android Programming Glossary: shadow
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] void draw final Canvas c final MapView mv final boolean shadow super.draw c mv shadow paint.setColor colour paint.setAlpha.. c final MapView mv final boolean shadow super.draw c mv shadow paint.setColor colour paint.setAlpha ALPHA paint.setAntiAlias..
Android - shadow on text? shadow on text I am wondering how to add shadow on text in android.. shadow on text I am wondering how to add shadow on text in android I have the following code which is applied.. code which is applied on a bitmap and I wanted to be shadowed... paint.setColor Color.BLACK paint.setTextSize 55 paint.setFakeBoldText..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow.. long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow ImageView with drop shadow Okay I've been reading and searching around and am now banging.. need to do some math to determine the size that the drop shadow adds to the canvas right But when I use this public View getView.. images with the below code. It still won't draw the shadow directly to my bitmap's transparency though so I'm still working..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow.. long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point.. point2.x point2.y paint return super.draw canvas mapView shadow when public class MapOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay..
Creating Custom Overlay on the map public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapV boolean shadow if shadow Projection projection mapV.getProjection Point pt.. void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapV boolean shadow if shadow Projection projection mapV.getProjection Point pt new Point.. pt.y markerBitmap.getHeight null super.draw canvas mapV shadow This let me have following effect The calculation used may..
How to implement google maps search by address in Android? public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when super.draw canvas mapView shadow translate the.. boolean shadow long when super.draw canvas mapView shadow translate the GeoPoint to screen pixels Point screenPts new..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when super.draw canvas mapView shadow translate the.. boolean shadow long when super.draw canvas mapView shadow translate the GeoPoint to screen pixels Point screenPts new..
Add drop shadow effects to EditText Field Field I am trying to design an EditText Field having Shadows bottom and right side like this tried googling hunted many.. most important is order of layers Bottom right side 2dp Shadow item shape android shape rectangle solid android color #000000.. solid android color #000000 shape item Bottom 2dp Shadow item shape android shape rectangle solid android color #000000..
Shadow Effect for a Text in Android? [duplicate] Effect for a Text in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Android..
Android Drop Shadow on View Drop Shadow on View I have done some extensive searching for code examples..
It is possible to remove the Shadow of the Icons (items) on a googlemap? is possible to remove the Shadow of the Icons items on a googlemap I have a Google map with..
How does exactly custom Shadow objects work in Robolectric? does exactly custom Shadow objects work in Robolectric If I write a custom Shadow for.. Shadow objects work in Robolectric If I write a custom Shadow for my Activity and registering it with RobolectricTestRunner.. will the framework intercept the Activity with my custom Shadow whenever it's started Thanks. android unit testing robolectric..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] Path p new Point paint new Paint @Override public final void draw final Canvas c final MapView mv final boolean shadow super.draw c mv shadow paint.setColor colour paint.setAlpha ALPHA paint.setAntiAlias true paint.setStrokeWidth STROKE.. new Paint @Override public final void draw final Canvas c final MapView mv final boolean shadow super.draw c mv shadow paint.setColor colour paint.setAlpha ALPHA paint.setAntiAlias true paint.setStrokeWidth STROKE paint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE..
Android - shadow on text? shadow on text I am wondering how to add shadow on text in android I have the following code which is applied on a bitmap and.. shadow on text I am wondering how to add shadow on text in android I have the following code which is applied on a bitmap and I wanted to be shadowed... paint.setColor.. how to add shadow on text in android I have the following code which is applied on a bitmap and I wanted to be shadowed... paint.setColor Color.BLACK paint.setTextSize 55 paint.setFakeBoldText false paint.setShadowLayer 1 0 0 Color.BLACK..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? this.img bitmap public int getMode return mode @Override public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point.. boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point new Point projection.toPixels gp1 point mode 1 #65306 start..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow ImageView with drop shadow Okay I've been reading and searching around and am now banging my head against the wall trying to figure this out. Here's.. are there as temporary From what I understand I'll need to do some math to determine the size that the drop shadow adds to the canvas right But when I use this public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent ShadowImageView.. in the IRC channel and I have it working now for plain rectangular images with the below code. It still won't draw the shadow directly to my bitmap's transparency though so I'm still working on that. @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s defaultColor public int getMode return mode public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point.. boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point new Point projection.toPixels gp1 point if mode 2 if defaultColor.. 5 paint.setAlpha 120 canvas.drawLine point.x point.y point2.x point2.y paint return super.draw canvas mapView shadow when public class MapOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay private ArrayList OverlayItem mOverlays new ArrayList..
Creating Custom Overlay on the map return super.onTap geoPoint mapView @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapV boolean shadow if shadow Projection projection mapV.getProjection Point pt new Point projection.toPixels globalGeoPoint pt GeoPoint newGeos.. return super.onTap geoPoint mapView @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapV boolean shadow if shadow Projection projection mapV.getProjection Point pt new Point projection.toPixels globalGeoPoint pt GeoPoint newGeos new.. canvas.drawBitmap markerBitmap pt.x pt.y markerBitmap.getHeight null super.draw canvas mapV shadow This let me have following effect The calculation used may not be what you want. Its just for demonstration purposes. Real..
How to implement google maps search by address in Android? class MapOverlay extends public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when super.draw canvas mapView shadow translate the GeoPoint to screen pixels Point screenPts new Point mapView.getProjection.. public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when super.draw canvas mapView shadow translate the GeoPoint to screen pixels Point screenPts new Point mapView.getProjection .toPixels p screenPts add the..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location MapOverlay extends @Override public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when super.draw canvas mapView shadow translate the GeoPoint to screen pixels Point screenPts new Point mapView.getProjection.. @Override public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when super.draw canvas mapView shadow translate the GeoPoint to screen pixels Point screenPts new Point mapView.getProjection .toPixels p screenPts add the..
Add drop shadow effects to EditText Field drop shadow effects to EditText Field I am trying to design an EditText Field having Shadows bottom and right side like this tried googling hunted many SO discussions but all are for TextView not EditText. This is.. list xmlns android http apk res android most important is order of layers Bottom right side 2dp Shadow item shape android shape rectangle solid android color #000000 shape item Bottom 2dp Shadow item shape android shape rectangle.. Bottom right side 2dp Shadow item shape android shape rectangle solid android color #000000 shape item Bottom 2dp Shadow item shape android shape rectangle solid android color #000000 shape item White Top color item android bottom 3px android..
Shadow Effect for a Text in Android? [duplicate] Effect for a Text in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Android shadow on text How can i make shadow effect text in a..
Android Drop Shadow on View Drop Shadow on View I have done some extensive searching for code examples on this but cannot find anything. In particular I am looking..
It is possible to remove the Shadow of the Icons (items) on a googlemap? is possible to remove the Shadow of the Icons items on a googlemap I have a Google map with these kind of items on it drawable3 this.getResources .getDrawable..
How does exactly custom Shadow objects work in Robolectric? does exactly custom Shadow objects work in Robolectric If I write a custom Shadow for my Activity and registering it with RobolectricTestRunner will.. does exactly custom Shadow objects work in Robolectric If I write a custom Shadow for my Activity and registering it with RobolectricTestRunner will the framework intercept the Activity with my custom Shadow.. for my Activity and registering it with RobolectricTestRunner will the framework intercept the Activity with my custom Shadow whenever it's started Thanks. android unit testing robolectric share improve this question The short answer is no...