android Programming Glossary: seamless
Android: MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing I can play the videos fine back to back by implementing.. it when the video is ready to start. That also wasn't very seamless. Is there any way to get rid of that gap. Running a video in..
Android Application Class Lifecycle memory on devices that need it while still presenting a seamless illusion of multitasking to the end user. From the docs A background..
How bad is Android SoundPool? What alternative to use? MP3 Ogg is unimportant . Sound effects need to support seamless looping and dynamic individual volume adjustment. The Android..
Suppressing Google Maps Intent Selection Dialog from my application activity to Google Maps to be seamless. How can I suppress this dialog and tell android to open the..
Android 3.x ONLY WebView Text Selection + JavaScript than visually nice job on lining it all up and making it seamless btw on which we perform the TextSelectionActionMode and the..
honeycomb sync adapter features for editing contacts and one for editing existing ones and voil you have seamless integration. I can't find the documentation of these new features...
Android: MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing I can play the videos fine back to back by implementing the OnCompletionListener to set the data source to.. show temporarily while the video is preparing and removing it when the video is ready to start. That also wasn't very seamless. Is there any way to get rid of that gap. Running a video in a loop works wonderfully and does exactly what I want with..
Android Application Class Lifecycle with the task stack intact this lets the system reclaim memory on devices that need it while still presenting a seamless illusion of multitasking to the end user. From the docs A background activity an activity that is not visible to the user..
How bad is Android SoundPool? What alternative to use? start playing with low latency. WAV files need to be supported MP3 Ogg is unimportant . Sound effects need to support seamless looping and dynamic individual volume adjustment. The Android app lifecycle needs to be properly supported. I have heard..
Suppressing Google Maps Intent Selection Dialog map in the maps application or the browser. I'd like the transition from my application activity to Google Maps to be seamless. How can I suppress this dialog and tell android to open the map in the maps activity EDIT When I get into Google Maps I..
Android 3.x ONLY WebView Text Selection + JavaScript which is IN NO WAY attached to the underlying html other than visually nice job on lining it all up and making it seamless btw on which we perform the TextSelectionActionMode and the ClipboardManager is supplied with the results... to make that..
honeycomb sync adapter features for editing contacts activities in your metadata xml file one for creating new contacts and one for editing existing ones and voil you have seamless integration. I can't find the documentation of these new features. Can someone tell me where I can find it Thank you android..