android Programming Glossary: scrollx
Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling mimics the underlying calculations in ViewPager float scrollX getScrollX distX final int width getWidth final int widthWithMargin.. 1 this.getAdapter .getCount 1 widthWithMargin if scrollX leftBound scrollX leftBound Now we know that we've hit the bound.. .getCount 1 widthWithMargin if scrollX leftBound scrollX leftBound Now we know that we've hit the bound flip the page..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL int scrollX getScrollX int featureWidth getMeasuredWidth activeFeature.. int featureWidth getMeasuredWidth activeFeature scrollX featureWidth 2 featureWidth int scrollTo activeFeature featureWidth..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views public class BadScrollHelp private static int scrollX 0 private static int currentScreen 0 public static synchronized.. 0 public static synchronized void setScrollX int scroll scrollX scroll public static synchronized void setCurrentScreen int.. screen public static synchronized int getScrollX return scrollX public static synchronized int getCurrentScreen return currentScreen..
Android: Enable Scrollbars on Canvas-Based View paddingTop attr name android saveEnabled attr name android scrollX attr name android scrollY attr name android scrollbarAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack..
Android: HorizontalScrollView smoothScroll animation time scroll implemenation. The call myScroller.startScroll scrollX getScrollY dx 0 500 changes the scroll speed. private OverScroller.. .getWidth final int maxX Math.max 0 right width final int scrollX getScrollX dx Math.max 0 Math.min scrollX dx maxX scrollX myScroller.startScroll.. width final int scrollX getScrollX dx Math.max 0 Math.min scrollX dx maxX scrollX myScroller.startScroll scrollX getScrollY dx..
Android automatic horizontally scrolling TextView is correct the getScrollX method returns the appropriate scrollX position. If I don't call requestLayout nothing gets drawn...
Samsung Galaxy S2 2.3.5+ not calling overScrollBy() protected boolean overScrollBy int deltaX int deltaY int scrollX int scrollY int scrollRangeX int scrollRangeY int maxOverScrollX.. isTouchEvent ... return super.overScrollBy deltaX deltaY scrollX scrollY scrollRangeX scrollRangeY 0 metrics.widthPixels isTouchEvent..
Android: Notify Scrollview that it's child's size has changed: how? imageView.setLayoutParams params ... scrollView.scrollBy scrollX scrollY However no scrolling occurs when in the situation before..
Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling return false private void trackMotion float distX The following mimics the underlying calculations in ViewPager float scrollX getScrollX distX final int width getWidth final int widthWithMargin width this.getPageMargin final float leftBound Math.max.. 1 widthWithMargin final float rightBound Math.min this.getCurrentItem 1 this.getAdapter .getCount 1 widthWithMargin if scrollX leftBound scrollX leftBound Now we know that we've hit the bound flip the page if this.getCurrentItem 0 this.setCurrentItem.. final float rightBound Math.min this.getCurrentItem 1 this.getAdapter .getCount 1 widthWithMargin if scrollX leftBound scrollX leftBound Now we know that we've hit the bound flip the page if this.getCurrentItem 0 this.setCurrentItem this.getCurrentItem..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling event return true else if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL int scrollX getScrollX int featureWidth getMeasuredWidth activeFeature scrollX featureWidth 2 featureWidth int scrollTo activeFeature.. event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL int scrollX getScrollX int featureWidth getMeasuredWidth activeFeature scrollX featureWidth 2 featureWidth int scrollTo activeFeature featureWidth smoothScrollTo scrollTo 0 return true else return..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views new SavedState size package public class BadScrollHelp private static int scrollX 0 private static int currentScreen 0 public static synchronized void setScrollX int scroll scrollX scroll public static.. private static int scrollX 0 private static int currentScreen 0 public static synchronized void setScrollX int scroll scrollX scroll public static synchronized void setCurrentScreen int screen currentScreen screen public static synchronized int getScrollX.. synchronized void setCurrentScreen int screen currentScreen screen public static synchronized int getScrollX return scrollX public static synchronized int getCurrentScreen return currentScreen main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 FrameLayout..
Android: Enable Scrollbars on Canvas-Based View attr name android paddingRight attr name android paddingTop attr name android saveEnabled attr name android scrollX attr name android scrollY attr name android scrollbarAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack attr name android scrollbarAlwaysDrawVerticalTrack..
Android: HorizontalScrollView smoothScroll animation time class changes the field name it defaults back to original scroll implemenation. The call myScroller.startScroll scrollX getScrollY dx 0 500 changes the scroll speed. private OverScroller myScroller private void init try Class parent this.getClass.. getPaddingRight getPaddingLeft final int right getChildAt 0 .getWidth final int maxX Math.max 0 right width final int scrollX getScrollX dx Math.max 0 Math.min scrollX dx maxX scrollX myScroller.startScroll scrollX getScrollY dx 0 500 invalidate.. right getChildAt 0 .getWidth final int maxX Math.max 0 right width final int scrollX getScrollX dx Math.max 0 Math.min scrollX dx maxX scrollX myScroller.startScroll scrollX getScrollY dx 0 500 invalidate public void customSmoothScrollTo int x int..
Android automatic horizontally scrolling TextView should be scrolling by 5 pixels every second. The log output is correct the getScrollX method returns the appropriate scrollX position. If I don't call requestLayout nothing gets drawn. invalidate has no effect. Would anybody have a clue public class..
Samsung Galaxy S2 2.3.5+ not calling overScrollBy() of a view that extends ScrollView and overrides protected boolean overScrollBy int deltaX int deltaY int scrollX int scrollY int scrollRangeX int scrollRangeY int maxOverScrollX int maxOverScrollY boolean isTouchEvent ... return super.overScrollBy.. scrollRangeY int maxOverScrollX int maxOverScrollY boolean isTouchEvent ... return super.overScrollBy deltaX deltaY scrollX scrollY scrollRangeX scrollRangeY 0 metrics.widthPixels isTouchEvent On every other device Gingerbread and up of course..
Android: Notify Scrollview that it's child's size has changed: how? int startX scaleFactor params.height int startY scaleFactor imageView.setLayoutParams params ... scrollView.scrollBy scrollX scrollY However no scrolling occurs when in the situation before the scaling scrolling was not possible because the view..