android Programming Glossary: settypeface
Samsung devices supporting setTypeface(Typeface.Italic)? devices supporting setTypeface Typeface.Italic I have in application that makes use of a custom.. I call canvas.drawText to make my text Italic mPaintText.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle Typeface.ITALIC This works on Samsung.. SERIF seems to be the only font that it works on. mPaint.setTypeface Typeface.create Typeface.DEFAULT Typeface.ITALIC Nothing mPaint.setTypeface..
Android Tamil font between english word Try setting this Akshar.ttf font to your TextView through setTypeface it suuports both English and Tamil. Here is the outcome Or look.. TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setTypeface tf tv.setText Seasonal messages like welcome நல்வரவ is used..
Set font for all textViews in activity? face Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets font.ttf tv.setTypeface face But I would like to change all the textViews at once instead.. context child else if v instanceof TextView TextView v .setTypeface Typeface.createFromAsset context.getAssets font.ttf catch Exception..
Use Roboto font in app with minimum API level 14 getContext .getAssets robo_font.ttf setTypeface font Now you can use it in your Layouts like this
android italic typeface idea android fonts share improve this question Use setTypeface Typeface from the Java code or android textStyle from the XML.. italic style by default. From the documentation of the setTypeface Typeface method Sets the typeface and style in which the text.. have bold and italic variants so you may need to use setTypeface Typeface int to get the appearance that you actually want. Do..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) TAG Could not get typeface e.getMessage return false setTypeface tf return true attrs.xml in res values xml version 1.0 encoding..
How to change the font on the TextView? built in font use android typeface in layout XML or setTypeface in Java. Third there is no Helvetica font in Android. The built.. your own fonts with your application and use them via setTypeface bear in mind that font files are big and in some cases require..
Android - How to programmatically set button color info super context info setText info.getTime setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT Typeface.BOLD int identifier 0 if info.isAvailable..
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime textView.getContext .getAssets fonts BPreplay.otf textView.setTypeface tf And the problem with this code is it should be called for.. as a singleton somewhere to avoid unnecessary copies setTypeface roboto break case ROBOTO_CONDENSED setTypeface robotoCondensed.. copies setTypeface roboto break case ROBOTO_CONDENSED setTypeface robotoCondensed break Now you're all set. You can add more..
malayalam font in android? in assets folder of your project then with the help of setTypeface function set the font for textview. I have't try'd it bt i think..
Add custom font for complete android application
How to use custom font in android xml? [duplicate] we add in asset folder in xml i know we can use that using setTypeface method in java but we have to do this everywhere where we use.. getContext .getAssets your_font.ttf setTypeface tf We calling init to set font in each of the costructors...
Samsung devices supporting setTypeface(Typeface.Italic)? devices supporting setTypeface Typeface.Italic I have in application that makes use of a custom View component that drawas some text onto the screen via.. screen via Paint Canvas. I am using the following code before I call canvas.drawText to make my text Italic mPaintText.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle Typeface.ITALIC This works on Samsung Galaxy Nexus. But on Samsung Epic 4g galaxy S Samsung Epic.. I've tried it with their outcome in comments after. Turns out SERIF seems to be the only font that it works on. mPaint.setTypeface Typeface.create Typeface.DEFAULT Typeface.ITALIC Nothing mPaint.setTypeface Typeface.create Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD Typeface.ITALIC..
Android Tamil font between english word textview android fonts tamil share improve this question Try setting this Akshar.ttf font to your TextView through setTypeface it suuports both English and Tamil. Here is the outcome Or look for a similar font which supports both language. your second.. tf Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets fonts Akshar.ttf TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setTypeface tf tv.setText Seasonal messages like welcome நல்வரவ is used in Kolam. Volunteering to draw kolam at temple is sometimes..
Set font for all textViews in activity? by using TextView tv TextView findViewById Typeface face Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets font.ttf tv.setTypeface face But I would like to change all the textViews at once instead of setting it manually for every textView any info would.. i View child vg.getChildAt i overrideFonts context child else if v instanceof TextView TextView v .setTypeface Typeface.createFromAsset context.getAssets font.ttf catch Exception e Solution2 you can subclass the TextView class with..
Use Roboto font in app with minimum API level 14 createFont public void createFont Typeface font Typeface.createFromAsset getContext .getAssets robo_font.ttf setTypeface font Now you can use it in your Layouts like this android layout_width ... android layout_height..
android italic typeface method on the return of defaultFromstyle it returns 0. Any idea android fonts share improve this question Use setTypeface Typeface from the Java code or android textStyle from the XML layout. They should do the trick if you want all your text.. Edit In that case I would think that your font doesn't have italic style by default. From the documentation of the setTypeface Typeface method Sets the typeface and style in which the text should be displayed. Note that not all Typeface families actually.. should be displayed. Note that not all Typeface families actually have bold and italic variants so you may need to use setTypeface Typeface int to get the appearance that you actually want. Do you use custom font Try mTextView.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) ctx.getAssets asset catch Exception e Log.e TAG Could not get typeface e.getMessage return false setTypeface tf return true attrs.xml in res values xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources declare styleable name TextViewPlus attr..
How to change the font on the TextView? Arial. The default is Droid Sans. Second to change to a different built in font use android typeface in layout XML or setTypeface in Java. Third there is no Helvetica font in Android. The built in choices are Droid Sans sans Droid Sans Mono monospace.. Sans Mono monospace and Droid Serif serif . While you can bundle your own fonts with your application and use them via setTypeface bear in mind that font files are big and in some cases require licensing agreements e.g. Helvetica a Linotype font . share..
Android - How to programmatically set button color up in the constructor. public RachelButton Context context Info info super context info setText info.getTime setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT Typeface.BOLD int identifier 0 if info.isAvailable identifier getContext .getResources .getIdentifier drawable..
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime TextView textView Typeface tf Typeface.createFromAsset textView.getContext .getAssets fonts BPreplay.otf textView.setTypeface tf And the problem with this code is it should be called for every control. And i want to call this or any similar method.. You can instantiate your typeface anywhere I would suggest as a singleton somewhere to avoid unnecessary copies setTypeface roboto break case ROBOTO_CONDENSED setTypeface robotoCondensed break Now you're all set. You can add more attributes for.. I would suggest as a singleton somewhere to avoid unnecessary copies setTypeface roboto break case ROBOTO_CONDENSED setTypeface robotoCondensed break Now you're all set. You can add more attributes for about anything you could add another one for..
malayalam font in android? android share improve this question add ur font file in assets folder of your project then with the help of setTypeface function set the font for textview. I have't try'd it bt i think u will surely find it helpful. Typeface typeFace Typeface.createFromAsset..
Add custom font for complete android application
How to use custom font in android xml? [duplicate] runtime 6 answers How can i use the custom font which we add in asset folder in xml i know we can use that using setTypeface method in java but we have to do this everywhere where we use that Textview.So any best way android android layout textview.. super context init private void init Typeface tf Typeface.createFromAsset getContext .getAssets your_font.ttf setTypeface tf We calling init to set font in each of the costructors. Later we have to use this in our main.xml as shown below. com.vins.test.MyTextView..