android Programming Glossary: shapedrawable
Change progressbar color through CODE ONLY in Android final float roundedCorners new float 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ShapeDrawable pgDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape roundedCorners.. new float 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ShapeDrawable pgDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape roundedCorners null null Sets the progressBar..
Changing gradient background colors on Android at runtime function ListAdapter I just had to int h v.getHeight ShapeDrawable mDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RectShape mDrawable.getPaint.. just had to int h v.getHeight ShapeDrawable mDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RectShape mDrawable.getPaint .setShader new LinearGradient..
How to set bitmap in circular imageview? from the bitmap you want to show. Then create a ShapeDrawable Oval and assign the bitmap shader to it. Draw the drawable...
Android: Change Shape Color in runtime even after trying the hex OR described below. The new code ShapeDrawable footerBackground new ShapeDrawable The corners are ordered top.. below. The new code ShapeDrawable footerBackground new ShapeDrawable The corners are ordered top left top right bottom right bottom..
Moving an image using Accelerometer of android import import import android.hardware.Sensor.. first created. CustomDrawableView mCustomDrawableView null ShapeDrawable mDrawable new ShapeDrawable int x int y private SensorManager.. mCustomDrawableView null ShapeDrawable mDrawable new ShapeDrawable int x int y private SensorManager sensorManager null Called..
Android - how to define ShapeDrawables programmatically? how to define ShapeDrawables programmatically What I'm trying to achieve is to use a Drawable.. same in code as this xml is Drawable layers new Drawable 2 ShapeDrawable sd1 new ShapeDrawable new RectShape sd1.getPaint .setColor 0xFFFFFFFF.. is Drawable layers new Drawable 2 ShapeDrawable sd1 new ShapeDrawable new RectShape sd1.getPaint .setColor 0xFFFFFFFF sd1.getPaint..
Android: how to draw a border to a LinearLayout Just considering the title You could use a ShapeDrawable as android background p For example let's define res drawable.. need a dynamic behavior Your input drawables are png or ShapeDrawable is acceptable etc. To be continued maybe tomorrow and as soon..
Change progressbar color through CODE ONLY in Android colorDecToHex 75 150 160 Define a shape with rounded corners final float roundedCorners new float 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ShapeDrawable pgDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape roundedCorners null null Sets the progressBar color pgDrawable.getPaint.. Define a shape with rounded corners final float roundedCorners new float 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ShapeDrawable pgDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape roundedCorners null null Sets the progressBar color pgDrawable.getPaint .setColor Color.parseColor color..
Changing gradient background colors on Android at runtime forget about XML but here's how I did it On my getView overloaded function ListAdapter I just had to int h v.getHeight ShapeDrawable mDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RectShape mDrawable.getPaint .setShader new LinearGradient 0 0 0 h Color.parseColor #330000FF.. how I did it On my getView overloaded function ListAdapter I just had to int h v.getHeight ShapeDrawable mDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RectShape mDrawable.getPaint .setShader new LinearGradient 0 0 0 h Color.parseColor #330000FF Color.parseColor #110000FF..
How to set bitmap in circular imageview? far as creating a circurlar Bitmap is concenred create a BitmapShader from the bitmap you want to show. Then create a ShapeDrawable Oval and assign the bitmap shader to it. Draw the drawable. Bam circular image Bitmap bitmap getthebitmapyouwanttoshowinacirclefromsomewhere..
Android: Change Shape Color in runtime as i couldn't change the color to anything but black even after trying the hex OR described below. The new code ShapeDrawable footerBackground new ShapeDrawable The corners are ordered top left top right bottom right bottom left. For each corner.. to anything but black even after trying the hex OR described below. The new code ShapeDrawable footerBackground new ShapeDrawable The corners are ordered top left top right bottom right bottom left. For each corner the array contains 2 values X_radius..
Moving an image using Accelerometer of android import android.content.Context import import import import android.hardware.Sensor import android.hardware.SensorEvent import.. implements SensorEventListener Called when the activity is first created. CustomDrawableView mCustomDrawableView null ShapeDrawable mDrawable new ShapeDrawable int x int y private SensorManager sensorManager null Called when the activity is first created... Called when the activity is first created. CustomDrawableView mCustomDrawableView null ShapeDrawable mDrawable new ShapeDrawable int x int y private SensorManager sensorManager null Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate..
Android - how to define ShapeDrawables programmatically? how to define ShapeDrawables programmatically What I'm trying to achieve is to use a Drawable with a couple of layers inside it but control some values.. going for programmatically i.e. my best shot at doing the same in code as this xml is Drawable layers new Drawable 2 ShapeDrawable sd1 new ShapeDrawable new RectShape sd1.getPaint .setColor 0xFFFFFFFF sd1.getPaint .setStyle Style.STROKE sd1.getPaint .setStrokeWidth.. i.e. my best shot at doing the same in code as this xml is Drawable layers new Drawable 2 ShapeDrawable sd1 new ShapeDrawable new RectShape sd1.getPaint .setColor 0xFFFFFFFF sd1.getPaint .setStyle Style.STROKE sd1.getPaint .setStrokeWidth 1 sd1.getPaint..
Android: how to draw a border to a LinearLayout improve this question Do you really need to do that programmatically Just considering the title You could use a ShapeDrawable as android background p For example let's define res drawable my_custom_background.xml as shape xmlns android http not miss the point why do you do that programmatically Do you need a dynamic behavior Your input drawables are png or ShapeDrawable is acceptable etc. To be continued maybe tomorrow and as soon as you provide more precisions on what you want to achieve..