android Programming Glossary: pkgname
Android - How to get an icon of an app? inflater.inflate R.layout.item parent false CheckedTextView ctb CheckedTextView row.findViewById String pkgName ctb.setText bla bla ImageView iv ImageView row.findViewById List PackageInfo pkgs activity.getPackageManager.. PackageInfo pkgs activity.getPackageManager .getInstalledPackages 0 for PackageInfo p pkgs if p.packageName.equals pkgName Drawable d p.applicationInfo.loadIcon pm iv.setImageDrawable d return row And i am sure i am trying something stupid in..
How to catch or receive android os ' broadcasts' of installed applications? String actionStr intent.getAction if Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED.equals actionStr Uri data intent.getData String pkgName data.getEncodedSchemeSpecificPart handle package adding... ... P.S this is my first post in this website wish it can help...
Android Lock Apps 0 1000 And here is the ApkInfo.getInfoFromPackageName Get the ApkInfo class of the packageName requested @param pkgName packageName @return ApkInfo class of the apk requested or null if package name doesn't exist @see ApkInfo public static.. apk requested or null if package name doesn't exist @see ApkInfo public static ApkInfo getInfoFromPackageName String pkgName Context mContext ApkInfo newInfo new ApkInfo try PackageInfo p mContext.getPackageManager .getPackageInfo pkgName PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS.. pkgName Context mContext ApkInfo newInfo new ApkInfo try PackageInfo p mContext.getPackageManager .getPackageInfo pkgName PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS newInfo.appname p.applicationInfo.loadLabel mContext.getPackageManager .toString newInfo.pname..