android Programming Glossary: sdcardroot
Android Dev Help: Saving an image from Res/raw or Asset folder to the Sd card to save it on the root directory of the sd card. File SDCardRoot Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory create a new file specifying.. audio file Log.i Local filename filename file new File SDCardRoot filename if file.createNewFile file.createNewFile this will..
Android - Save image from URL onto SD card true urlConnection.connect File SDCardRoot Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsoluteFile String.. Log.i Local filename filename File file new File SDCardRoot filename if file.createNewFile file.createNewFile FileOutputStream..
Uploading MS Word files from Android to .Net WCF? void checkinmethod String rid throws Exception File SDCardRoot Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory create a new file specifying.. which we want to save the file as. File file new File SDCardRoot rid .doc InputStream in new FileInputStream file byte bytearray..
How to download XML file from server and save it in SD card? to save it on the root directory of the sd card. File SDCardRoot new File sdcard Some Folder Name create a new file specifying.. which we want to save the file as. File file new File SDCardRoot some file name this will be used to write the downloaded data..
Android Dev Help: Saving an image from Res/raw or Asset folder to the Sd card set the path where we want to save the file in this case going to save it on the root directory of the sd card. File SDCardRoot Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory create a new file specifying the path and the filename which we want to save the.. download to any type of file ex .jpeg image .txt text file .mp3 audio file Log.i Local filename filename file new File SDCardRoot filename if file.createNewFile file.createNewFile this will be used to write the downloaded data into the file we created..
Android - Save image from URL onto SD card url.openConnection urlConnection.setRequestMethod GET urlConnection.setDoOutput true urlConnection.connect File SDCardRoot Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsoluteFile String filename downloadedFile.png Log.i Local filename filename.. .getAbsoluteFile String filename downloadedFile.png Log.i Local filename filename File file new File SDCardRoot filename if file.createNewFile file.createNewFile FileOutputStream fileOutput new FileOutputStream file InputStream inputStream..
Uploading MS Word files from Android to .Net WCF? supported on WCF end. Here is my method for uploading protected void checkinmethod String rid throws Exception File SDCardRoot Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory create a new file specifying the path and the filename which we want to save the.. create a new file specifying the path and the filename which we want to save the file as. File file new File SDCardRoot rid .doc InputStream in new FileInputStream file byte bytearray new byte int file.length int ab 0 do ab bytearray..
How to download XML file from server and save it in SD card? set the path where we want to save the file in this case going to save it on the root directory of the sd card. File SDCardRoot new File sdcard Some Folder Name create a new file specifying the path and the filename which we want to save the file as... Name create a new file specifying the path and the filename which we want to save the file as. File file new File SDCardRoot some file name this will be used to write the downloaded data into the file we created FileOutputStream fileOutput new FileOutputStream..