android Programming Glossary: scrollto
How to syncronisize two Listview positions smoothScrollToPosition won't scroll. You can thought use scrollTo or scrollBy on the other list that is not scrolling at the moment..
How to Programmatically Scroll Android WebView requests. I've tried calling JavaScript that uses window.scrollTo ... but the WebView doesn't respond. On the Java side I've tried.. WebView will respond to flingScroll but what I need is a scrollTo ... capability. Any ideas android scrolling scroll webview.. answer to this issue. It turns out that WebView does have scrollTo getScrollX and getScrollY methods as you'd expect. They're a..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling activeFeature scrollX featureWidth 2 featureWidth int scrollTo activeFeature featureWidth smoothScrollTo scrollTo 0 return.. int scrollTo activeFeature featureWidth smoothScrollTo scrollTo 0 return true else return false class MyGestureDetector..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer mDragging true return true return false private void scrollTo float position int count mList.getCount mScrollCompleted false.. viewHeight mThumbY viewHeight mThumbH If the previous scrollTo is still pending if mScrollCompleted scrollTo float mThumbY.. previous scrollTo is still pending if mScrollCompleted scrollTo float mThumbY viewHeight mThumbH return true return super.onTouchEvent..
Developing an Android Homescreen Log.i LOG_TAG moving to screen mCurrentScreen scrollTo mCurrentScreen width 0 @Override public void computeScroll.. mScrollX mScroller.getCurrX scrollTo mScrollX 0 postInvalidate And the layout file xml version 1.0..
Synchronise ScrollView scroll positions - android y int oldx int oldy if scrollView scrollView1 scrollView2.scrollTo x y else if scrollView scrollView2 scrollView1.scrollTo x y.. x y else if scrollView scrollView2 scrollView1.scrollTo x y The scrollTo code takes care of any loop conditions for.. if scrollView scrollView2 scrollView1.scrollTo x y The scrollTo code takes care of any loop conditions for us so we don't need..
Android: Synchronized scrolling of two different views in the grid scrollviews and programatically call scrollTo on the sticky views when the user scrolls the grid. That works..
HorizontalScrollView: auto-scroll to end when new Views are added? requestLayout on both the Layout and ScrollView I tried scrollTo Integer.MAX_VALUE and it scrolled into the netherverse Am I..
Smooth scrolling in Android protected void onDraw Canvas canvas ....your drawings.... scrollTo invalidates so until animation won't finish it will be called.. after a Scroller.fling if mScroller.computeScrollOffset scrollTo mScroller.getCurrX mScroller.getCurrY that is until animation..
Android Homescreen Log.i LOG_TAG moving to screen mCurrentScreen scrollTo mCurrentScreen width 0 @Override public void computeScroll if.. mScroller.computeScrollOffset mScrollX mScroller.getCurrX scrollTo mScrollX 0 postInvalidate Then my main.xml layout xml version..
Where does Android View.scrollTo(x, y) scroll to? does Android View.scrollTo x y scroll to scrollTo int x int y says x the x position to.. does Android View.scrollTo x y scroll to scrollTo int x int y says x the x position to scroll to y the y position.. extensive research and testing I've finally understood how scrollTo works. 0 0 are the coordinates to the top left corner of the..
How to syncronisize two Listview positions share improve this question If the position is visible smoothScrollToPosition won't scroll. You can thought use scrollTo or scrollBy on the other list that is not scrolling at the moment but be careful to not enter a recursion with each list..
