android Programming Glossary: picking
Dialog to pick image from gallery or from camera this question below code can be use for takeing and picking photo and for selection of eiher pick photo or take photo just..
Crop an image when selected from gallery in android in android by using . after picking image url from will start Crop Editor as Intent..
Android : Call activity of another application to do the first option. Responding to an Intent When picking an Intent to respond to you may literally respond to any Intent...
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button new Intent SaveData.this CheckData.class break picking an image from camera or gallery final String items new String..
Google Maps V2 shows blank screen on android 2.2 question I finally found out what the problem was. I was picking the wrong debug keystore. I am working with an ubuntu machine...
Pop up window over Android native incoming call screen like true caller Android app call screen and it doesn't block background controls like picking up the phone. But I want it like true caller. I have attached..
How do I determine what is touched in 3D space from the screen? share improve this question If you are doing 2D to 3D picking you need to fiddle with matrices and vectors a bit. GlUnproject.. is full of intersection test tutorials for them. This picking tutorial is for DirectX but you might get the idea. Ray constructing..
Binding AppWidgets to AppWidgetHost - Android bind a widget to my AppWidgetsHost without the user picking from the list. I want to make my own 'pick widgets list' and..
Wake locks android service recurring provides with the WakefulIntentService . I would suggest picking up his books not only for the detailed explanation of this class..
Access pictures from Pictures app in my android app action on. Luckily for you Android includes an Action for picking things Intent.ACTION__PICK and a data source containing pictures..
Database not copying from assets code on the emulator the database isnt copied over Im not picking on any exception . To be exact the android metadata table seems..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android the best provider I'm probably gonna use all providers and picking the best of them. Background of the app The app will collect..
How to return to the latest launched activity when re-launching application after pressing HOME? it to the stack for that application instead of just picking whatever was on the top because if I press BACK after relaunching..
Android OpenGL 3D picking OpenGL 3D picking I'm on Android OpenGL ES 2.0 and after all the limitations.. centerY centerZ ptCloud.draw gl gl.glPopMatrix Here is my picking function. I've set the location to the middle of the screen.. for a while . android opengl es matrix depth buffer picking share improve this question I'm working on this too it's..
Java (Android) - class not found exception New name it apache commons net then Add JARs... to it by picking the .jar files that came in the download. For each .jar I add..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view are for clockIn and clockOut time which will display after picking the date and time by date time picker .Now my problem is that..
Custom ListView adapter, strange ImageView behavior the ImageView s from each other. It seems to be randomly picking ImageViews to chuck into place as I scroll up and down. The..
Dialog to pick image from gallery or from camera Device Samsung Galaxy Tab Android 2.3.3 android share improve this question below code can be use for takeing and picking photo and for selection of eiher pick photo or take photo just show a dialog with two option and upon selection use the..
Crop an image when selected from gallery in android improve this question Yes it's possible to crop image in android by using . after picking image url from will start Crop Editor as Intent intent new Intent intent.setClassName..
Android : Call activity of another application from the Activities class to use. In general it is best practice to do the first option. Responding to an Intent When picking an Intent to respond to you may literally respond to any Intent. This is called an Action. If I created an Intent called..
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button showDialog DIALOG_ID break case startActivity new Intent SaveData.this CheckData.class break picking an image from camera or gallery final String items new String From Camera From SD Card ArrayAdapter String adapter new..
Google Maps V2 shows blank screen on android 2.2 maps android maps google maps api 2 share improve this question I finally found out what the problem was. I was picking the wrong debug keystore. I am working with an ubuntu machine. Since I opened eclipse as root the default keystore in eclipse..
Pop up window over Android native incoming call screen like true caller Android app code is displaying an translucent activity over the native call screen and it doesn't block background controls like picking up the phone. But I want it like true caller. I have attached an snapshot on how the true caller is displaying a window..
How do I determine what is touched in 3D space from the screen? Are there any tutorials on how to do this android opengl es share improve this question If you are doing 2D to 3D picking you need to fiddle with matrices and vectors a bit. GlUnproject does not exist for OpenGL ES 1.1 so you have to do some.. spheres and bounding boxes are easy to implement and internet is full of intersection test tutorials for them. This picking tutorial is for DirectX but you might get the idea. Ray constructing part is most important. Edit Android implements it's..
Binding AppWidgets to AppWidgetHost - Android it. I have two problems I would like to be able to automatically bind a widget to my AppWidgetsHost without the user picking from the list. I want to make my own 'pick widgets list' and to load only widgets that I have created. To make it simple..
Wake locks android service recurring share improve this question Follow the pattern Mark Murphy provides with the WakefulIntentService . I would suggest picking up his books not only for the detailed explanation of this class and example he includes in one of them but for the other..
Access pictures from Pictures app in my android app action you want completed and and data source to perform the action on. Luckily for you Android includes an Action for picking things Intent.ACTION__PICK and a data source containing pictures android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI..
Database not copying from assets my Data appears to be 48KB. When running the exact same code on the emulator the database isnt copied over Im not picking on any exception . To be exact the android metadata table seems to be getting copied but the other tables along with the..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android some 3rd party library. This does not mean determine the best provider I'm probably gonna use all providers and picking the best of them. Background of the app The app will collect the user's location at a fixed interval let say every 10 minutes..
How to return to the latest launched activity when re-launching application after pressing HOME? Android is creating another instance of MainActivity and adding it to the stack for that application instead of just picking whatever was on the top because if I press BACK after relaunching the app I get to the Game activity And the Main.onCreate..
Android OpenGL 3D picking OpenGL 3D picking I'm on Android OpenGL ES 2.0 and after all the limitations that come with it I can't figure out how to take 2D screen touches.. 1f 0f gl.glRotatef _zAngle 0f 0f 1f gl.glTranslatef centerX centerY centerZ ptCloud.draw gl gl.glPopMatrix Here is my picking function. I've set the location to the middle of the screen just for debugging purposes public void pickPoint GL10 gl mg.getCurrentState.. I'm Bountying as much as I can this has been a problem for a while . android opengl es matrix depth buffer picking share improve this question I'm working on this too it's a very irritating irritating problem. I have two potential..
Java (Android) - class not found exception go to Window Preferences Java Build Path User Libraries click New name it apache commons net then Add JARs... to it by picking the .jar files that came in the download. For each .jar I add in the Source attachment as described here. Once this is done..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view and three textviews one is for candidate name and other two are for clockIn and clockOut time which will display after picking the date and time by date time picker .Now my problem is that when i check the first checkbox i have 15 candidate name with..
Custom ListView adapter, strange ImageView behavior problem is though that it doesn't seem to be distinguishing the ImageView s from each other. It seems to be randomly picking ImageViews to chuck into place as I scroll up and down. The text information omitted from this snippet does not break. It..