android Programming Glossary: setvolumecontrolstream
Using SeekBar to Control Volume in android? savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC setContentView R.layout.main initControls..
Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece AudioManager.ROUTE_EARPIECE Log.d ROUTING getRouting ok setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL am.setSpeakerphoneOn true Log.d..
Volume Control in android application buttons. It's much better to simply use this one line setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC in your onCreate method. That tells..
Change Media volume in Android? Can I change the media volume and how I used this so far setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC But have a seekbar and want to change..
How can I manage audio volumes sanely in my Android app? of the volume keys. Call this API in your onCreate setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC This tells the AudioManager that when..
How to control media volume?
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling recorder thread is interrupted e.printStackTrace setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC audioManager.setSpeakerphoneOn false..
Using SeekBar to Control Volume in android? audioManager null @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC setContentView R.layout.main initControls private void initControls try volumeSeekbar SeekBar..
Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece 1 AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC int ok am.getRouting AudioManager.ROUTE_EARPIECE Log.d ROUTING getRouting ok setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL am.setSpeakerphoneOn true Log.d SPEAKERPHONE Is speakerphone on am.isSpeakerphoneOn am.setSpeakerphoneOn..
Volume Control in android application the answer is don't override the onKeyDown and onKeyUp buttons. It's much better to simply use this one line setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC in your onCreate method. That tells the OS that the volume buttons should affect the media volume..
Change Media volume in Android? Media volume in Android Can I change the media volume and how I used this so far setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC But have a seekbar and want to change the media volume not ring volume. So can someone show me..
How can I manage audio volumes sanely in my Android app? is almost impossible to guarantee that you won't break the behavior of the volume keys. Call this API in your onCreate setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC This tells the AudioManager that when your application has focus the volume keys should adjust..
How to control media volume?
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling e TODO Auto generated catch block Log.e run Method recorder thread is interrupted e.printStackTrace setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC audioManager.setSpeakerphoneOn false player.flush startRecThread.start Log.e LOG_TAG..