android Programming Glossary: settings.xml
MapFragment in Action Bar Tabs match_parent android orientation horizontal LinearLayout settings.xml AND about.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns..
How do I put an admob adview in the settings screen for a live wallpaper? been able to do it myself. If I put the adview into the settings.xml like you would with a normal layout I get a class cast exception...
Android: launch a custom Preference from a PreferenceActivity Another update. However if I replace PrefrenceScreen in settings.xml with some extension of Preference which overrides onClick to.. addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.settings settings.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 PreferenceScreen xmlns android..
Copy the shared preferences XML file from /data on Samsung device failed copy the xml file from data data shared_prefs settings.xml to SD card. It works fine on my HTC desire. However it might.. I System.out 3166 data data shared_prefs settings.xml No such file or directory in the directory. Anyone know how..
How to fill ListPreference dynamically when onPreferenceClick is triggered? entryValues return true return false and this is the settings.xml preference xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 PreferenceScreen xmlns..
MapFragment in Action Bar Tabs android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent android orientation horizontal LinearLayout settings.xml AND about.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android xmlns tools..
How do I put an admob adview in the settings screen for a live wallpaper? wallpaper uses admob ads in the settings screen but I haven't been able to do it myself. If I put the adview into the settings.xml like you would with a normal layout I get a class cast exception. Here's a screenshot of the mario live wallpaper to illustrate..
Android: launch a custom Preference from a PreferenceActivity have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml Another update. However if I replace PrefrenceScreen in settings.xml with some extension of Preference which overrides onClick to launch CustomPrefScreen then everything works fine. Main preferences.. void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.settings settings.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 PreferenceScreen xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceScreen..
Copy the shared preferences XML file from /data on Samsung device failed all my settings are store in shared preference. I just copy the xml file from data data shared_prefs settings.xml to SD card. It works fine on my HTC desire. However it might not work on Samsung devices and i got the following error while.. and i got the following error while I try to copy the file. I System.out 3166 data data shared_prefs settings.xml No such file or directory in the directory. Anyone know how to fix it or is there another simple way to store the shared..
How to fill ListPreference dynamically when onPreferenceClick is triggered? lp.setEntries entries lp.setDefaultValue 1 lp.setEntryValues entryValues return true return false and this is the settings.xml preference xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 PreferenceScreen xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceCategory..