android Programming Glossary: scrollwidth
Problems with Mobiscroll - orientationchange and access address bar crashes some mobile browsers the JQuery Mobiscroll code function createDatePicker selector if #input_date_1 .scroller 'isDisabled' 'undefined' var scrollWidth div id 'main_content' .width 4 var scrollHeight scrollWidth 2.5 #input_ selector .scroller preset 'date' minDate new.. if #input_date_1 .scroller 'isDisabled' 'undefined' var scrollWidth div id 'main_content' .width 4 var scrollHeight scrollWidth 2.5 #input_ selector .scroller preset 'date' minDate new Date 2000 0 1 maxDate new Date 2020 11 31 theme 'android'.. 2000 0 1 maxDate new Date 2020 11 31 theme 'android' display 'inline' mode 'scroller' dateOrder 'mmddyy' width scrollWidth height scrollHeight onChange function valueText inst var lbl #lbl_ selector var date #input_ selector .scroller 'getDate'..