android Programming Glossary: sdks
Slow Android emulator I have followed all the instructions in setting up the IDE SDKs JDKs and such and have had some success in starting the emulator..
Android Studio - How to Change Android SDK Path
ERROR : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: [duplicate] . App was working fine and i found some updates on SDKs yesterday . I Updated by Android SDK Tools to 22 Rev. and updated..
Embedding ads on Android app? to ask any questions here on SO when implementing these SDKs I will try and respond. Update Feb 2012 I still use Admob as..
Alternatives to google maps api maps provided by Vic TomTom Map Toolkit API which includes SDKs for Android iOS and JavaScript http provided..
Android: clearing the full activity stack FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK which doesn't exist in previous SDKs. Does anyone have a suggestion to achieve that android activity..
MoPub for Android Reasons I am thinking of MoPub No need to include other SDKs. Greater control. e.g. Frequency capping Higher rates but this..
TCP-based RPC server (Erlang or something similar?) for iOS/Android app communication quicken the work and there are a lot of libraries on the SDKs of these Devices which would assist you prototype the solution.. Widgets Phone Gap Sencha Touch and JQuery Mobile their SDKs and Libraries have Optimizations already done for you or have..
Keyboard not shown when i click on edittextview in android? on android 2.1 and 2.3.x not tested on other versions of SDKs . I noticed a strange thing that when my click on the EditText..
Java 7 language features with Android is similar to that in Eclipse. Check Project Structure SDKs. In additional to AutoCloseable only the following Java 7 library..
How install old ADT13 in Eclipse insisted on getting itself upgraded before downloading the SDKs I had to use an old copy of the folder I had lying around. Since..
What does “This method is deprecated” mean for application developers Continue using this method as long as I want because newer SDKs will always remain backward compatible. It will work as long..
Updating Android SDK: “A folder failed to be moved.” tools . Overwrite when asked. And take a backup of the SDKs tools folder beforehand just in case something explodes. After..
Cannot install APK on Android device through Eclipse 5.0.2 if it matters . I downloaded the 4.0 and 4.0.3 SDKs as well as updated ADT but I cannot seem to be able to build..
Insert multiple events in Android calendar you can query update or delete it later. In earlier SDKs before SDK 8 the content uri of calendar is content calendar..
Difference between “Build Target SDK” in Eclipse and android:targetSdkVersion in AndroidManifest.xml? Then if you want use somewhere APIs from higher SDKs raise up value in project properties and wrap code with check..
OCR for android [closed] As far as i know there are no native opensource Java OCR SDKs. There are Java APIs which wrap calls for native interfaces..
MediaPlayer setDataSource, better to use path or FileDescriptor? that doesn't help you if you need to support older SDKs. HOWEVER mediaPlayer.setDataSource FileDescriptor fd does NOT..
Setting up Android support package v7 for eclipse - GridLayout create project from existing source and browse to android sdks extras android support v7 gridlayout Right click my testinggridlayout..
Debuging using Virtual machine like VMWare/VirtualBox? computer in a subfolder to your user folder in android sdks platform tools. It is recommended to add it to your path so.. #add Android platform tools directory PATH ~ android sdks platform tools PATH export PATH In case ADB fails the first..
Registration confusion Android GCM see for yourself. You can find source code in ~ android sdks extras google gcm gcm client gcm src.jar share improve this..
The import cannot be resolved usually the path for the .jar file is YOUR_DRIVE android sdks extras android support v4 android support v4.jar After adding..
Android dex gives a BufferOverflowException when building 103 BUILD FAILED C Users Jaap android sdks tools ant build.xml 892 The following error occurred while executing.. occurred while executing this line C Users Jaap android sdks tools ant build.xml 894 The following error occurred while executing.. occurred while executing this line C Users Jaap android sdks tools ant build.xml 906 The following error occurred while executing..
Are there any huge differences between objective-c and Java, or iPhone and Android? c and Java worse than the locations of methods in the sdks Or are there key features or something in one language that..