How to Programmatically Scroll Android WebView I haven't been able to get the WebView to respond to scroll requests. I've tried calling JavaScript that uses window.scrollTo ... but the WebView doesn't respond. On the Java side I've tried calling the WebView.flingScroll ... method. WebView will.. side I've tried calling the WebView.flingScroll ... method. WebView will respond to flingScroll but what I need is a scrollTo ... capability. Any ideas android scrolling scroll webview share improve this question I've found a better answer to.. webview share improve this question I've found a better answer to this issue. It turns out that WebView does have scrollTo getScrollX and getScrollY methods as you'd expect. They're a bit hidden in the documentation because they're inherited from..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling int scrollX getScrollX int featureWidth getMeasuredWidth activeFeature scrollX featureWidth 2 featureWidth int scrollTo activeFeature featureWidth smoothScrollTo scrollTo 0 return true else return false class MyGestureDetector extends.. activeFeature scrollX featureWidth 2 featureWidth int scrollTo activeFeature featureWidth smoothScrollTo scrollTo 0 return true else return false class MyGestureDetector extends SimpleOnGestureListener @Override public boolean onFling..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer getWidth mThumbW ev.getY mThumbY ev.getY mThumbY mThumbH mDragging true return true return false private void scrollTo float position int count mList.getCount mScrollCompleted false final Object sections mSections int sectionIndex if sections.. mThumbH 10 if mThumbY 0 mThumbY 0 else if mThumbY mThumbH viewHeight mThumbY viewHeight mThumbH If the previous scrollTo is still pending if mScrollCompleted scrollTo float mThumbY viewHeight mThumbH return true return super.onTouchEvent.. mThumbH viewHeight mThumbY viewHeight mThumbH If the previous scrollTo is still pending if mScrollCompleted scrollTo float mThumbY viewHeight mThumbH return true return super.onTouchEvent me public class ScrollFade implements Runnable..
Developing an Android Homescreen i 0 i count i getChildAt i .measure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec Log.i LOG_TAG moving to screen mCurrentScreen scrollTo mCurrentScreen width 0 @Override public void computeScroll if mScroller.computeScrollOffset mScrollX mScroller.getCurrX.. width 0 @Override public void computeScroll if mScroller.computeScrollOffset mScrollX mScroller.getCurrX scrollTo mScrollX 0 postInvalidate And the layout file xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 com.matthieu.launcher.DragableSpace xmlns..
Synchronise ScrollView scroll positions - android onScrollChanged ObservableScrollView scrollView int x int y int oldx int oldy if scrollView scrollView1 scrollView2.scrollTo x y else if scrollView scrollView2 scrollView1.scrollTo x y The scrollTo code takes care of any loop conditions for us.. y int oldx int oldy if scrollView scrollView1 scrollView2.scrollTo x y else if scrollView scrollView2 scrollView1.scrollTo x y The scrollTo code takes care of any loop conditions for us so we don't need to worry about that. The only caveat is.. oldy if scrollView scrollView1 scrollView2.scrollTo x y else if scrollView scrollView2 scrollView1.scrollTo x y The scrollTo code takes care of any loop conditions for us so we don't need to worry about that. The only caveat is that this solution..
Android: Synchronized scrolling of two different views views are not in the actual grid I have overriden onScrollChanged in the grid scrollviews and programatically call scrollTo on the sticky views when the user scrolls the grid. That works as expected except that there is a slight time offset as..
HorizontalScrollView: auto-scroll to end when new Views are added? and has the same symptom. I tried various things like requestLayout on both the Layout and ScrollView I tried scrollTo Integer.MAX_VALUE and it scrolled into the netherverse Am I violating a UI thread issue or something Rick public class..
Smooth scrolling in Android smoothness with a continuous redrawing animation @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas ....your drawings.... scrollTo invalidates so until animation won't finish it will be called used after a Scroller.fling if mScroller.computeScrollOffset.. so until animation won't finish it will be called used after a Scroller.fling if mScroller.computeScrollOffset scrollTo mScroller.getCurrX mScroller.getCurrY that is until animation is running calculate the point we reached and scroll there...
Android Homescreen i 0 i count i getChildAt i .measure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec Log.i LOG_TAG moving to screen mCurrentScreen scrollTo mCurrentScreen width 0 @Override public void computeScroll if mScroller.computeScrollOffset mScrollX mScroller.getCurrX.. width 0 @Override public void computeScroll if mScroller.computeScrollOffset mScrollX mScroller.getCurrX scrollTo mScrollX 0 postInvalidate Then my main.xml layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 com.matthieu.launcher.DragableSpace xmlns..
Where does Android View.scrollTo(x, y) scroll to? does Android View.scrollTo x y scroll to scrollTo int x int y says x the x position to scroll to y the y position to scroll to onScrollChanged int.. does Android View.scrollTo x y scroll to scrollTo int x int y says x the x position to scroll to y the y position to scroll to onScrollChanged int l int t int oldl int oldt.. scrollto android view share improve this question After extensive research and testing I've finally understood how scrollTo works. 0 0 are the coordinates to the top left corner of the View container. When scrolling to any x y point the top left..