android Programming Glossary: se
http post method passing null values to the server post method passing null values to the server try url new URL ConstantsClass.VENDOR_FOLLOW UID android_id.. HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setDoOutput true connection.setRequestMethod POST request new.. connection.setDoOutput true connection.setRequestMethod POST request new OutputStreamWriter connection.getOutputStream..
AES algo - Decryption Issue 1757 java.lang.NumberFormatException unable to parse 'LV' as integer 06 13 05 03 43.043 W System.err 1757 at java.lang.Integer.parse.. 13 05 03 43.043 W System.err 1757 at java.lang.Integer.parse 433 06 13 05 03 43.043 W System.err 1757 at java.lang.Integer.parseInt.. 13 05 03 43.043 W System.err 1757 at java.lang.Integer.parseInt 422 06 13 05 03 43.043 W System.err 1757 at..
Android: I want to shake it involves implementing the SensorListener but Eclipse tells me it's deprecated and suggest SensorEventListener. Anybody.. public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent se float x se.values 0 float y se.values 1 float z se.values 2.. public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent se float x se.values 0 float y se.values 1 float z se.values 2 mAccelLast..
Using static variables in Android the app not when it goes into the background or pauses but is completely shut down. So think of it as living as long.. idea People have different views. I think it's fine when used appropriately myself. I don't think the answer changes much.. views. I think it's fine when used appropriately myself. I don't think the answer changes much on Android. Memory..
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP) sending XML via HTTP POST SOAP I would like to invoke a webservice.. XML via HTTP POST SOAP I would like to invoke a webservice via Android. I need to POST some XML to a URL via HTTP... POST some XML to a URL via HTTP. I found this snipped for sending a POST but i dont know how to include add the XML data..
Http connection timeout on Android not working working I'm writing an application that connects to a webservice and I don't want it to wait too long if it can't get a.. to wait too long if it can't get a connection. I therefore set the connectionTimeout of the httpparams. But it doesn't seem.. the connectionTimeout of the httpparams. But it doesn't seem to have any effect whatsoever. To test I turn of my WLAN temporarily...
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android The LocationManager API in android.. location in Android The LocationManager API in android seems like it's a bit of a pain to use for an application that.. API in android seems like it's a bit of a pain to use for an application that only needs an occasional and rough approximation..
Android - How to intercept the 'Install application' intent web and market launches installer 2 Install button is pressed on android market Is it possible to intercept and prompt on.. market Is it possible to intercept and prompt on these events or has Google locked that stuff down quite tightly android.. share improve this question This isn't an answer per se but I can't find any commenting tool here. Sorry. I'm having..
How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate] to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work.. to be showed while a background task in this case just a http call on the server happens. I did a bit of studying.. a background task in this case just a http call on the server happens. I did a bit of studying on this and also have already..
Android Sleep/Standby Mode Sleep Standby Mode I have made an app that starts a service which starts a timer which fires off a small function after.. into sleep mode. What I have discovered is that the timer seems to pause when the phone is in sleep. It doesn't seem to do.. mode. What I have discovered is that the timer seems to pause when the phone is in sleep. It doesn't seem to do this on the..
Memory Analyzer Tool in android? know how to work with Memory analyzer tool in android. Please tell me how to do this to know about memory leaks for a particular.. leaks for a particular project. Can someone give me step wise procedure for this. android memory leaks share improve this.. improve this question Open DDMS perspective in Eclipse. Select Devices tab. Choose a process you want to make a dump..
Android post JSON using HTTP I cannot get any of them to work. I believe this is because of my lack of JSON networking knowledge in general. I know there.. knows of a good Android book that deals with this please let me know. Thanks again for the help @terrance here is the.. like this object 'name' . The example from the article uses this bit of JSON. The Parts A fan object with email as a key..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor what does it show I am developing application for car acceleration.. developing application for car acceleration tracking. I used standard accelerometer calibrating it in specific position.. But then I found out that in apl level 10 there is virtual sensor TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION and as far as i understand it must..
Can't start Eclipse - Java was started but returned exit code=13 7 with 64 bit Java 6 I get java version 1.6.0_27 Java TM SE Runtime Environment build 1.6.0_27 b07 Java HotSpot TM 64 Bit..
How to implement communication between Java client application (Android) and PHP server application? server share improve this question With basic Java SE API you can use to fire a HTTP request...
how to url encode in android? URL encoding is done in the same way on android as in Java SE try String url http id 123 art abc String encodedurl..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android I created that works beautifully on regular desktop Java SE 6. I've moved it into my Android project and I'm getting the..
