android Programming Glossary: scrollby
Android SurfaceView scrolling and calls with no coherency . I've tried just calling scrollBy and that doesn't work. If anyone has any pointers about how..
How to syncronisize two Listview positions won't scroll. You can thought use scrollTo or scrollBy on the other list that is not scrolling at the moment but be..
Programmatically Fling ListView Android is support for scrolling your view by your own public void scrollBy int x int y Move the scrolled position of your view. This will..
Developing an Android Homescreen deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 scrollBy Math.max mScrollX deltaX 0 else if deltaX 0 final int availableToScroll.. 1 .getRight mScrollX getWidth if availableToScroll 0 scrollBy Math.min availableToScroll deltaX 0 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP..
Android: Synchronized scrolling of two different views your gesture listener detects a fling or a scroll invoke scrollBy in each of the scrolling views. When you do this if you want..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 BadScrollHelp.setScrollX deltaX scrollBy Math.max mScrollX deltaX 0 else if deltaX 0 final int availableToScroll.. if availableToScroll 0 BadScrollHelp.setScrollX deltaX scrollBy Math.min availableToScroll deltaX 0 Request a redraw invalidate..
Smooth scrolling in Android distanceX float distanceY beware it can scroll to infinity scrollBy int distanceX int distanceY return true @Override public boolean.. event While OnGestureListener.onScroll calls directly View.scrollBy for the onFling method you'll need a Scroller . Scroller is..
Android Homescreen deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 scrollBy Math.max mScrollX deltaX 0 else if deltaX 0 final int availableToScroll.. 1 .getRight mScrollX getWidth if availableToScroll 0 scrollBy Math.min availableToScroll deltaX 0 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP..
Android automatic horizontally scrolling TextView 1000 public void handleMessage Message msg scrollBy 5 0 requestLayout Log.debug Scrolled to getScrollX px sendEmptyMessageDelayed..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? scaleEdges ImageView scrollEdge ImageView scrollGlow float scrollBy float edgeSize scrollBy 20 float glowSize scrollBy 2 if edgeSize.. ImageView scrollGlow float scrollBy float edgeSize scrollBy 20 float glowSize scrollBy 2 if edgeSize MAX_EDGE_SIZE edgeSize.. float scrollBy float edgeSize scrollBy 20 float glowSize scrollBy 2 if edgeSize MAX_EDGE_SIZE edgeSize MAX_EDGE_SIZE if glowSize..
Android: Enable Scrollbars in Custom View and is scrollable in both dimensions using scrollTo and scrollBy . Scrolling works and now I'd like to add the standard Android..
Android sidebar like facebook or firefox [duplicate] the right of the screen just need to call the slideTo or scrollBy. And basically it's that Quite simple and effective the code..
Android: Notify Scrollview that it's child's size has changed: how? imageView.setLayoutParams params ... scrollView.scrollBy scrollX scrollY However no scrolling occurs when in the situation.. immediately that the child's size has changed So that scrollBy will work right after setLayoutParams on it's child android.. doPlannedScroll if onLayoutScrollByX 0 onLayoutScrollByY 0 scrollBy onLayoutScrollByX onLayoutScrollByY onLayoutScrollByX 0 onLayoutScrollByY..
Android SurfaceView scrolling due to the very limited documentation just bunches of classes and calls with no coherency . I've tried just calling scrollBy and that doesn't work. If anyone has any pointers about how to proceed this would be much appreciated. android scrolling..
How to syncronisize two Listview positions this question If the position is visible smoothScrollToPosition won't scroll. You can thought use scrollTo or scrollBy on the other list that is not scrolling at the moment but be careful to not enter a recursion with each list calling the..
Programmatically Fling ListView Android can do the job . Also it seems there is support for scrolling your view by your own public void scrollBy int x int y Move the scrolled position of your view. This will cause a call to onScrollChanged int int int int and the view..
Developing an Android Homescreen mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move deltaX deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 scrollBy Math.max mScrollX deltaX 0 else if deltaX 0 final int availableToScroll getChildAt getChildCount 1 .getRight mScrollX.. 0 final int availableToScroll getChildAt getChildCount 1 .getRight mScrollX getWidth if availableToScroll 0 scrollBy Math.min availableToScroll deltaX 0 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP Log.i LOG_TAG event up if mTouchState TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING..
