android Programming Glossary: pitch
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch when the phone is moved through any other axis roll or pitch . Can anyone please help before I have to abandon my project... code I've used below. The code calculates the azimuth and pitch from the raw TYPE_GRAVITY and TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD sensor data.. m_OrientationOK set true if m_azimuth_radians and m_pitch_radians have successfully been calculated following a call to..
Android OpenAL? for it. It seems the Android java sound library can't do pitch changes from what I can tell so there seems a need for OpenAL...
How advantageous is PhoneGap? lack of structure around PhoneGap makes it risky when I am pitching it to my client. I have recently started to look into Appcelerator.. and professional than PhoneGap this make it an easier pitch to my clients. That being said I think BOTH solutions can meet..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION There are 2 ways to get the 3 rotation values azimuth pitch roll . One is registering a listener of a type TYPE_ORIENTATION... every rotation as the documentation says azimuth 0 359 pitch 180 180 roll 90 90 The other one the most precise and complex.. azimuth 180 180 . 180 180 is S 0 i N 90 E and 90 W. pitch 90 90 . 90 is 90 90 is 90 0 is 0 but 180 180 lying with the..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates event.values.clone azimuth.setText orientationvalues 0 pitch.setText orientationvalues 1 roll.setText orientationvalues.. of magnetic field values in geomagneticmatrix . Azimuth pitch and roll in orientationvalues . Rotation matrix R . Inclination.. I . I think all the necessary information is there azimuth pitch and roll should describe the displacement of the device's coordinate..
Strange behavior with android orientation sensor values to the 3D rotation. When I try to change the 'pitch' value by rotating the device around only 'pitch' axis the 'yaw'.. the 'pitch' value by rotating the device around only 'pitch' axis the 'yaw' value also changes according to the rotation.. 'yaw' value also changes according to the rotation of the pitch. It seems completely unreasonable to me. Could somebody help..
Store orientation to an array - and compare be able to replicate the same movement. I extract the pitch roll and yaw using self.motionManager startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue.. NSError error CMAttitude attitude motion.attitude NSLog @ pitch f roll f yaw f attitude.pitch attitude.roll attitude.yaw I'm.. motion.attitude NSLog @ pitch f roll f yaw f attitude.pitch attitude.roll attitude.yaw I'm thinking that I could store..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? is deprecated. It returns the orientation as yaw pitch roll in degres. It's not very well defined and can only be relied..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results String.valueOf mAngle0_azimuth mTextView_pitch.setText Pitch String.valueOf mAngle1_pitch mTextView_roll.setText Roll String.valueOf.. mAngle0_filtered_azimuth mTextView_filtered_pitch.setText Pitch String.valueOf mAngle1_filtered_pitch mTextView_filtered_roll.setText..
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES 2000 static SLpermille playbackRateStepSize Pitch static SLPitchItf uriPlaybackPitch static SLpermille playbackMinPitch.. 2000 static SLpermille playbackRateStepSize Pitch static SLPitchItf uriPlaybackPitch static SLpermille playbackMinPitch 500 static.. playbackRateStepSize Pitch static SLPitchItf uriPlaybackPitch static SLpermille playbackMinPitch 500 static SLpermille playbackMaxPitch..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation ImageView adiFrame Layout. private RelativeLayout layout Pitch and Roll TextViews. private TextView pitchAngleText private..
How to open/display documents(.pdf, .doc) without external app? i want to scroll the document with the phones orientation Pitch and Roll . I create a button on the bottom of the screen and..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch I'm trying to make a application on my Android phone Nexus..
Android phone orientation overview including compass the compass bearing east of magnetic north values 1 Pitch rotation around x axis is the phone leaning forward or back..
How do I render Tamil unicode in Android
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch say north then the compass will read north and not jump around when the phone is moved through any other axis roll or pitch . Can anyone please help before I have to abandon my project. Thanks Adam android android sensors share improve this.. I'm using here on and I've pasted the code I've used below. The code calculates the azimuth and pitch from the raw TYPE_GRAVITY and TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD sensor data without any API calls to e.g. SensorManager.getRotationMatrix.. Normalised vector pointing to magnetic north boolean m_OrientationOK set true if m_azimuth_radians and m_pitch_radians have successfully been calculated following a call to onSensorChanged ... float m_azimuth_radians angle of the device..
Android OpenAL? for a game of any kind yet there's no resources out there for it. It seems the Android java sound library can't do pitch changes from what I can tell so there seems a need for OpenAL. I know OpenAL Soft can be built on top of ALSA but I'm not..
How advantageous is PhoneGap? developing for a specific client and for myself so some of lack of structure around PhoneGap makes it risky when I am pitching it to my client. I have recently started to look into Appcelerator as another cross platform tool. It has gotten decent.. documentation and support around it appear to be more polished and professional than PhoneGap this make it an easier pitch to my clients. That being said I think BOTH solutions can meet the needs of your application as you have described it above...