Android SDK install problem [duplicate] When I run the Android SDK installer I get the error Java SE development Kit JDK not found . I'm at a loss as to what the..
Android Packaging Problem: resources.ap_ does not exist and tried different solutions like going back to Java SE 6 update 20 changing .ini file etc. in the end reinstalling..
Is possible install Eclipse IDE in a Galaxy Tab? such a large application but Android lacks a full Java SE JVM Dalvik is a subset and SWT Eclipse UI framework implementation..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? ST SA SN CS SC SL SG SK SI SB SO ZA GS ES LK SD SR SJ SZ SE CH SY TW TJ TZ TH TL TG TK TO TT TN TR TM TC TV UG UA AE GB..
NFC card emulation Android PN544 NFC controller supports not only SWP for UICC based SE but also the S2C aka NFC WI for the external e.g. micro SD card.. the S2C aka NFC WI for the external e.g. micro SD card SE. Does anybody know how this can be enabled and what it means.. Obviously though applications could access embedded SE it would be worthless since keys are expected to be kept secret..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) any contents of secure elements . On one hand the embedded SE is unaccessible because we do not know the keys. On the other.. with it in its BB firmware. OTA access to external SE should be possible this lies in hands of MNOs. Some of the might.. the might offer TSM services to allow 3rd party access to SE inside UICC. By the way the technology you mention NFC WI is..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android 1.1 Host Date Thu 17 Jul 2008 14 52 54 GMT X SE Client some value X SE Accept xml X SE Auth 90a6d325e982f764f86a7e248edf6a660d4ee833.. Date Thu 17 Jul 2008 14 52 54 GMT X SE Client some value X SE Accept xml X SE Auth 90a6d325e982f764f86a7e248edf6a660d4ee833.. 2008 14 52 54 GMT X SE Client some value X SE Accept xml X SE Auth 90a6d325e982f764f86a7e248edf6a660d4ee833 The response of..
How does Android's Java version relate to a Java SE version? does Android's Java version relate to a Java SE version I am constantly wondering how the Java version used.. version used for Android development relates to a Java SE version. For example I was reading today about Type Inference.. and Generic Methods which is a feature added in Java SE 7. I wonder to myself Can I use this in Android code Of course..
http post method passing null values to the server post method passing null values to the server try url new URL ConstantsClass.VENDOR_FOLLOW UID android_id URL ' resultfinal ' device android connection HttpURLConnection.. UID android_id URL ' resultfinal ' device android connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setDoOutput true connection.setRequestMethod POST request new OutputStreamWriter connection.getOutputStream request.flush.. resultfinal ' device android connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setDoOutput true connection.setRequestMethod POST request new OutputStreamWriter connection.getOutputStream request.flush request.close request.write..
AES algo - Decryption Issue Each time i am getting exception 06 13 05 03 43.013 W System.err 1757 java.lang.NumberFormatException unable to parse 'LV' as integer 06 13 05 03 43.043 W System.err 1757 at java.lang.Integer.parse 433 06 13 05 03 43.043 W System.err.. unable to parse 'LV' as integer 06 13 05 03 43.043 W System.err 1757 at java.lang.Integer.parse 433 06 13 05 03 43.043 W System.err 1757 at java.lang.Integer.parseInt 422 06 13 05 03 43.043.. 1757 at java.lang.Integer.parse 433 06 13 05 03 43.043 W System.err 1757 at java.lang.Integer.parseInt 422 06 13 05 03 43.043 W System.err 1757 at java.lang.Integer.valueOf 704 06 13 05 03 43.043..
Android: I want to shake it will refresh my Android application. All I find of documentation involves implementing the SensorListener but Eclipse tells me it's deprecated and suggest SensorEventListener. Anybody that has a nice guide to how I go about creating this.. private final SensorEventListener mSensorListener new SensorEventListener public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent se float x se.values 0 float y se.values 1 float z se.values 2 mAccelLast mAccelCurrent mAccelCurrent float Math.sqrt double.. final SensorEventListener mSensorListener new SensorEventListener public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent se float x se.values 0 float y se.values 1 float z se.values 2 mAccelLast mAccelCurrent mAccelCurrent float Math.sqrt double x x y y z..
Using static variables in Android is reclaimed. I am 90 sure this happens when Android destroys the app not when it goes into the background or pauses but is completely shut down. So think of it as living as long as your app runs. Is Singleton a good idea People have different.. it as living as long as your app runs. Is Singleton a good idea People have different views. I think it's fine when used appropriately myself. I don't think the answer changes much on Android. Memory usage isn't the issue per se if you need.. as your app runs. Is Singleton a good idea People have different views. I think it's fine when used appropriately myself. I don't think the answer changes much on Android. Memory usage isn't the issue per se if you need to load a bunch of..
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP) sending XML via HTTP POST SOAP I would like to invoke a webservice via Android. I need to POST some XML to a URL via HTTP... sending XML via HTTP POST SOAP I would like to invoke a webservice via Android. I need to POST some XML to a URL via HTTP. I found this snipped for sending a POST but i dont know how.. I would like to invoke a webservice via Android. I need to POST some XML to a URL via HTTP. I found this snipped for sending a POST but i dont know how to include add the XML data itself. public void postData Create a new HttpClient and Post..
Http connection timeout on Android not working connection timeout on Android not working I'm writing an application that connects to a webservice and I don't want it to wait too long if it can't get a connection. I therefore set the connectionTimeout of the httpparams... that connects to a webservice and I don't want it to wait too long if it can't get a connection. I therefore set the connectionTimeout of the httpparams. But it doesn't seem to have any effect whatsoever. To test I turn of my WLAN temporarily... to wait too long if it can't get a connection. I therefore set the connectionTimeout of the httpparams. But it doesn't seem to have any effect whatsoever. To test I turn of my WLAN temporarily. The application tries to connect for quite some..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android The LocationManager API in android seems like it's a bit of a pain to use for an application.. is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android The LocationManager API in android seems like it's a bit of a pain to use for an application that only needs an occasional and rough approximation of the user's.. to get the user's current location in Android The LocationManager API in android seems like it's a bit of a pain to use for an application that only needs an occasional and rough approximation of the user's location. The app I'm working on..
Android - How to intercept the 'Install application' intent following activities are performed. 1 APK is downloaded from web and market launches installer 2 Install button is pressed on android market Is it possible to intercept and prompt on these events or has Google locked that stuff down quite tightly.. market launches installer 2 Install button is pressed on android market Is it possible to intercept and prompt on these events or has Google locked that stuff down quite tightly android android intent google play apk share improve this question.. down quite tightly android android intent google play apk share improve this question This isn't an answer per se but I can't find any commenting tool here. Sorry. I'm having this issue as well. I would like to be able to detect new application..
How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate] to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Updating progress.. I am developing my first Android App and I need a ProgressDialog to be showed while a background task in this case just a http call on the server happens. I did a bit of studying on this and also have already checked other threads related.. Android App and I need a ProgressDialog to be showed while a background task in this case just a http call on the server happens. I did a bit of studying on this and also have already checked other threads related to this subject. http
Android Sleep/Standby Mode Sleep Standby Mode I have made an app that starts a service which starts a timer which fires off a small function after an amount of time. This is working great on the emulator.. it doesn't work on the Droid X when the phone has been put into sleep mode. What I have discovered is that the timer seems to pause when the phone is in sleep. It doesn't seem to do this on the Droid 1 or the emulator. I'm sure the workaround.. work on the Droid X when the phone has been put into sleep mode. What I have discovered is that the timer seems to pause when the phone is in sleep. It doesn't seem to do this on the Droid 1 or the emulator. I'm sure the workaround isn't too..
Memory Analyzer Tool in android? Analyzer Tool in android I just want to know how to work with Memory analyzer tool in android. Please tell me how to do this to know about memory leaks for a particular project. Can someone give me step wise procedure for.. android. Please tell me how to do this to know about memory leaks for a particular project. Can someone give me step wise procedure for this. android memory leaks share improve this question Open DDMS perspective in Eclipse. Select Devices.. me step wise procedure for this. android memory leaks share improve this question Open DDMS perspective in Eclipse. Select Devices tab. Choose a process you want to make a dump for. Click Dump HPROF file button. The dump will be made and..
Android post JSON using HTTP out for a while I have found plenty of examples online but I cannot get any of them to work. I believe this is because of my lack of JSON networking knowledge in general. I know there are plenty of examples out there but could someone point.. what exactly is happening and why it is done that way. If anyone knows of a good Android book that deals with this please let me know. Thanks again for the help @terrance here is the code I described below public void shNameVerParams throws Exception.. properties can be referenced both like this and like this object 'name' . The example from the article uses this bit of JSON. The Parts A fan object with email as a key and as a value fan email '' So the..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor what does it show I am developing application for car acceleration tracking. I used standard accelerometer calibrating.. TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor what does it show I am developing application for car acceleration tracking. I used standard accelerometer calibrating it in specific position before start than considering phone's orientation is not changing.. almost good on strait horizontal road few percent mistake. But then I found out that in apl level 10 there is virtual sensor TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION and as far as i understand it must do what i need filter gravity orientation changing so i..
Can't start Eclipse - Java was started but returned exit code=13 version of Java run java version in a console. On Windows 7 with 64 bit Java 6 I get java version 1.6.0_27 Java TM SE Runtime Environment build 1.6.0_27 b07 Java HotSpot TM 64 Bit Server VM build 20.2 b06 mixed mode Check that this is the..
How to implement communication between Java client application (Android) and PHP server application? implement this simple program. Thanks. java php android client server share improve this question With basic Java SE API you can use to fire a HTTP request. A basic example of firing a GET request can be found in Sun..
how to url encode in android? me.. Thanks All android share improve this question URL encoding is done in the same way on android as in Java SE try String url http id 123 art abc String encodedurl URLEncoder.encode url UTF 8 Log.d TEST encodedurl catch..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android certificate authentication. I have an SSLClient class that I created that works beautifully on regular desktop Java SE 6. I've moved it into my Android project and I'm getting the following error KeyStore JKS implementation not found . I've..
Android SDK install problem [duplicate] jdk bin C src libraries javasdk jdk C src libraries jav asdk When I run the Android SDK installer I get the error Java SE development Kit JDK not found . I'm at a loss as to what the Android SDK cannot really find. What is wrong android sdk..
Android Packaging Problem: resources.ap_ does not exist anymore. It froze at the splash image. I looked on the internet and tried different solutions like going back to Java SE 6 update 20 changing .ini file etc. in the end reinstalling Eclipse did the job. Shortly after that the 'aapt.exe has stopped..
Is possible install Eclipse IDE in a Galaxy Tab? IDE as is. Not only is the hardware inadequate for supporting such a large application but Android lacks a full Java SE JVM Dalvik is a subset and SWT Eclipse UI framework implementation for native Android UI controls does not exist. On Linux..
NFC card emulation Android card emulation Android the Nexus S device NXP PN544 NFC controller supports not only SWP for UICC based SE but also the S2C aka NFC WI for the external e.g. micro SD card SE. Does anybody know how this can be enabled and what it.. NFC controller supports not only SWP for UICC based SE but also the S2C aka NFC WI for the external e.g. micro SD card SE. Does anybody know how this can be enabled and what it means for the SD card That is not relevant for the Google Nexus S.. The same happens with Nexus S which faces several problems. Obviously though applications could access embedded SE it would be worthless since keys are expected to be kept secret by Google. The only way to go is the hope in SWP connectivity..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) inside an UICC. Applications can not access directly to any contents of secure elements . On one hand the embedded SE is unaccessible because we do not know the keys. On the other hand the external element is accesible externally by means.. implemented the 3GPP TS 27.007 Technical Specification to interact with it in its BB firmware. OTA access to external SE should be possible this lies in hands of MNOs. Some of the might offer TSM services to allow 3rd party access to SE inside.. SE should be possible this lies in hands of MNOs. Some of the might offer TSM services to allow 3rd party access to SE inside UICC. By the way the technology you mention NFC WI is already used in the Nexus S to interconnect the NFC controller..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android to do so I have a general request info. HEAD authenticate HTTP 1.1 Host Date Thu 17 Jul 2008 14 52 54 GMT X SE Client some value X SE Accept xml X SE Auth 90a6d325e982f764f86a7e248edf6a660d4ee833 The response of the above would be.. request info. HEAD authenticate HTTP 1.1 Host Date Thu 17 Jul 2008 14 52 54 GMT X SE Client some value X SE Accept xml X SE Auth 90a6d325e982f764f86a7e248edf6a660d4ee833 The response of the above would be if success. HTTP 1.1 200.. HEAD authenticate HTTP 1.1 Host Date Thu 17 Jul 2008 14 52 54 GMT X SE Client some value X SE Accept xml X SE Auth 90a6d325e982f764f86a7e248edf6a660d4ee833 The response of the above would be if success. HTTP 1.1 200 OK Date Thu 17..
How does Android's Java version relate to a Java SE version? does Android's Java version relate to a Java SE version I am constantly wondering how the Java version used for Android development relates to a Java SE version. For example.. to a Java SE version I am constantly wondering how the Java version used for Android development relates to a Java SE version. For example I was reading today about Type Inference and Generic Methods which is a feature added in Java SE 7... SE version. For example I was reading today about Type Inference and Generic Methods which is a feature added in Java SE 7. I wonder to myself Can I use this in Android code Of course I could type the code into an Android project and see if..