android Programming Glossary: settitle
Android Device Bluetooth pairing in the title setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility true setTitle R.string.scanning Turn on sub title for new devices findViewById.. action setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility false setTitle R.string.select_device if mNewDevicesArrayAdapter.getCount..
How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it the color of AlertDialog title using this command alert.setTitle Html.fromHtml font color '#FF7F27' Set IP Address font put I.. qustomDialogBuilder new QustomDialogBuilder v.getContext . setTitle Set IP Address . setTitleColor HALLOWEEN_ORANGE . setDividerColor.. v.getContext . setTitle Set IP Address . setTitleColor HALLOWEEN_ORANGE . setDividerColor HALLOWEEN_ORANGE . setMessage..
Android color picker to be included in the activity new ColorPickerView getContext l mInitialColor setTitle Pick a Color You have to choose the color and click the center.. null layout.setBackgroundColor Color.WHITE setView layout setTitle Choose a Color setIcon android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_info mColorPicker.. new AlertDialog.Builder MainActivity.this editalert.setTitle Please Enter the name with which you want to Save final EditText..
Sending images using Http Post
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? new Placemark navigationDataSet.getCurrentPlacemark .setTitle new String ch start length else if this.in_descriptiontag if.. address public String getTitle return title public void setTitle String title this.title title public String getDescription return..
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java
Android Launcher label vs. activity title name Setting the long title again in onCreate using the setTitle int method does no good either because the short name will be..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser docs private String language public Channel setItems null setTitle null set every field to null in the constructor public void.. items public Items getItems return items public void setTitle String title this.title title public String getTitle return.. private String description private String link public Item setTitle null setDescription null setLink null public void setTitle String..
How to align center the title or label in activity? Second is programmatically setting in activity class like setTitle Hello World . Both ways are positioned in the left side but..
How can I receive a notification when the device loses network connectivity? new AlertDialog.Builder activity . setCancelable false . setTitle Connection Manager . setMessage There is no network connection...
Android: Keyboared overlaps with the EditText (with printscreens)
Webview in Scrollview LOG_TAG could not find setEmbeddedTitleBar ex public void setTitle View view if setEmbeddedTitleBarMethod null try setEmbeddedTitleBarMethod.invoke.. failed to call setEmbeddedTitleBar ex public void setTitle int resId setTitle inflate getContext resId null Then in your.. setEmbeddedTitleBar ex public void setTitle int resId setTitle inflate getContext resId null Then in your layout file you..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing void doDiscovery if D Log.d TAG doDiscovery Indicate scanning in the title setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility true setTitle R.string.scanning Turn on sub title for new devices findViewById .setVisibility View.VISIBLE If we're.. title else if BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_DISCOVERY_FINISHED.equals action setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility false setTitle R.string.select_device if mNewDevicesArrayAdapter.getCount 0 String noDevices getResources .getText R.string.none_found..
How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it title and the color of the line under it I changed the color of AlertDialog title using this command alert.setTitle Html.fromHtml font color '#FF7F27' Set IP Address font put I want to change the color of the line that appear under the.. private String HALLOWEEN_ORANGE #FF7F27 QustomDialogBuilder qustomDialogBuilder new QustomDialogBuilder v.getContext . setTitle Set IP Address . setTitleColor HALLOWEEN_ORANGE . setDividerColor HALLOWEEN_ORANGE . setMessage You are now entering the.. #FF7F27 QustomDialogBuilder qustomDialogBuilder new QustomDialogBuilder v.getContext . setTitle Set IP Address . setTitleColor HALLOWEEN_ORANGE . setDividerColor HALLOWEEN_ORANGE . setMessage You are now entering the 10th dimension.
Android color picker to be included in the activity int color mListener.colorChanged color dismiss setContentView new ColorPickerView getContext l mInitialColor setTitle Pick a Color You have to choose the color and click the center circle to pick the color. Set the color to your paint object.. View layout inflater.inflate R.layout.dialog_color_picker null layout.setBackgroundColor Color.WHITE setView layout setTitle Choose a Color setIcon android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_info mColorPicker ColorPickerView layout .findViewById v TODO Auto generated method stub AlertDialog.Builder editalert new AlertDialog.Builder MainActivity.this editalert.setTitle Please Enter the name with which you want to Save final EditText input new EditText MainActivity.this LinearLayout.LayoutParams..
Sending images using Http Post
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? null navigationDataSet.setCurrentPlacemark new Placemark navigationDataSet.getCurrentPlacemark .setTitle new String ch start length else if this.in_descriptiontag if navigationDataSet.getCurrentPlacemark null navigationDataSet.setCurrentPlacemark.. String title String description String coordinates String address public String getTitle return title public void setTitle String title this.title title public String getDescription return description public void setDescription String description..
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java
Android Launcher label vs. activity title that to happen there's enough space for a long application name Setting the long title again in onCreate using the setTitle int method does no good either because the short name will be visible to the user for a short time but long enough to notice..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser description private String lastBuildDate private String docs private String language public Channel setItems null setTitle null set every field to null in the constructor public void setItems Items items this.items items public Items getItems.. in the constructor public void setItems Items items this.items items public Items getItems return items public void setTitle String title this.title title public String getTitle return title rest of the class looks similar so just setters and getters.. class Item implements Serializable private String title private String description private String link public Item setTitle null setDescription null setLink null public void setTitle String title this.title title public String getTitle return title..
How to align center the title or label in activity? android manifest like this android label @string app_name . Second is programmatically setting in activity class like setTitle Hello World . Both ways are positioned in the left side but how can I put it in the center android activity label title..
How can I receive a notification when the device loses network connectivity? state switch state case TelephonyManager.DATA_DISCONNECTED new AlertDialog.Builder activity . setCancelable false . setTitle Connection Manager . setMessage There is no network connection. Please connect to internet and start again. . setNeutralButton..
Android: Keyboared overlaps with the EditText (with printscreens)
Webview in Scrollview setEmbeddedTitleBar View.class catch Exception ex Log.e LOG_TAG could not find setEmbeddedTitleBar ex public void setTitle View view if setEmbeddedTitleBarMethod null try setEmbeddedTitleBarMethod.invoke this view catch Exception ex Log.e.. this view catch Exception ex Log.e LOG_TAG failed to call setEmbeddedTitleBar ex public void setTitle int resId setTitle inflate getContext resId null Then in your layout file you can include this using com.mycompany.widget.WebViewWithTitle.. this view catch Exception ex Log.e LOG_TAG failed to call setEmbeddedTitleBar ex public void setTitle int resId setTitle inflate getContext resId null Then in your layout file you can include this using com.mycompany.widget.WebViewWithTitle..