android Programming Glossary: scroll
How ListView's recycling mechanism works create return convertView Problem is when I scroll this happens and not on position 0... Looks like position 6.. screen and the number of rows doesnt get increase even you scroll through the list this is the trick android use so that listview.. you can see initially list view has 7 visible items if you scroll up when item 1 is not any more visible getView pass this view..
Making TextView Scrollable in Android long to fit into one screen. I need to make my TextView scrollable. How can i do that Here is the code final TextView tv new.. R.drawable.inner return true setContentView tv android scroll textview share improve this question You don't need to use.. actually. Just set the android maxLines AN_INTEGER android scrollbars vertical properties of your TextView in your layout's xml..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling surrounds my entire layout so that the entire screen is scrollable. The first element I have in this ScrollView is a HorizontalScrollView.. a HorizontalScrollView block that has features that can be scrolled through horizontally. I've added an ontouchlistener to the.. I've added an ontouchlistener to the horizontalscrollview to handle touch events and force the view to snap to the..
Maintain/Save/Restore scroll position when returning to a ListView Save Restore scroll position when returning to a ListView I have a long ListView.. to a ListView I have a long ListView that the user can scroll around before returning to the previous screen. When the user.. the user opens this ListView again I want the list to be scrolled to the same point that it was previously. Any ideas on how..
How can I put a ListView into a ScrollView without it collapsing? it collapsing to its minimum height android listview scrollview share improve this question Using a ListView to make.. improve this question Using a ListView to make it not scroll is extremely expensive and goes against the whole purpose of..
Synchronise ScrollView scroll positions - android ScrollView scroll positions android I have 2 ScrollViews in my android layout... in my android layout. How can I synchronise their scroll positions android scrolling share improve this question .. How can I synchronise their scroll positions android scrolling share improve this question There is a method in ScrollView.....
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view is created. So it is recycled reused for items when you scroll and the click behavior applies to the wrong list item. Try not..
Android Facebook style slide View as the first child. This means when the HSV has zero scroll offset the menu will show through and still be clickable surprisingly.. be clickable surprisingly . When the app starts up we scroll the HSV to the offset of the first visible application View.. application View and when we want to show the menu we scroll back to reveal the menu through the transparent View. The code..
Not seeing Nexus7 in Eclipse's Android Devices [duplicate] me choose Let me pick form device drivers on my computer. Scroll down to SAMSUNG Android Phone Again the Galaxy Nexus drivers..
Cannot resolve symbol 'GoogleCloudMessaging' GCM android sdk. 2. Install the Google Play services SDK. Scroll to the bottom of the package list expand Extras select Google..
How to Programmatically Scroll Android WebView to Programmatically Scroll Android WebView I'm trying to programmatically scroll a WebView.. On the Java side I've tried calling the WebView.flingScroll ... method. WebView will respond to flingScroll but what I need.. ... method. WebView will respond to flingScroll but what I need is a scrollTo ... capability. Any ideas android..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling I have a ScrollView that.. HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling I have a ScrollView that surrounds my entire.. within ScrollView Touch Handling I have a ScrollView that surrounds my entire layout so that the entire screen..
Android : Stop image scaling down piece of code helps. I have googled it a month ago. It Scrolling performance for the Larger Images.Here whole display size.. can maintain the zoom controls too. public class LargeImageScroller extends Activity Physical display width and height. private.. displayRect new Rect 0 0 displayWidth displayHeight Scroll rect this will be used to 'scroll around' over the bitmap in..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer I have.. RingsExtended src com example android rings_extended The author said that this was copied from the Contacts.. uses its own implementation rather than just setting fastScrollEnabled true on the ListView . I altered it a little bit so that..
Horizontal ListView in Android? Problem My Idea is to set the ListView with Horizontal Scroll. Share Your Idea android listview gallery horizontal scrolling..
