android Programming Glossary: scrolls
Android Endless List of integers starting with 40 adding items when the user scrolls to the end of the list. public class Test extends ListActivity..
Android. Scrolling 2 listviews together as frozen panes in Excel. That is I want a header row that scrolls horizontally with the main ListView and a left hand ListView.. with the main ListView and a left hand ListView that scrolls vertically with the main ListView. The header row and the left..
Android ScrollView layout problem added a ScrollView as a parent of the LinearLayout. Now it scrolls but the ListViews all have room for 2 entries whether they have..
Making TextView Scrollable in Android new ScrollingMovementMethod in your code. Bingo it scrolls automatically without any issues. share improve this answer..
Android ListView Footer View not being placed on the bottom of the screen items then use addFooterView ...but then the footer always scrolls with the list. If you want it to not scroll with the list one..
How to scroll to bottom in a ScrollView on activity startup
Show popup above map marker in MapView Maps app . It should move with the map when the user scrolls the map. What is the best way to do this One idea is to have.. scroll automatically without any additional code when user scrolls the map. Basically popup gets tied to a GeoPoint if user zooms..
Android ListView with RadioButton in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout and then use getView to mirror that in the UI as the user scrolls up and down the ListView. There may be a better solution but..
Hide footer view in ListView? from the Internet in sets of 10 30 items whenever the user scrolls all the way to the bottom. In order to indicate that it is loading..
Swipe/Fling tab-changing in conjunction with ScrollView? These ScrollViews obviously respond to up down scrolls in order to let you view all data inside it no surprise there...
android live wallpaper rescaling to screen xPixels changes by 80 each time...because four scrolls across five screens is supposed to double the amount of revealed..
Disable ScrollView Programmatically? when some condition is matched. The Gallery component scrolls horizontally regardless of whether it is in a ScrollView or..
Does a replacement for Gallery widget with View recycling exist? number of items the gallery has to display changes as it scrolls and the existing implementation would clear the recycler when..
Android listview with header and footer buttons put buttons on top and on the bottom of it i.e. when user scrolls list to the end he can see bottom button and when user is on..
Call removeView() on the child's parent first have a layout inside a scrollview. At first when the user scrolls on the screen the scrollview scrolls. However after a certain.. first when the user scrolls on the screen the scrollview scrolls. However after a certain amount of scroll I was to disable the..
Android: Detect when ScrollView stops scrolling It also needs to work when the user just flicks it and it scrolls and then decelerates. On iPhone there is a function that is..
Webview in Scrollview about blank Sometimes when page loaded scrollview scrolls to place where webview begins. And I don't know how to fix that...
Android Endless List its onScroll method. The following ListActivity shows a list of integers starting with 40 adding items when the user scrolls to the end of the list. public class Test extends ListActivity implements OnScrollListener Aleph0 adapter new Aleph0 protected..
Android. Scrolling 2 listviews together I'm trying to achieve is a layout that does the same effect as frozen panes in Excel. That is I want a header row that scrolls horizontally with the main ListView and a left hand ListView that scrolls vertically with the main ListView. The header.. in Excel. That is I want a header row that scrolls horizontally with the main ListView and a left hand ListView that scrolls vertically with the main ListView. The header row and the left hand listview should remain stationary when scrolling in..
Android ScrollView layout problem etc. Works great but doesn't fit in the screen. So I added a ScrollView as a parent of the LinearLayout. Now it scrolls but the ListViews all have room for 2 entries whether they have 0 or 3 entries. Something about adding the ScrollView parent..
Making TextView Scrollable in Android
Android ListView Footer View not being placed on the bottom of the screen top half of the screen the footer is right below the three items then use addFooterView ...but then the footer always scrolls with the list. If you want it to not scroll with the list one approach is to use a RelativeLayout as your parent anchor..
How to scroll to bottom in a ScrollView on activity startup
Show popup above map marker in MapView user clicks on a map marker something smilar to what is in Google Maps app . It should move with the map when the user scrolls the map. What is the best way to do this One idea is to have the LinearLayout in my Activity's root layout and show it when.. in the ItemizedOverlay OverlayItem onTap method. Popup will scroll automatically without any additional code when user scrolls the map. Basically popup gets tied to a GeoPoint if user zooms popup's position gets adjusted automatically. MapView map..
Android ListView with RadioButton in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout
Hide footer view in ListView? ListView I have a ListView . The data behind it is fetched from the Internet in sets of 10 30 items whenever the user scrolls all the way to the bottom. In order to indicate that it is loading more items I used addFooterView to add a simple view..
Swipe/Fling tab-changing in conjunction with ScrollView? wrapping around at the ends . Now some of my tabs contain ScrollViews. These ScrollViews obviously respond to up down scrolls in order to let you view all data inside it no surprise there. The issue is that it would appear the 'scroll' function of..
android live wallpaper rescaling has 320 pixel width I get mDW 640 as I scroll from screen to screen xPixels changes by 80 each time...because four scrolls across five screens is supposed to double the amount of revealed artwork this effect is called parallax scrolling . The..
Disable ScrollView Programmatically? ScrollView and override the onTouchEvent method to return false when some condition is matched. The Gallery component scrolls horizontally regardless of whether it is in a ScrollView or not a ScrollView provides only vertical scrolling you need a..
Does a replacement for Gallery widget with View recycling exist? using the component. Removed all calls to mRecycler.clear The number of items the gallery has to display changes as it scrolls and the existing implementation would clear the recycler when a setSelection was called b a motion scroll occurred With..
Android listview with header and footer buttons I need to make such layout I've got listview and I need to put buttons on top and on the bottom of it i.e. when user scrolls list to the end he can see bottom button and when user is on the top of list he can see top button. But when user is 'in..
Call removeView() on the child's parent first @Dongshengcn for the solution. First a little background I have a layout inside a scrollview. At first when the user scrolls on the screen the scrollview scrolls. However after a certain amount of scroll I was to disable the scroll on the scroll.. a little background I have a layout inside a scrollview. At first when the user scrolls on the screen the scrollview scrolls. However after a certain amount of scroll I was to disable the scroll on the scroll view the move the scroll focus onto..
Android: Detect when ScrollView stops scrolling and working it out from there but it is quite buggy. It also needs to work when the user just flicks it and it scrolls and then decelerates. On iPhone there is a function that is something like didDecelerate and there I can do any code I want..
Webview in Scrollview css articleDetail.getContent WEBVIEW_MIME_TYPE WEBVIEW_ENCODING about blank Sometimes when page loaded scrollview scrolls to place where webview begins. And I don't know how to fix that. Also sometimes there is huge white empty space appears..