Android Support Library (v4). Getting the source and attaching it to the library/jar in Eclipse
Android/Eclipse PANIC: Could not open noticed that my SDK path is C Users Asus Laptop android sdks should I change this to the same user This was not intentional..
JAVAH can't find class( android ndk) there PROJECT_DIRECTORY bin javah classpath home l android sdks platforms android 10 android.jar . bt.nativeclient.BtnativeActivity.. src javah verbose classpath home l android sdks platforms android 10 android.jar . bt.nativeclient.BtnativeActivity.. usr lib jvm java 6 openjdk jre classes home l android sdks platforms android 10 android.jar . Error No classes were specified..
Slow Android emulator fairly quickly on such a machine but for me it does not. I have followed all the instructions in setting up the IDE SDKs JDKs and such and have had some success in starting the emulator quickly but that is very rare. How can I if possible fix..
Android Studio - How to Change Android SDK Path
ERROR : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: [duplicate] all the related threads about his error but i was not successful . App was working fine and i found some updates on SDKs yesterday . I Updated by Android SDK Tools to 22 Rev. and updated other updates also to latest . And when i run my app it..
Embedding ads on Android app? my apps that are currently free and do not have ads. Feel free to ask any questions here on SO when implementing these SDKs I will try and respond. Update Feb 2012 I still use Admob as Google has shut down Adsense for mobile apps. I still earn..
Alternatives to google maps api 13 2011 in favor of Nokia Maps http maps provided by Vic TomTom Map Toolkit API which includes SDKs for Android iOS and JavaScript http provided by SoWeLie CloudMade http projects..
Android: clearing the full activity stack the previous task . What I want seems to be Android 3's new FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK which doesn't exist in previous SDKs. Does anyone have a suggestion to achieve that android activity stack share improve this question If you already have..
MoPub for Android apps. Does anyone have any first hand experience with MoPub Reasons I am thinking of MoPub No need to include other SDKs. Greater control. e.g. Frequency capping Higher rates but this would come from networks . I have gone through the MoPub..
TCP-based RPC server (Erlang or something similar?) for iOS/Android app communication app will function well using HTTP. Using HTTP methods will quicken the work and there are a lot of libraries on the SDKs of these Devices which would assist you prototype the solution you want as compared to the situation of rolling your own.. are to use Web technologies for Mobile devices such as Opera Widgets Phone Gap Sencha Touch and JQuery Mobile their SDKs and Libraries have Optimizations already done for you or have well documented ways in which your app can be made efficient...
Keyboard not shown when i click on edittextview in android? be a late response but it worked. I have met this problem on android 2.1 and 2.3.x not tested on other versions of SDKs . I noticed a strange thing that when my click on the EditText was unable to open the keyboard I pressed the BACK button..
Java 7 language features with Android many of the Java 7 APIs will become available the procedure is similar to that in Eclipse. Check Project Structure SDKs. In additional to AutoCloseable only the following Java 7 library features are also revealed Exception chaining constructors..
How install old ADT13 in Eclipse to the previous SDK Manager and Tools version so easily it insisted on getting itself upgraded before downloading the SDKs I had to use an old copy of the folder I had lying around. Since you have SDK13 in your repo you should be good to go. ..
What does “This method is deprecated” mean for application developers does this mean to me as an Android applications developer Continue using this method as long as I want because newer SDKs will always remain backward compatible. It will work as long as I build for older targets e.g. API 8 but if I build from..
Updating Android SDK: “A folder failed to be moved.” folder. Copy all the files from this folder into ANDROID_SDK tools . Overwrite when asked. And take a backup of the SDKs tools folder beforehand just in case something explodes. After that start the SDK Manager again. The tools version should..
Cannot install APK on Android device through Eclipse phone and install an ICS rom which works fine Android Revolution 5.0.2 if it matters . I downloaded the 4.0 and 4.0.3 SDKs as well as updated ADT but I cannot seem to be able to build for my device anymore. LogCat gives me the following warnings..
