android Programming Glossary: shake
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock life boost that was touted as a feature. We had a working shake to wakeup or unlock on 2.0 then it broke on the update and we.. intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF Log.v shake mediator screen off trying re registration Unregisters the.. @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate Log.v shake service startup registering for shake mContext getApplicationContext..
Android: I want to shake it I want to shake it I need to add a shake feature that will refresh my Android.. I want to shake it I need to add a shake feature that will refresh my Android application. All I find.. that has a nice guide to how I go about creating this shake controller android accelerometer shake share improve this..
How to calculate distance based on phone acceleration pulse as your heartbeat and breathing cause your hand to shake slightly anything. The good news is that over the long run all..
How to detect shake event with android? to detect shake event with android How can I detect a shake event with android.. to detect shake event with android How can I detect a shake event with android How can I detect the shake direction I want.. I detect a shake event with android How can I detect the shake direction I want to change the image in an imageview when shaking..
shaking / wobble view animation in android in android I created an anim.xml file such as below to shake imageview like IOS icon shaking in android. However it does..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock It seems to be intentional perhaps part of the battery life boost that was touted as a feature. We had a working shake to wakeup or unlock on 2.0 then it broke on the update and we haven't been able to get any kind of workaround. ' It doesn't.. Intent intent Check action just to be on the safe side. if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF Log.v shake mediator screen off trying re registration Unregisters the listener and registers it again. mSensorEventManager.unregisterListener.. mSensor SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate Log.v shake service startup registering for shake mContext getApplicationContext Obtain a reference to system wide sensor event manager...
Android: I want to shake it I want to shake it I need to add a shake feature that will refresh my Android application. All I find of documentation involves implementing.. I want to shake it I need to add a shake feature that will refresh my Android application. All I find of documentation involves implementing the SensorListener but.. me it's deprecated and suggest SensorEventListener. Anybody that has a nice guide to how I go about creating this shake controller android accelerometer shake share improve this question Here is an example code. Put this into your activity..
How to calculate distance based on phone acceleration it also measures bumps caused by friction with a table your pulse as your heartbeat and breathing cause your hand to shake slightly anything. The good news is that over the long run all these forces will average out and the formula will still..
How to detect shake event with android? to detect shake event with android How can I detect a shake event with android How can I detect the shake direction I want to change the.. to detect shake event with android How can I detect a shake event with android How can I detect the shake direction I want to change the image in an imageview when shaking occurs... to detect shake event with android How can I detect a shake event with android How can I detect the shake direction I want to change the image in an imageview when shaking occurs. android share improve this question From..
shaking / wobble view animation in android wobble view animation in android I created an anim.xml file such as below to shake imageview like IOS icon shaking in android. However it does not provide me same result. Is there any better idea xml version..