Android: Synchronized scrolling of two different views pass touch events in your activity into the custom view when your gesture listener detects a fling or a scroll invoke scrollBy in each of the scrolling views. When you do this if you want the top view to scroll horizontally only pass 0 as the vertical..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 BadScrollHelp.setScrollX deltaX scrollBy Math.max mScrollX deltaX 0 else if deltaX 0 final int availableToScroll getChildAt getChildCount 1 .getRight mScrollX.. getChildAt getChildCount 1 .getRight mScrollX getWidth if availableToScroll 0 BadScrollHelp.setScrollX deltaX scrollBy Math.min availableToScroll deltaX 0 Request a redraw invalidate break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP Log.i LOG_TAG event..
Smooth scrolling in Android boolean onScroll MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float distanceX float distanceY beware it can scroll to infinity scrollBy int distanceX int distanceY return true @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float vX float vY.. onTouchEvent MotionEvent event return mGD.onTouchEvent event While OnGestureListener.onScroll calls directly View.scrollBy for the onFling method you'll need a Scroller . Scroller is a simple object that as reference says encapsulates scrolling...
Android Homescreen mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move deltaX deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 scrollBy Math.max mScrollX deltaX 0 else if deltaX 0 final int availableToScroll getChildAt getChildCount 1 .getRight mScrollX.. 0 final int availableToScroll getChildAt getChildCount 1 .getRight mScrollX getWidth if availableToScroll 0 scrollBy Math.min availableToScroll deltaX 0 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP Log.i LOG_TAG event up if mTouchState TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING..
Android automatic horizontally scrolling TextView scrollHandler new Handler private static final int REFRESH_INTERVAL 1000 public void handleMessage Message msg scrollBy 5 0 requestLayout Log.debug Scrolled to getScrollX px sendEmptyMessageDelayed 0 REFRESH_INTERVAL android scrolling..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? edge glow values 0 private static void scaleEdges ImageView scrollEdge ImageView scrollGlow float scrollBy float edgeSize scrollBy 20 float glowSize scrollBy 2 if edgeSize MAX_EDGE_SIZE edgeSize MAX_EDGE_SIZE if glowSize MAX_GLOW_SIZE.. glow values 0 private static void scaleEdges ImageView scrollEdge ImageView scrollGlow float scrollBy float edgeSize scrollBy 20 float glowSize scrollBy 2 if edgeSize MAX_EDGE_SIZE edgeSize MAX_EDGE_SIZE if glowSize MAX_GLOW_SIZE glowSize MAX_GLOW_SIZE.. void scaleEdges ImageView scrollEdge ImageView scrollGlow float scrollBy float edgeSize scrollBy 20 float glowSize scrollBy 2 if edgeSize MAX_EDGE_SIZE edgeSize MAX_EDGE_SIZE if glowSize MAX_GLOW_SIZE glowSize MAX_GLOW_SIZE setHeight scrollEdge..
Android: Enable Scrollbars in Custom View lots of different elements that are created at run time and is scrollable in both dimensions using scrollTo and scrollBy . Scrolling works and now I'd like to add the standard Android scrollbars. Using Scrollviews ist not possible since I need..
Android sidebar like facebook or firefox [duplicate] together and then I just animate the top layout to slide to the right of the screen just need to call the slideTo or scrollBy. And basically it's that Quite simple and effective the code though is not very pretty P EDIT Some code samples. xml version..
Android: Notify Scrollview that it's child's size has changed: how? int startX scaleFactor params.height int startY scaleFactor imageView.setLayoutParams params ... scrollView.scrollBy scrollX scrollY However no scrolling occurs when in the situation before the scaling scrolling was not possible because.. child is larger and scrollable. How can I notify the scrollview immediately that the child's size has changed So that scrollBy will work right after setLayoutParams on it's child android scrollview scaling share improve this question I found.. super.onLayout changed l t r b doPlannedScroll public void doPlannedScroll if onLayoutScrollByX 0 onLayoutScrollByY 0 scrollBy onLayoutScrollByX onLayoutScrollByY onLayoutScrollByX 0 onLayoutScrollByY 0 Now to use this in your code instead of scrollBy..