android Programming Glossary: pinfo
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button approach that I should do here is my codes public class AppInfo public Drawable icon public String applicationName public AppInfo.. Drawable icon public String applicationName public AppInfo super public AppInfo Drawable icon String applicationName super.. String applicationName public AppInfo super public AppInfo Drawable icon String applicationName super this.icon icon this.applicationName..
Android: How to reset FirstRun SharedPreferences when my app is updated? whirl I use it in my main activity's onCreate PackageInfo pInfo try pInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName PackageManager.GET_META_DATA.. it in my main activity's onCreate PackageInfo pInfo try pInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName PackageManager.GET_META_DATA.. if prefs.getLong lastRunVersionCode 0 pInfo.versionCode TODO Handle your first run situation here Editor..
Get application version programatically in android [duplicate] android share improve this question Use PackageInfo pInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName 0 version pInfo.versionName..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button application I'm new in android so I don't know what is the approach that I should do here is my codes public class AppInfo public Drawable icon public String applicationName public AppInfo super public AppInfo Drawable icon String applicationName.. that I should do here is my codes public class AppInfo public Drawable icon public String applicationName public AppInfo super public AppInfo Drawable icon String applicationName super this.icon icon this.applicationName applicationName import.. here is my codes public class AppInfo public Drawable icon public String applicationName public AppInfo super public AppInfo Drawable icon String applicationName super this.icon icon this.applicationName applicationName import android.content.Context..
Android: How to reset FirstRun SharedPreferences when my app is updated? code. If it is I show a what's new dialog. Give this code a whirl I use it in my main activity's onCreate PackageInfo pInfo try pInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName PackageManager.GET_META_DATA if prefs.getLong lastRunVersionCode.. it is I show a what's new dialog. Give this code a whirl I use it in my main activity's onCreate PackageInfo pInfo try pInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName PackageManager.GET_META_DATA if prefs.getLong lastRunVersionCode 0 pInfo.versionCode.. getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName PackageManager.GET_META_DATA if prefs.getLong lastRunVersionCode 0 pInfo.versionCode TODO Handle your first run situation here Editor editor prefs.edit editor.putLong lastRunVersionCode pInfo.versionCode..
Get application version programatically in android [duplicate]