android Programming Glossary: scythe
Is there any way to use Roboguice and ActionbarSherlock in one project? But I can't get it to compile this way. Part of the console output is 2011 10 15 17 46 31 RetainFragmentTest2 Users scythe JavaLibs JakeWharton ActionBarSherlock a4855d0 library res values v11 abs__styles.xml 170 error Error No resource found.. Error No resource found that matches the given name attr 'android logo'. 2011 10 15 17 46 31 RetainFragmentTest2 Users scythe JavaLibs JakeWharton ActionBarSherlock a4855d0 library res values v11 abs__styles.xml 171 error Error No resource found.. found that matches the given name attr 'android navigationMode'. 2011 10 15 17 46 31 RetainFragmentTest2 Users scythe JavaLibs JakeWharton ActionBarSherlock a4855d0 library res values v11 abs__styles.xml 174 error Error No resource found..