new type ServiceInfo AuthenticatorDescription type @2131231194 ... Replacing it with a normal string not resource..
How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate] progress dialog in Activity from AsyncTask I am developing my first Android App and I need a ProgressDialog to be showed while a background task in this case just a http call on the server happens. I did a bit of studying on this and also have.. disappears after project clean files into my Project Workspace drawable folder I refreshed my drawable folders in Eclipse and the newly added files showed up. But when I tried to access those resources using R.drawable.xyzimage xyzimage although in the folder could not be resolved...
Android read text raw resource file inputStream.close catch IOException e return null return byteArrayOutputStream.toString The text get's showed but after each line I get a strange character How can I remove that character I think it's New Line. WORKING SOLUTION public..
“Android library projects cannot be launched”? And there is no error in Problems view. However when I tried to run my application as an Android project it failed and showed this message. Please tell me what the problem is android share improve this question From Android's Developer Documentation..
Animate the transition between fragments fromAlpha 0.0 android toAlpha 1.0 android duration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime set But when I tried this it showed 02 08 16 27 37.961 ERROR AndroidRuntime 1717 FATAL EXCEPTION main 02 08 16 27 37.961 ERROR AndroidRuntime 1717 java.lang.RuntimeException..
TelephonyManager.getLine1Number() failing? HTC Wildfire I can not get phone number all I get is empty string. If I run code on emulatur phone number is normally showed. If I go to Settings About phone Phone identity Phone number phone number is Unknown . Where is the problem Is something..
Dialog throwing "Unable to add window ??token null is not for an application??with getApplication() as context memory leaks. The most obvious one is to avoid escaping the context outside of its own scope. The example above showed the case of a static reference but inner classes and their implicit reference to the outer class can be equally dangerous...
Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 Solution? [duplicate] JAR 56 answers I was programming an application for android after i added a tab layout to the program an error showed up to Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 I have tried cleaning the project and looking at all the other solution..
Android Google Maps Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme question I had the same problem when I try to build a simple app following the Android MapView tutorial . The app showed this exception in AVD for the file file main.xml Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme At last I found that..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager f ... Now as you can see my first attempt was to notifyDataSetChanged on the entire FragmentPagerAdapter and this showed to update the data sometimes but others I got an IllegalStateException Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState...
Android 4.0: widgets not appearing? against Android 2.1 that's been fine and selling on the market. I had a user complain that he bought it and it never showed up on his Android 4.0 device. I loaded up the 4.0 emulator ran it from Eclipse it reported a successful installation and..