android Programming Glossary: sgs2
Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0 written to the Socket OutputStream before onPrepared On SGS2 with 2.3.4 onPrepared after ~ 133920 bytes On Nexus S with 4.0.4.. testing is showing that this is also an issue on the SGS2 once upgraded to Android 4.0.3. So it seems like the MediaPlayer's..
VideoView black flash before and after playing
Why won't the Android browser span this paragraph over the full browser width? of the page in Firefox Firefox Mobile tested with 4.0.3 on SGS2 Chrome Chrome Mobile Beta tested with 4.0.3 on SGS2 Internet.. on SGS2 Chrome Chrome Mobile Beta tested with 4.0.3 on SGS2 Internet Explorer Internet Explorer Mobile testes with Windows.. Windows Phone Emulator Opera Mobile tested with 4.0.3 on SGS2 Android native browser tested with 4.0.3 on SGS2 and Android..
Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0 firing the onPrepared listener. An example amount of data written to the Socket OutputStream before onPrepared On SGS2 with 2.3.4 onPrepared after ~ 133920 bytes On Nexus S with 4.0.4 onPrepared after ~ 961930 bytes This also occurs on the.. a huge amount of this data before playing. EDIT 2 Further testing is showing that this is also an issue on the SGS2 once upgraded to Android 4.0.3. So it seems like the MediaPlayer's buffering implementation has changed significantly in..
VideoView black flash before and after playing
Why won't the Android browser span this paragraph over the full browser width? The Question The paragraph will fill the complete width of the page in Firefox Firefox Mobile tested with 4.0.3 on SGS2 Chrome Chrome Mobile Beta tested with 4.0.3 on SGS2 Internet Explorer Internet Explorer Mobile testes with Windows Phone.. width of the page in Firefox Firefox Mobile tested with 4.0.3 on SGS2 Chrome Chrome Mobile Beta tested with 4.0.3 on SGS2 Internet Explorer Internet Explorer Mobile testes with Windows Phone Emulator Opera Mobile tested with 4.0.3 on SGS2 Android.. SGS2 Internet Explorer Internet Explorer Mobile testes with Windows Phone Emulator Opera Mobile tested with 4.0.3 on SGS2 Android native browser tested with 4.0.3 on SGS2 and Android emulator What do I have to do so it does the same in the default..