android Programming Glossary: setupmap
How to show multiple markers on MapFragment in Google Map API v2? like this private GoogleMap mMap .... private void setUpMapIfNeeded Do a null check to confirm that we have not already.. if we were successful in obtaining the map. if mMap null setUpMap private void setUpMap Hide the zoom controls as the button.. in obtaining the map. if mMap null setUpMap private void setUpMap Hide the zoom controls as the button panel will cover it. mMap.getUiSettings..
Google Maps API v2: How to make markers clickable? OnMarkerClickListener private Marker myMarker private void setUpMap ....... googleMap.setOnMarkerClickListener this myMarker googleMap.addMarker..
TileProvider using local tiles you can use it with your GoogleMap instance private void setUpMap mMap.setMapType GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NONE mMap.addTileOverlay..
Restoring map state (position and markers) of Google Maps (V2) on rotate and on back (MapView in Fragment) savedInstanceState mMapView.onCreate savedInstanceState setUpMapIfNeeded addMapPoints @Override public void onPause mMapView.onPause.. @Override public void onResume super.onResume setUpMapIfNeeded mMapView.onResume @Override public void onDestroy mMapView.onDestroy.. super.onLowMemory mMapView.onLowMemory private void setUpMapIfNeeded if mMap null mMap MapView getView .findViewById
How to put Google Maps V2 on a Fragment Using ViewPager to drop a Marker on the Map latitude 26.78 longitude 72.56 setUpMapIfNeeded For setting up the MapFragment return view Sets up the.. up the map if it is possible to do so public static void setUpMapIfNeeded Do a null check to confirm that we have not already.. if we were successful in obtaining the map. if mMap null setUpMap This is where we can add markers or lines add listeners or..
How to show multiple markers on MapFragment in Google Map API v2? is an ArrayList of markers. Note You can show map in fragment like this private GoogleMap mMap .... private void setUpMapIfNeeded Do a null check to confirm that we have not already instantiated the map. if mMap null Try to obtain the map from.. .findFragmentById .getMap Check if we were successful in obtaining the map. if mMap null setUpMap private void setUpMap Hide the zoom controls as the button panel will cover it. mMap.getUiSettings .setZoomControlsEnabled.. .getMap Check if we were successful in obtaining the map. if mMap null setUpMap private void setUpMap Hide the zoom controls as the button panel will cover it. mMap.getUiSettings .setZoomControlsEnabled false Add lots of markers..
Google Maps API v2: How to make markers clickable? extends implements OnMarkerClickListener private Marker myMarker private void setUpMap ....... googleMap.setOnMarkerClickListener this myMarker googleMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position latLng .title..
TileProvider using local tiles x int y int zoom return map zoom ' ' x ' ' y .png And now you can use it with your GoogleMap instance private void setUpMap mMap.setMapType GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NONE mMap.addTileOverlay new TileOverlayOptions .tileProvider new CustomMapTileProvider..
Restoring map state (position and markers) of Google Maps (V2) on rotate and on back (MapView in Fragment) Bundle savedInstanceState super.onActivityCreated savedInstanceState mMapView.onCreate savedInstanceState setUpMapIfNeeded addMapPoints @Override public void onPause mMapView.onPause super.onPause @Override public void onResume super.onResume.. @Override public void onPause mMapView.onPause super.onPause @Override public void onResume super.onResume setUpMapIfNeeded mMapView.onResume @Override public void onDestroy mMapView.onDestroy super.onDestroy public void onLowMemory super.onLowMemory.. mMapView.onDestroy super.onDestroy public void onLowMemory super.onLowMemory mMapView.onLowMemory private void setUpMapIfNeeded if mMap null mMap MapView getView .findViewById .getMap if mMap null setUpMap private void setUpMap mMap.setOnInfoWindowClickListener..
How to put Google Maps V2 on a Fragment Using ViewPager Please change as per your need. This is just used to drop a Marker on the Map latitude 26.78 longitude 72.56 setUpMapIfNeeded For setting up the MapFragment return view Sets up the map if it is possible to do so public static void setUpMapIfNeeded.. For setting up the MapFragment return view Sets up the map if it is possible to do so public static void setUpMapIfNeeded Do a null check to confirm that we have not already instantiated the map. if mMap null Try to obtain the map from.. .findFragmentById .getMap Check if we were successful in obtaining the map. if mMap null setUpMap This is where we can add markers or lines add listeners or move the camera. p This should only be called once and when..