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION TYPE_ACCELEROMETER TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION There are 2 ways to get the 3 rotation values azimuth pitch roll . One is registering a listener of a type TYPE_ORIENTATION. It's the easiest way and I get a correct range of values.. It's the easiest way and I get a correct range of values from every rotation as the documentation says azimuth 0 359 pitch 180 180 roll 90 90 The other one the most precise and complex to understand the first time you see it. Android recommends.. recommends it so I want to use it but I get different values. azimuth 180 180 . 180 180 is S 0 i N 90 E and 90 W. pitch 90 90 . 90 is 90 90 is 90 0 is 0 but 180 180 lying with the screen downwards is 0. roll 180 180 . I should get the same..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates 2 break case Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION orientationvalues event.values.clone azimuth.setText orientationvalues 0 pitch.setText orientationvalues 1 roll.setText orientationvalues 2 break case Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD geomagneticmatrix event.values.clone.. in native coordinates in accelerometervalues . A vector of magnetic field values in geomagneticmatrix . Azimuth pitch and roll in orientationvalues . Rotation matrix R . Inclination matrix I . I think all the necessary information is there.. orientationvalues . Rotation matrix R . Inclination matrix I . I think all the necessary information is there azimuth pitch and roll should describe the displacement of the device's coordinate system in relation with the real world coordinate system...
Strange behavior with android orientation sensor I'm experiencing the very problem even before applying the sensor values to the 3D rotation. When I try to change the 'pitch' value by rotating the device around only 'pitch' axis the 'yaw' value also changes according to the rotation of the pitch... the sensor values to the 3D rotation. When I try to change the 'pitch' value by rotating the device around only 'pitch' axis the 'yaw' value also changes according to the rotation of the pitch. It seems completely unreasonable to me. Could.. value by rotating the device around only 'pitch' axis the 'yaw' value also changes according to the rotation of the pitch. It seems completely unreasonable to me. Could somebody help me I'm stuck in this problem for a month. android rotation..
Store orientation to an array - and compare the iPhone using the gyroscope. And after that the user should be able to replicate the same movement. I extract the pitch roll and yaw using self.motionManager startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue NSOperationQueue currentQueue withHandler ^ CMDeviceMotion.. currentQueue withHandler ^ CMDeviceMotion motion NSError error CMAttitude attitude motion.attitude NSLog @ pitch f roll f yaw f attitude.pitch attitude.roll attitude.yaw I'm thinking that I could store these values into an array if.. ^ CMDeviceMotion motion NSError error CMAttitude attitude motion.attitude NSLog @ pitch f roll f yaw f attitude.pitch attitude.roll attitude.yaw I'm thinking that I could store these values into an array if the user is in record mode. And..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? no processing at all no offset scale compensation . TYPE_ORIENTATION is deprecated. It returns the orientation as yaw pitch roll in degres. It's not very well defined and can only be relied upon when the device has no roll . This sensor uses a..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results mAngle0_filtered_azimuth mTextView_azimuth.setText Azimuth String.valueOf mAngle0_azimuth mTextView_pitch.setText Pitch String.valueOf mAngle1_pitch mTextView_roll.setText Roll String.valueOf mAngle2_roll mTextView_filtered_azimuth.setText.. mTextView_filtered_azimuth.setText Azimuth String.valueOf mAngle0_filtered_azimuth mTextView_filtered_pitch.setText Pitch String.valueOf mAngle1_filtered_pitch mTextView_filtered_roll.setText Roll String.valueOf mAngle2_filtered_roll File 2..
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES static SLpermille playbackMinRate 500 static SLpermille playbackMaxRate 2000 static SLpermille playbackRateStepSize Pitch static SLPitchItf uriPlaybackPitch static SLpermille playbackMinPitch 500 static SLpermille playbackMaxPitch 2000 create.. playbackMinRate 500 static SLpermille playbackMaxRate 2000 static SLpermille playbackRateStepSize Pitch static SLPitchItf uriPlaybackPitch static SLpermille playbackMinPitch 500 static SLpermille playbackMaxPitch 2000 create the engine and.. 500 static SLpermille playbackMaxRate 2000 static SLpermille playbackRateStepSize Pitch static SLPitchItf uriPlaybackPitch static SLpermille playbackMinPitch 500 static SLpermille playbackMaxPitch 2000 create the engine and output mix objects..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation ADI axes. private ImageView adiAxes ADI frame. private ImageView adiFrame Layout. private RelativeLayout layout Pitch and Roll TextViews. private TextView pitchAngleText private TextView bankAngleText Instantaneous output values from sensors..
How to open/display documents(.pdf, .doc) without external app? open documents without external app. I need this because i want to scroll the document with the phones orientation Pitch and Roll . I create a button on the bottom of the screen and when i hold down the button i can scroll the document too...
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch I'm trying to make a application on my Android phone Nexus 4 which will be used in a model boat. I've added low pass filters..
Android phone orientation overview including compass is generated the values 3 array has values 0 Azimuth the compass bearing east of magnetic north values 1 Pitch rotation around x axis is the phone leaning forward or back values 2 Roll rotation around y axis is the phone leaning over..
How do I render Tamil unicode in Android