Developing an Android Homescreen android.view.ViewConfiguration import android.widget.Scroller public class DragableSpace extends ViewGroup private Scroller.. public class DragableSpace extends ViewGroup private Scroller mScroller private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker private.. class DragableSpace extends ViewGroup private Scroller mScroller private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker private int mScrollX..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour But after scrolling down the 8th entry is selected too. Scroll back to the top the first isn't selected anymore. The second..
Android Homescreen android.view.ViewConfiguration import android.widget.Scroller public class DragableSpace extends ViewGroup private Scroller.. public class DragableSpace extends ViewGroup private Scroller mScroller private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker private.. class DragableSpace extends ViewGroup private Scroller mScroller private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker private int mScrollX..
Sluggish zoom and scroll with GridView in Android a custom ImageView with zooming and panning functionality. Scroll and zoom functionality is sluggish. If the parent view is the..
scrollBar in a listView…customizing it. refer either to nine patch images or to a shape drawables. Scroll track image is a background for the scroll bar. Scroll thumb.. Scroll track image is a background for the scroll bar. Scroll thumb is responsible for the scroll handle. Then just apply..
Scroll webview horizontally inside a ViewPager webview horizontally inside a ViewPager I've put a WebView.. webview new WebView view.getContext webview.setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled true webview.loadUrl http image.gif.. the WebView With API Level 14 ICS the View method canScrollHorizontally has been introduced which we need to solve the problem...
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter I am using PagerAdapter for horizontal swiping.. TAG Log.VERBOSE posOffset 0 @Override public void onPageScrolled int position float positionOffset int positionOffsetPixels.. lastPosition TAG Log.VERBOSE @Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged int state To Detect the Last Page This Sets it..
Send Email Intent OR search by 'Vehicle Diary' Scroll down to 'DEVELOPER' Click on 'Send Email' The dialog shows only..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB settings charm. choose Change PC settings choose General Scroll down and click ˜Restart now under ˜Advanced startup Click ˜Troubleshoot..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works be running when position is 0. The position is position layout.addView create return convertView Problem is when I scroll this happens and not on position 0... Looks like position 6 and position 8 plus it puts two in position 8. Now I am still.. shows the number of Rows that the listview can show on screen and the number of rows doesnt get increase even you scroll through the list this is the trick android use so that listview work more effcient and fast Now the inside story of listview.. fast Now the inside story of listview refering to image as you can see initially list view has 7 visible items if you scroll up when item 1 is not any more visible getView pass this view item1 to recycler and you can use System.out.println getview..
Making TextView Scrollable in Android I am displaying text in a textview that appears to be too long to fit into one screen. I need to make my TextView scrollable. How can i do that Here is the code final TextView tv new TextView this tv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.splash tv.setTypeface.. tv.setText tips i tv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.inner return true setContentView tv android scroll textview share improve this question You don't need to use a ScrollView actually. Just set the android maxLines AN_INTEGER.. improve this question You don't need to use a ScrollView actually. Just set the android maxLines AN_INTEGER android scrollbars vertical properties of your TextView in your layout's xml file. Then use yourTextView.setMovementMethod new ScrollingMovementMethod..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling within ScrollView Touch Handling I have a ScrollView that surrounds my entire layout so that the entire screen is scrollable. The first element I have in this ScrollView is a HorizontalScrollView block that has features that can be scrolled.. scrollable. The first element I have in this ScrollView is a HorizontalScrollView block that has features that can be scrolled through horizontally. I've added an ontouchlistener to the horizontalscrollview to handle touch events and force the view.. block that has features that can be scrolled through horizontally. I've added an ontouchlistener to the horizontalscrollview to handle touch events and force the view to snap to the closest image on the ACTION_UP event. So the effect I'm going..
Maintain/Save/Restore scroll position when returning to a ListView Save Restore scroll position when returning to a ListView I have a long ListView that the user can scroll around before returning to the previous.. Save Restore scroll position when returning to a ListView I have a long ListView that the user can scroll around before returning to the previous screen. When the user opens this ListView again I want the list to be scrolled to.. scroll around before returning to the previous screen. When the user opens this ListView again I want the list to be scrolled to the same point that it was previously. Any ideas on how to achieve this android android listview scrolling scroll..
