android Programming Glossary: search
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) navigational options for users using the YouTube app is search which is performed in the SearchView in the action bar. It would.. since it would allow the user to always have the option to search for new videos. The G app uses a ViewPager to display its content..
Getting started with Android [closed] This is probably the best place to go. However a good search on google will most likely take you to one of these discussion..
Android: show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText to how when I press the Search button to invoke the global search the soft keyboard is automatically shown. android keyboard..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? time as you don't actually need the other fields cursor search is done with a filter. The filter works by specifying the name..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? apps on Google Play that automate this process a quick search suggests adbWireless WiFi ADB and ADB WiFi . All of these require..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview with what was originally posted by Dunni. It uses a binary search like gjpc's but it is a bit more readable. It also include's..
Focusable EditText inside ListView the EditText can get focus when using the arrows. Focus search algorithm is hard to predict and no visual feedback on any rows..
Is there a way to automatically update application on Android? intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse market search q APP_NAME startActivity intent share improve this answer..
Url encoding in Android apples oranges utf 8 String url http search q query Alternatively you can use Strings.urlEncode String str..
Change title bar text in Android title navigation modes and other interactive items like search. I exactly remember about customizing title bar and making it..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? a link that will start up the Android Market a href market search q pname click me a Update The answer I accepted..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? quite a lot.Well all the hard work of code analysis and searching various implementations on the internet done with I was finally.. configList wifi.getConfiguredNetworks Now we need to search appropriate configuration i.e. with name SSID_Name for int i..
key hash for android-facebook app debug.keystore file path. If u didn't find then do a search in C and use the Path in the command in next step. detect your..
progressDialog in AsyncTask while loading rss feed from http server I made a hard search but nothing helped me to do this the only thing i know is that..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? p covedesigndev http p search light Update 3 Widget for turning on off camera led If you want..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken don't know what name Android will give either so we get to search for this manually and remove it. String projection MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.SIZE.. Only if the Uri is valid and we had a valid size to be searching for. if u null CurrentFile.length 0 c managedQuery u projection..
Fragments within Fragments so 1 2 | 3 ┴ Is a menu which loads fragment #2 A search screen in the right pane. Is a search screen which contains.. loads fragment #2 A search screen in the right pane. Is a search screen which contains fragment #3 which is a result list. The..
Override Power button just like Home button device. Hard buttons like Power Home Volume up Volume down Search Back. I have successfully overridden almost all buttons here..
Search in ListView with EditText in ListView with EditText I have a ListView . Each row of it..
Unexpected value from nativeGetEnabledTags: 0 this always without having to always write it on the Search for messages field Goto your Logcat In the Saved Filters part..
What does “|=” mean? (pipe equal operator) mean pipe equal operator I tried searching using Google Search and Stack Overflow but it didn't show up any results. I have..
KXmlParser throws “Unexpected token” exception at the start of RSS pasing encoding utf 8 rss version 2.0 channel title Monster Job Search Results java title description RSS Feed for Monster Job Search.. Results java title description RSS Feed for Monster Job Search description link http rssquery.ashx..
Android: How to detect double-tap? h new Handler private TabHost mTabHost private ArrayList SearchItem sResultsArr new ArrayList SearchItem private String queryStr.. private ArrayList SearchItem sResultsArr new ArrayList SearchItem private String queryStr private JSONObject searchResponse.. mTabHost.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec tab2 .setIndicator Search Results .setContent mTabHost.setCurrentTab 0 sets..
Android: show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText hardware keyboard . Similar to how when I press the Search button to invoke the global search the soft keyboard is automatically..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory javac assertTrue result 0 result 0 .contains Search javac ^ javac Users mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests src..
Prevent ProgressDialog from being dismissed when I click the search button (Android) can't close it using the back button but surprisingly the Search hardware button dismisses the dialog More exactly the global..
android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON doesn't work as a receiver intent filter This is in a 1.6 SDK level 4 project. A Google Code Search revealed this I downloaded the project and synced it converted..
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) a library that is ran through shell command in run time. Search github for ' android ffmpeg ' for forks and related projects...
Android find GPS location once, show loading dialog show error message and encourage user to use menu to go to Search Activity. Use these coordinates if the user chooses map view..
How do I Use AutoCompleteTextView and populate it with data from a web API? done something somewhat similar but it was for the Quick Search box and it involved implementing a service but I believe that's..
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter null private ListView objectListView null private EditText SearchText null private static class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter.. R.layout.adobjectlist Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras SearchText EditText findViewById SearchText.addTextChangedListener.. getIntent .getExtras SearchText EditText findViewById SearchText.addTextChangedListener filterTextWatcher objectListView..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] android layout_height wrap_content android hint Search android inputType text android maxLines 1 ListView android id.. android layout_height wrap_content android hint Search android inputType text android maxLines 1 ListView android id.. android layout_height wrap_content android hint Search android inputType text android maxLines 1 ListView android id..
Android Labels or Bubbles in EditText showing is the same behavior as the SMS stock application. Search for the code here to see how it's done. EDIT The code should..
