android Programming Glossary: shapes
PorterduffXfermode: Clear a section of a bitmap is simply to draw a bitmap and over the top of it draw shapes that ERASE the underlying area of the bitmap. I have created..
Android Custom Shape Button So this is the solution in 3 steps Step 1 Create two shapes. First simple rectangle shape for the button shape_button_beer.xml..
Is there an easy way to add a border to the top and bottom of an Android View?
Android : Make image opaque / transparent this question This is how I do it before drawing my shapes. Bitmap buffer Bitmap.createBitmap width height Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444..
Scrolling a Canvas smoothly in Android I'm new to Android. I am drawing bitmaps lines and shapes onto a Canvas inside the OnDraw Canvas canvas method of my view... A more straightforward approach would be to draw the lines shapes etc. straight into a buffer Bitmap then draw that buffer with.. the buffer bitmap and used simply for plotting the lines shapes etc. and then the buffer bitmap would be drawn onto the other..
Circular gradient in android like this I have been experimenting with different shapes shape xmlns android http apk res android..
How can I tell if a closed path contains a given point? I'm looking for this is because I have a collection of shapes on screen defined as paths and I want to figure out which one..
Animate change of view background color in Android The drawables used here can be solid colors gradients shapes images etc. item android drawable @drawable original_state item..
How to do page flip/turn/curl effect in android [duplicate]
Multi-gradient shapes gradient shapes I'd like to create a shape that's like the following image.. with 2 different gradients. Any ideas android gradient shapes share improve this question I don't think you can do this.. haha. Right now it works in XML but should be doable for shapes in Java as well. It's kind of complex and I imagine there's..
Android ListView State List not showing default item background @drawable shape_row selector The drawables referenced are shapes rounded rectangles like so xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 shape.. for non selected items meaning no nice custom rounded shapes So my problem remains if I don't set a background for each list..
Android: Enable Scrollbars on Canvas-Based View I have a custom view that extends View. It displays drawn shapes and allows the user to add to those drawings via drawing touch..
OpenGL gradient banding on Android out on the market which uses OpenGL to render some basic shapes and a flat plane. The simple lighting creates a gradient effect..
PorterduffXfermode: Clear a section of a bitmap Clear a section of a bitmap The goal is simply to draw a bitmap and over the top of it draw shapes that ERASE the underlying area of the bitmap. I have created simple proof of concept code to try and understand how exactly..
Android Custom Shape Button it The top right side of the button shouldn't be clickable So this is the solution in 3 steps Step 1 Create two shapes. First simple rectangle shape for the button shape_button_beer.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 shape xmlns android http..
Is there an easy way to add a border to the top and bottom of an Android View?
Android : Make image opaque / transparent Can anyone suggest how I could do this android share improve this question This is how I do it before drawing my shapes. Bitmap buffer Bitmap.createBitmap width height Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444 buffer.eraseColor Color.TRANSPARENT share improve..
Scrolling a Canvas smoothly in Android a Canvas smoothly in Android I'm new to Android. I am drawing bitmaps lines and shapes onto a Canvas inside the OnDraw Canvas canvas method of my view. I am looking for help on how to implement smooth scrolling.. to bmpBuffer2 then draw bmpBuffer2 back to the Canvas. A more straightforward approach would be to draw the lines shapes etc. straight into a buffer Bitmap then draw that buffer with a shift onto the Canvas but so far as I can see the various.. I have 2 Canvases One of which would be constructed from the buffer bitmap and used simply for plotting the lines shapes etc. and then the buffer bitmap would be drawn onto the other Canvas for display in the View I should welcome any advice..
Circular gradient in android moves toward the edges of the screen. As I make a normal gradient like this I have been experimenting with different shapes shape xmlns android http apk res android android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #E9E9E9..
How can I tell if a closed path contains a given point? int x int y but that doesn't seem to exist. The specific reason I'm looking for this is because I have a collection of shapes on screen defined as paths and I want to figure out which one the user clicked on. If there is a better way to be approaching..
Animate change of view background color in Android xmlns android http apk res android The drawables used here can be solid colors gradients shapes images etc. item android drawable @drawable original_state item android drawable @drawable new_state transition Then in..
How to do page flip/turn/curl effect in android [duplicate]
Multi-gradient shapes gradient shapes I'd like to create a shape that's like the following image Notice the top half gradients from color 1 to color 2 but theres.. not sure how to split a shape into two halves and make 1 shape with 2 different gradients. Any ideas android gradient shapes share improve this question I don't think you can do this in XML at least not in Android but I've found a good solution.. of the button. Edit Okay so I have one more idea that works haha. Right now it works in XML but should be doable for shapes in Java as well. It's kind of complex and I imagine there's a way to simplify it into a single shape but this is what I've..
Android ListView State List not showing default item background shape_row_selected the default item item android drawable @drawable shape_row selector The drawables referenced are shapes rounded rectangles like so xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 shape xmlns android http apk res android android.. does not appear to be followed shouldn't it act as a catchall for non selected items meaning no nice custom rounded shapes So my problem remains if I don't set a background for each list item I can see the selector working BUT the items have no..
Android: Enable Scrollbars on Canvas-Based View Enable Scrollbars on Canvas Based View I have a custom view that extends View. It displays drawn shapes and allows the user to add to those drawings via drawing touch events to the View via onDraw. I've enabled the ScaleGestureDetector..
OpenGL gradient banding on Android gradient banding on Android I've got a live wallpaper out on the market which uses OpenGL to render some basic shapes and a flat plane. The simple lighting creates a gradient effect across the plane which looks fine on most devices. The Samsung..