How can I put a ListView into a ScrollView without it collapsing? is how can you place a ListView into a ScrollView without it collapsing to its minimum height android listview scrollview share improve this question Using a ListView to make it not scroll is extremely expensive and goes against the whole.. to its minimum height android listview scrollview share improve this question Using a ListView to make it not scroll is extremely expensive and goes against the whole purpose of ListView. You should NOT do this. Just use a LinearLayout instead...
Synchronise ScrollView scroll positions - android ScrollView scroll positions android I have 2 ScrollViews in my android layout. How can I synchronise their scroll positions android scrolling.. ScrollView scroll positions android I have 2 ScrollViews in my android layout. How can I synchronise their scroll positions android scrolling share improve this question There is a method in ScrollView... protected void onScrollChanged.. positions android I have 2 ScrollViews in my android layout. How can I synchronise their scroll positions android scrolling share improve this question There is a method in ScrollView... protected void onScrollChanged int x int y int oldx..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view viewHolder.checkbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener when the view is created. So it is recycled reused for items when you scroll and the click behavior applies to the wrong list item. Try not to hard code the position by using the outer final position..
Android Facebook style slide HSV are your application Views but there is a transparent View as the first child. This means when the HSV has zero scroll offset the menu will show through and still be clickable surprisingly . When the app starts up we scroll the HSV to the.. HSV has zero scroll offset the menu will show through and still be clickable surprisingly . When the app starts up we scroll the HSV to the offset of the first visible application View and when we want to show the menu we scroll back to reveal the.. starts up we scroll the HSV to the offset of the first visible application View and when we want to show the menu we scroll back to reveal the menu through the transparent View. The code is here and the bottom two buttons called HorzScrollWithListMenu..
Not seeing Nexus7 in Eclipse's Android Devices [duplicate] the yellow exclamation mark Right Click Upate Drivers Let me choose Let me pick form device drivers on my computer. Scroll down to SAMSUNG Android Phone Again the Galaxy Nexus drivers should be installed already if not find them and choose the..
Cannot resolve symbol 'GoogleCloudMessaging' GCM navigate to the tools directory in the Android SDK then execute android sdk. 2. Install the Google Play services SDK. Scroll to the bottom of the package list expand Extras select Google Play services and install it. The Google Play services SDK..
How to Programmatically Scroll Android WebView to Programmatically Scroll Android WebView I'm trying to programmatically scroll a WebView to the location of a particular element in the DOM tree... that uses window.scrollTo ... but the WebView doesn't respond. On the Java side I've tried calling the WebView.flingScroll ... method. WebView will respond to flingScroll but what I need is a scrollTo ... capability. Any ideas android scrolling.. doesn't respond. On the Java side I've tried calling the WebView.flingScroll ... method. WebView will respond to flingScroll but what I need is a scrollTo ... capability. Any ideas android scrolling scroll webview share improve this question..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling I have a ScrollView that surrounds my entire layout so that the entire screen is scrollable... HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling I have a ScrollView that surrounds my entire layout so that the entire screen is scrollable. The first.. HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling I have a ScrollView that surrounds my entire layout so that the entire screen is scrollable. The first element I have in this ScrollView..
Android : Stop image scaling down interface view scale share improve this question Hope This piece of code helps. I have googled it a month ago. It Scrolling performance for the Larger Images.Here whole display size is set as the Height and width of the view. You can change.. and width of the view. You can change you know. and also can maintain the zoom controls too. public class LargeImageScroller extends Activity Physical display width and height. private static int displayWidth 0 private static int displayHeight.. Destination rect for our main canvas draw. It never changes. displayRect new Rect 0 0 displayWidth displayHeight Scroll rect this will be used to 'scroll around' over the bitmap in memory. Initialize as above. scrollRect new Rect 0 0 displayWidth..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer I have a list of events which are seperated by month and year Jun 2010.. http p apps for android source browse trunk RingsExtended src com example android rings_extended The author said that this was copied from the Contacts app which apparently uses its own implementation rather.. that this was copied from the Contacts app which apparently uses its own implementation rather than just setting fastScrollEnabled true on the ListView . I altered it a little bit so that you can customize the overlay rectangle width overlay rectangle..
