android Programming Glossary: shadowcolor
Add drop shadow effects to EditText Field longClickable false android layout_width 160dp android shadowColor @color Black android shadowDx 1.2 android shadowDy 1.2 android..
Android - shadow on text? item name android textSize 12sp item item name android shadowColor #000000 item item name android shadowDx 1 item item name android..
Shadow Effect for a Text in Android? [duplicate] this question Perhaps you'd consider using android shadowColor android shadowDx android shadowDy android shadowRadius alternatively..
How to add shadow to TextView on selection/focus and style style name DarkShadow item name android shadowColor #BB000000 item item name android shadowRadius 2.75 item style.. i switch curAttr case R.styleable.CustomTextView_shadowColors mShadowColors a.getColorStateList curAttr break case R.styleable.CustomTextView_android_shadowDx.. styleable declare styleable name CustomTextView attr name shadowColors format color reference attr name android shadowDx attr name..
Add shadow to custom shape on Android #90ffffff corners android radius 12dp item name android shadowColor #000000 item item name android shadowRadius 5 item item name..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? 2sp android textSize 18sp android textStyle bold android shadowColor #90909090 android shadowDx 1.0 android shadowDy 1.0 android..
How to make text glow? setting a blue shadow for the textview by using android shadowColor and setting android shadowDx and android shadowDy to zero with..
Long press definition at XML layout, like android:onClick does 1.0 android shadowDx 1.0 android shadowRadius 1.0 android shadowColor #ffffffff android paddingLeft 10dip android paddingRight 10dip..
Is there a way to add inner shadow to a TextView on Android? way to do that on Android I know these attributes android shadowColor android shadowRadius android shadowDx android shadowDy Am I.. TextView's background. The attributes you mention android shadowColor android shadowRadius android shadowDx android shadowDy serve..
onListItemClick is not working for listview? wrap_content android layout_margin 5dp android shadowColor #000000 android shadowDx 1 android shadowDy 1 android shadowRadius..
Text size and different android screen sizes item name android textStyle bold item item name android shadowColor #000000 item item name android shadowDx 1 item item name android..
Hiding Title in a Fullscreen mode? android paddingLeft 6dip android textStyle bold android shadowColor #BB000000 android shadowRadius 3.0 android shadowDy .25 View..
Add drop shadow effects to EditText Field center_horizontal android inputType textPassword android longClickable false android layout_width 160dp android shadowColor @color Black android shadowDx 1.2 android shadowDy 1.2 android shadowRadius 1.5 android background @color White requestFocus..
Android - shadow on text? 4px item item name android textColor #ffffffff item item name android textSize 12sp item item name android shadowColor #000000 item item name android shadowDx 1 item item name android shadowDy 1 item item name android shadowRadius 1 item style..
Shadow Effect for a Text in Android? [duplicate]
How to add shadow to TextView on selection/focus DarkShadow item android color @color primary_text_light_disable_only and style style name DarkShadow item name android shadowColor #BB000000 item item name android shadowRadius 2.75 item style Now text gets properly highlighted but no shadows appear... for int i 0 i attributeCount i int curAttr a.getIndex i switch curAttr case R.styleable.CustomTextView_shadowColors mShadowColors a.getColorStateList curAttr break case R.styleable.CustomTextView_android_shadowDx mShadowDx a.getFloat.. name Theme attr format reference name CustomTextView declare styleable declare styleable name CustomTextView attr name shadowColors format color reference attr name android shadowDx attr name android shadowDy attr name android shadowRadius declare styleable..
Add shadow to custom shape on Android apk res android android shape rectangle solid android color #90ffffff corners android radius 12dp item name android shadowColor #000000 item item name android shadowRadius 5 item item name android shadowDy 3 item shape android android layout share..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? ellipsize end android paddingLeft 2sp android paddingTop 2sp android textSize 18sp android textStyle bold android shadowColor #90909090 android shadowDx 1.0 android shadowDy 1.0 android shadowRadius 1.0 TextView android id @ id item_date android..
How to make text glow? graphics textview share improve this question How about setting a blue shadow for the textview by using android shadowColor and setting android shadowDx and android shadowDy to zero with a pretty big android shadowRadius share improve this answer..
Long press definition at XML layout, like android:onClick does bold android textColor @color colorblue android shadowDy 1.0 android shadowDx 1.0 android shadowRadius 1.0 android shadowColor #ffffffff android paddingLeft 10dip android paddingRight 10dip android paddingTop 5dip android lineSpacingExtra 3dip android..
Is there a way to add inner shadow to a TextView on Android? I can't find any example of that on the web. Is there any way to do that on Android I know these attributes android shadowColor android shadowRadius android shadowDx android shadowDy Am I missing something useful android textview shadow share improve.. patch drawable like this one Set the 9 patch drawable as the TextView's background. The attributes you mention android shadowColor android shadowRadius android shadowDx android shadowDy serve other purpose they create text shadow share improve this..
onListItemClick is not working for listview? android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_margin 5dp android shadowColor #000000 android shadowDx 1 android shadowDy 1 android shadowRadius 1.5 android text @string materials android textAppearance..
Text size and different android screen sizes gravity center item item name android textSize 30sp item item name android textStyle bold item item name android shadowColor #000000 item item name android shadowDx 1 item item name android shadowDy 1 item item name android shadowRadius 2 item style..
Hiding Title in a Fullscreen mode? app_name android paddingTop 4dip android paddingBottom 4dip android paddingLeft 6dip android textStyle bold android shadowColor #BB000000 android shadowRadius 3.0 android shadowDy .25 View android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height 1dip..