Insert multiple events in Android calendar represent uri of the event is returned by ContentResolver.insert you can query update or delete it later. In earlier SDKs before SDK 8 the content uri of calendar is content calendar calendars which differs from SDks 8 and after. Meanwhile be..
Difference between “Build Target SDK” in Eclipse and android:targetSdkVersion in AndroidManifest.xml? your app critical features. Set the same value to project properties. Then if you want use somewhere APIs from higher SDKs raise up value in project properties and wrap code with check if device API can do this code if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.ECLAIR_MR1..
OCR for android [closed] available for it android ocr share improve this question As far as i know there are no native opensource Java OCR SDKs. There are Java APIs which wrap calls for native interfaces for example for one of the most popular opensource OCR engines..
MediaPlayer setDataSource, better to use path or FileDescriptor? allow you to resolve this issue by setting ownerOnly to false...but that doesn't help you if you need to support older SDKs. HOWEVER mediaPlayer.setDataSource FileDescriptor fd does NOT have this problem and mediaplayer will successfully prepare..
Setting up Android support package v7 for eclipse - GridLayout and select New Android Project Name it GridLayout and select create project from existing source and browse to android sdks extras android support v7 gridlayout Right click my testinggridlayout project and click properties under Java Build Path..
Debuging using Virtual machine like VMWare/VirtualBox? enabled to use for debugging. ADB is typically located in your computer in a subfolder to your user folder in android sdks platform tools. It is recommended to add it to your path so you can access it using the terminal wherever. I personally.. the terminal wherever. I personally use this in ~ .bash_profile #add Android platform tools directory PATH ~ android sdks platform tools PATH export PATH In case ADB fails the first time you can try adb kill server adb start server to reset ADB...
Registration confusion Android GCM
The import cannot be resolved the Right pane. There select the android support v4.jar file usually the path for the .jar file is YOUR_DRIVE android sdks extras android support v4 android support v4.jar After adding andorid support v4.jar Library navigate to the Order and Export..
Android dex gives a BufferOverflowException when building 199 dx at 103 BUILD FAILED C Users Jaap android sdks tools ant build.xml 892 The following error occurred while executing this line C Users Jaap android sdks tools ant build.xml.. Jaap android sdks tools ant build.xml 892 The following error occurred while executing this line C Users Jaap android sdks tools ant build.xml 894 The following error occurred while executing this line C Users Jaap android sdks tools ant build.xml.. Jaap android sdks tools ant build.xml 894 The following error occurred while executing this line C Users Jaap android sdks tools ant build.xml 906 The following error occurred while executing this line C Users Jaap android sdks tools ant build.xml..
Are there any huge differences between objective-c and Java, or iPhone and Android? any problems in writing something to convert between objective c and Java worse than the locations of methods in the sdks Or are there key features or something in one language that the other doesn't have which we've missed that would mean the..
Android Support Library (v4). Getting the source and attaching it to the library/jar in Eclipse
Android/Eclipse PANIC: Could not open help me out with this that would be grand. By the way I also noticed that my SDK path is C Users Asus Laptop android sdks should I change this to the same user This was not intentional is there an easy way of me changing this to the right user..
JAVAH can't find class( android ndk) I tryed to specify android.jar as mentioned there PROJECT_DIRECTORY bin javah classpath home l android sdks platforms android 10 android.jar . bt.nativeclient.BtnativeActivity But always I get only one result error cannot access.. this command was seaching my class it the valid place PROJECT_DIRECTORY src javah verbose classpath home l android sdks platforms android 10 android.jar . bt.nativeclient.BtnativeActivity error cannot access bt.nativeclient.BtnativeActivity.. usr lib jvm java 6 openjdk jre lib modules jdk.boot.jar usr lib jvm java 6 openjdk jre classes home l android sdks platforms android 10 android.jar . Error No classes were specified on the command line. Try help. I think I have lost some..