Horizontal ListView in Android? item at the same spot i have clicked. How to Rectify this Problem My Idea is to set the ListView with Horizontal Scroll. Share Your Idea android listview gallery horizontal scrolling share improve this question After reading this post I..
Developing an Android Homescreen import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.view.ViewConfiguration import android.widget.Scroller public class DragableSpace extends ViewGroup private Scroller mScroller private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker private.. android.view.ViewConfiguration import android.widget.Scroller public class DragableSpace extends ViewGroup private Scroller mScroller private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker private int mScrollX 0 private int mCurrentScreen 0 private float mLastMotionX.. import android.widget.Scroller public class DragableSpace extends ViewGroup private Scroller mScroller private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker private int mScrollX 0 private int mCurrentScreen 0 private float mLastMotionX..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour gets changed selected after pressing e.g. the first entry. But after scrolling down the 8th entry is selected too. Scroll back to the top the first isn't selected anymore. The second entry is selected now. Continue scrolling and it continues..
Android Homescreen import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.view.ViewConfiguration import android.widget.Scroller public class DragableSpace extends ViewGroup private Scroller mScroller private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker private.. android.view.ViewConfiguration import android.widget.Scroller public class DragableSpace extends ViewGroup private Scroller mScroller private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker private int mScrollX 0 private int mCurrentScreen 0 private float mLastMotionX.. import android.widget.Scroller public class DragableSpace extends ViewGroup private Scroller mScroller private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker private int mScrollX 0 private int mCurrentScreen 0 private float mLastMotionX..
Sluggish zoom and scroll with GridView in Android creating a custom view derived from GridView. This contains a custom ImageView with zooming and panning functionality. Scroll and zoom functionality is sluggish. If the parent view is the same custom ImageView instead of a GridView it works perfectly...
scrollBar in a listView…customizing it. @drawable scroll_track and @drawable scroll_thumb must refer either to nine patch images or to a shape drawables. Scroll track image is a background for the scroll bar. Scroll thumb is responsible for the scroll handle. Then just apply the theme.. must refer either to nine patch images or to a shape drawables. Scroll track image is a background for the scroll bar. Scroll thumb is responsible for the scroll handle. Then just apply the theme either to whole application or to an activity within..
Scroll webview horizontally inside a ViewPager webview horizontally inside a ViewPager I've put a WebView loading an image inside a ViewPager. When I try to scroll the.. public Object instantiateItem View view int i WebView webview new WebView view.getContext webview.setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled true webview.loadUrl http image.gif ViewPager view .addView webview 0 return webview android.. will be consumed by the ViewPager to switch the page. Extending the WebView With API Level 14 ICS the View method canScrollHorizontally has been introduced which we need to solve the problem. If you develop only for ICS or above you can directly..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter I am using PagerAdapter for horizontal swiping for showing newspaper pages in my app. Currently I want.. position CommonLogic.logMessage Viewer Page viewerPage TAG Log.VERBOSE posOffset 0 @Override public void onPageScrolled int position float positionOffset int positionOffsetPixels if positionOffset 0 positionOffsetPixels 0 position 0 lastPosition.. TAG Log.VERBOSE CommonLogic.logMessage Last Position lastPosition TAG Log.VERBOSE @Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged int state To Detect the Last Page This Sets it to first page.This working fine. if state ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING..
Send Email Intent find such app just open my app market details id OR search by 'Vehicle Diary' Scroll down to 'DEVELOPER' Click on 'Send Email' The dialog shows only email Apps e.g. Gmail Yahoo Mail etc. It does not show Bluetooth..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB upper or lower corner of screen to open charms bar and click settings charm. choose Change PC settings choose General Scroll down and click ˜Restart now under ˜Advanced startup Click ˜Troubleshoot Click ˜Advanced Options Click ˜Windows Startup Settings..