Trigger mediascanner on specific path (folder), how to? on how to insert delete update using the content resolver. Search for the section Inserting Updating and Deleting Data Edit There..
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) the position of the action bar is One of the most important navigational options for users using the YouTube app is search which is performed in the SearchView in the action bar. It would make sense to make the action bar static in this regard.. make sense to make the action bar static in this regard since it would allow the user to always have the option to search for new videos. The G app uses a ViewPager to display its content so making the pull out menu specific to the layout content..
Getting started with Android [closed] android share improve this question Google's android groups This is probably the best place to go. However a good search on google will most likely take you to one of these discussion anyways. Here you can discuss about your difficulties possibly..
Android: show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText shown and there is no physical hardware keyboard . Similar to how when I press the Search button to invoke the global search the soft keyboard is automatically shown. android keyboard edittext soft keyboard share improve this question You can..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? taken though many of the fields aren't actually used. To save time as you don't actually need the other fields cursor search is done with a filter. The filter works by specifying the name of the column you want MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA which..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? USB adb usb Apps to Automate the Process There are also several apps on Google Play that automate this process a quick search suggests adbWireless WiFi ADB and ADB WiFi . All of these require root access but adbWireless requires fewer permissions...
How to adjust text font size to fit textview below incorporates all of the suggestions here. It starts with what was originally posted by Dunni. It uses a binary search like gjpc's but it is a bit more readable. It also include's gregm's bug fixes and a bug fix of my own. import android.content.Context..
Focusable EditText inside ListView 1. setItemsCanFocus true selector is never displayed but the EditText can get focus when using the arrows. Focus search algorithm is hard to predict and no visual feedback on any rows having focusable children or not on which item is selected..
Is there a way to automatically update application on Android?
Url encoding in Android come from unreliable sources . String query URLEncoder.encode apples oranges utf 8 String url http search q query Alternatively you can use Strings.urlEncode String str of DroidParts that doesn't throw checked exceptions. Or use..
Change title bar text in Android at the top of the activity that may display the activity title navigation modes and other interactive items like search. I exactly remember about customizing title bar and making it consistent through the application. So I can make comparison..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? similar be done with other apps Here is an example of a link that will start up the Android Market a href market search q pname click me a Update The answer I accepted provided by eldarerathis works great but I just want..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? out because When I wanted to acheive the same I too struggled quite a lot.Well all the hard work of code analysis and searching various implementations on the internet done with I was finally able to acheive the goal. All the credit goes to number.. WIFI_SERVICE Get All WIfi configurations List WifiConfiguration configList wifi.getConfiguredNetworks Now we need to search appropriate configuration i.e. with name SSID_Name for int i 0 i configList.size i if configList.get i .SSID.contentEquals..
key hash for android-facebook app a folder OpenSSL in C and copy the extracted code here. detect debug.keystore file path. If u didn't find then do a search in C and use the Path in the command in next step. detect your keytool.exe path and go to that dir in command prompt and..
progressDialog in AsyncTask in AsyncTask I'm trying to display a custom progressdialog while loading rss feed from http server I made a hard search but nothing helped me to do this the only thing i know is that the solution should use AsyncTask but i'm confusing about..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? http p droidled Another Open Source Code http p covedesigndev http p search light Update 3 Widget for turning on off camera led If you want to develop a widget that turns on off your camera led then..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken of Android save to the MediaStore as well. Not sure why We don't know what name Android will give either so we get to search for this manually and remove it. String projection MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.SIZE MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DISPLAY_NAME.. if CurrentFile null Query the Uri to get the data path. Only if the Uri is valid and we had a valid size to be searching for. if u null CurrentFile.length 0 c managedQuery u projection null null null If we found the cursor and found..
Fragments within Fragments this is actually a bug in the Android API I have a setup like so 1 2 | 3 ┴ Is a menu which loads fragment #2 A search screen in the right pane. Is a search screen which contains fragment #3 which is a result list. The result list is used.. API I have a setup like so 1 2 | 3 ┴ Is a menu which loads fragment #2 A search screen in the right pane. Is a search screen which contains fragment #3 which is a result list. The result list is used in several places including as a functioning..
Override Power button just like Home button in which I want to disable all hard buttons of the device. Hard buttons like Power Home Volume up Volume down Search Back. I have successfully overridden almost all buttons here except Power. So I just want you people to see and please share..
Search in ListView with EditText in ListView with EditText I have a ListView . Each row of it contains 3 TextView 's and 2 Button 's. Above it I have an..
Unexpected value from nativeGetEnabledTags: 0 almost useless. Following Laksh suggestion if you want to filter this always without having to always write it on the Search for messages field Goto your Logcat In the Saved Filters part on the left click on Edit selected logcat filter If Saved..
What does “|=” mean? (pipe equal operator) does &ldquo &rdquo mean pipe equal operator I tried searching using Google Search and Stack Overflow but it didn't show up any results. I have seen this in opensource library code Notification notification..
KXmlParser throws “Unexpected token” exception at the start of RSS pasing the URL above if you want to see complete XML xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 rss version 2.0 channel title Monster Job Search Results java title description RSS Feed for Monster Job Search description link http rssquery.ashx.. utf 8 rss version 2.0 channel title Monster Job Search Results java title description RSS Feed for Monster Job Search description link http rssquery.ashx q java link But when I attempt to parse it final XmlPullParser..
