android Programming Glossary: shadows
Android - shadow on text? false paint.setShadowLayer 1 0 0 Color.BLACK This only shadows my whole view... Thankful for any tips android share improve..
Android page Curl animation of pages flipping including the page above rolling and the shadows over the lower page. What is the recommended way to do a gallery..
Android textview outline text readability. Try experimenting with 50 translucent black shadows on your green text. Details on how to do this are over here..
Implement page curl on android? the page to create a similar effect that I can later apply shadows to to gie it more depth android math transition share improve..
Detect click on HTML button through javascript in Android WebView the Activity only here for their methods and are sort of shadows of the HTML buttons valid new Button ctx valid.setOnClickListener..
Page curl/turn effect in Android [duplicate] the page to create a similar effect that I can later apply shadows to to gie it more depth android math transition share improve..
How to add shadow to TextView on selection/focus 2.75 item style Now text gets properly highlighted but no shadows appear. Does anyone know how to solve this android share..
Gradients and shadows on buttons and shadows on buttons Is it possible to programatically or via xml configuration.. and lower darker gradients. Also there are inner and outer shadows for that embossed area on the right. I know how to set gradient..
Making Sense of Android meta-viewport scaling: What am I missing? for a resolution neutral rendering of rounded corners shadows and gradients. Use vector formats svg icon fonts etc. as much..
How do the pieces of Android's (2D) Canvas drawing pipeline fit together? dashing SkRasterizer composing custom mask layers e.g. shadows SkMaskFilter modifications to the alpha mask before it is colorized..
Android - shadow on text? Color.BLACK paint.setTextSize 55 paint.setFakeBoldText false paint.setShadowLayer 1 0 0 Color.BLACK This only shadows my whole view... Thankful for any tips android share improve this question You should be able to add the style like..
Android page Curl animation Curl page flipping animation A Curl animation is animation of pages flipping including the page above rolling and the shadows over the lower page. What is the recommended way to do a gallery that displays two pages at a time just like a book Is it..
Android textview outline text You can put a shadow behind the text which can often help readability. Try experimenting with 50 translucent black shadows on your green text. Details on how to do this are over here http questions 2486936 android shadow on text..
Implement page curl on android? to simply fold the top right corner inward diagnally across the page to create a similar effect that I can later apply shadows to to gie it more depth android math transition share improve this question I just created a open source project which..
Detect click on HTML button through javascript in Android WebView So in java I created 2 buttons not really displayed in the Activity only here for their methods and are sort of shadows of the HTML buttons valid new Button ctx valid.setOnClickListener this refuse new Button ctx refuse.setOnClickListener this..
Page curl/turn effect in Android [duplicate] to simply fold the top right corner inward diagnally across the page to create a similar effect that I can later apply shadows to to gie it more depth android math transition share improve this question I just created a open source project which..
How to add shadow to TextView on selection/focus shadowColor #BB000000 item item name android shadowRadius 2.75 item style Now text gets properly highlighted but no shadows appear. Does anyone know how to solve this android share improve this question This is a current limitation of the..
Gradients and shadows on buttons and shadows on buttons Is it possible to programatically or via xml configuration and not via 9patch png to achieve the effects as.. there's a sharp border line between the upper brighter and lower darker gradients. Also there are inner and outer shadows for that embossed area on the right. I know how to set gradient background on a button but that gradient is constant without..
Making Sense of Android meta-viewport scaling: What am I missing? work across different screen widths. Use native CSS properties for a resolution neutral rendering of rounded corners shadows and gradients. Use vector formats svg icon fonts etc. as much as possible and important Use high res border image s as well..
How do the pieces of Android's (2D) Canvas drawing pipeline fit together? to the geometry path before it generates an alpha mask e.g. dashing SkRasterizer composing custom mask layers e.g. shadows SkMaskFilter modifications to the alpha mask before it is colorized and drawn e.g. blur emboss SkShader e.g. gradients linear..