Android: How to detect double-tap? m_adapter private ProgressDialog pd final Handler h new Handler private TabHost mTabHost private ArrayList SearchItem sResultsArr new ArrayList SearchItem private String queryStr private JSONObject searchResponse private GestureDetector.. pd final Handler h new Handler private TabHost mTabHost private ArrayList SearchItem sResultsArr new ArrayList SearchItem private String queryStr private JSONObject searchResponse private GestureDetector gestureScanner final Runnable mUpdateResults.. tab1 .setIndicator Home .setContent mTabHost.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec tab2 .setIndicator Search Results .setContent mTabHost.setCurrentTab 0 sets the respective listeners testButt.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener..
Android: show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText show when the dialog is shown and there is no physical hardware keyboard . Similar to how when I press the Search button to invoke the global search the soft keyboard is automatically shown. android keyboard edittext soft keyboard ..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory java.lang.String boolean javac location class com.myapp.test.HttpTest javac assertTrue result 0 result 0 .contains Search javac ^ javac Users mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests src com myapp test 87 cannot find symbol javac..
Prevent ProgressDialog from being dismissed when I click the search button (Android) I have made it non cancellable with setCancelable false so I can't close it using the back button but surprisingly the Search hardware button dismisses the dialog More exactly the global search application is displayed and when I come back to my..
android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON doesn't work as a receiver intent filter SCREEN_ON for BOOT_COMPLETED for a test and this does get invoked. This is in a 1.6 SDK level 4 project. A Google Code Search revealed this I downloaded the project and synced it converted it to work with latest tools but it too is not able to intercept..
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) . It takes the approach of statically compiling a binary not a library that is ran through shell command in run time. Search github for ' android ffmpeg ' for forks and related projects. Did not find a well packaged method based JNI implementation..
Android find GPS location once, show loading dialog If Failed to get location Dismiss Progress Dialog and show error message and encourage user to use menu to go to Search Activity. Use these coordinates if the user chooses map view from the menu to show current location on the map and pins..
How do I Use AutoCompleteTextView and populate it with data from a web API? Or is there a better way to obtain my end goal I've done something somewhat similar but it was for the Quick Search box and it involved implementing a service but I believe that's not what I want to do here. android networking filter autocompletetextview..
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter static List User UserList private EfficientAdapter adapter null private ListView objectListView null private EditText SearchText null private static class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable private LayoutInflater mInflater.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.adobjectlist Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras SearchText EditText findViewById SearchText.addTextChangedListener filterTextWatcher objectListView ListView findViewById.. setContentView R.layout.adobjectlist Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras SearchText EditText findViewById SearchText.addTextChangedListener filterTextWatcher objectListView ListView findViewById objectListView.setOnItemClickListener..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] android id @ id filter_edittext android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android hint Search android inputType text android maxLines 1 ListView android id @id android list android layout_height fill_parent android.. android id @ id filter_edittext android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android hint Search android inputType text android maxLines 1 ListView android id @id android list android layout_height fill_parent android.. android id @ id filter_edittext android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android hint Search android inputType text android maxLines 1 ListView android id @id android list android layout_height fill_parent android..
Android Labels or Bubbles in EditText edittext share improve this question What you are showing is the same behavior as the SMS stock application. Search for the code here to see how it's done. EDIT The code should be in platform_packages_apps_mms . Take a look at the RecipientsEditor..
Trigger mediascanner on specific path (folder), how to? and it should resolve the problem. Here is an explanation on how to insert delete update using the content resolver. Search for the section Inserting Updating and Deleting Data Edit There is a sample code in this answer . Check for the answer by..
sliding menu using jfeinstein10 library match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android background #ffffff android paddingLeft 10dp android text SEARCH android textColor #FF3300 android textSize 20dp TextView LinearLayout RelativeLayout android id @ id searchTextLayout..
How to close Android application? forget to handle the HOME key for any menus and in the activities that are started by the menus. The same goes for the SEARCH key. Below is some example classes to illustrate Here's an example of a root activity that kills the application when it.. by the user or the app occurs. UIHelper.homeKeyPressed true return true public boolean onSearchRequested Disable the SEARCH key. return false Here's an example of a menu screen that handles the HOME key @author Danny Remington MacroSolve package.. event by the user or the app occurs. UIHelper.checkHomeKeyPressed true public boolean onSearchRequested Disable the SEARCH key. return false Here's an example of a helper class that handles the HOME key across the app package android.example..
Android Create custom SearchView Search action true this.setOnClickListener this this.setOnKeyListener this @Override public void onClick View v Log.d SEARCH Onclick this.getQuery @Override public boolean onKey View v int keyCode KeyEvent event TODO Auto generated method stub.. this.getQuery @Override public boolean onKey View v int keyCode KeyEvent event TODO Auto generated method stub Log.d SEARCH Search onkey return false Here you can see that I`ve tried 2 approaches Catch the onclick event from the submit button...