android Programming Glossary: picks
Android installation issues The problem is there are two Java files and the installer picks the first one that it finds The solution however is simple rename..
How do I get the ScreenSize programmatically in android screen sizes as Normal Large XLarge etc. It automatically picks between static resources in appropriate folders. I need this..
Android - Issue with lazy loading images into a ListView is loaded setImageDrawable is called on ImageView ListView picks it up for some reason and refreshes itself For the ListView..
Android - restore last viewed Activity I need but onCreate if app was terminated. In that case it picks Activity that I configured in the manifest. I suppose I can..
AsyncTask's get() method: Is there any scenario where it is actually the best option? coming so he has to hide. Le Chiffre enters the room and picks up his phone to make a call. For a few seconds the phone seems..
Outgoing call status I want to get notified if the receiver at the other side picks my call when I am making an outgoing call. Is it possible with..
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper options. Once the user navigates the choices and picks an actually image I would load it to my canvas. How do I do..
How do you implement context menu in a ListActivity on Android? 0 MENU_ITEM_ID 0 R.string.menu_string and when the user picks an option onContextItemSelected is called. Also onMenuItemSelected..
Help: JDK not detected problem during Android SDK Tools setup [duplicate]
how to calculate phone's movement in the vertical direction from rest? For example the device is at rest point A the user picks it up in his hand point B now there is a height change between..
Accessing UI thread handler from a service be put into the message queue of the UI thread The looper picks up the event and passed it to the handler The handler handles..
Java (Android) - class not found exception the jar s to the libs directory in the project. The ADK picks the libraries from that folder and convert them into classes..
Can you launch the native Camera App from an Html 5 Web App? launch the Camera App in the same way the Android browser picks up on Phone Number and Addresses. android web applications..
How to know the moment when the called person picks up his phone [duplicate] to know the moment when the called person picks up his phone duplicate Possible Duplicate Detect if an outgoing.. answered How can I know the moment when the person I call picks up his phone android share improve this question Using..
Android change contact picture a image is clicked the user sees the contacts list and picks one. After clicking on it it's contact picture should change..
C2DM Broadcast Receiver then send the device a c2dm message the Broadcast receiver picks it up. In this case the application was not already running..
Android installation issues help me java android share improve this question The problem is there are two Java files and the installer picks the first one that it finds The solution however is simple rename c windows system java.exe to c windows system java.exe.orj..
How do I get the ScreenSize programmatically in android the ScreenSize programmatically in android Android defines screen sizes as Normal Large XLarge etc. It automatically picks between static resources in appropriate folders. I need this data about the current device in my java code. The DisplayMetrics..
Android - Issue with lazy loading images into a ListView getView is called thread is spawned to load image image is loaded setImageDrawable is called on ImageView ListView picks it up for some reason and refreshes itself For the ListView to refresh getView is called for each visible row so we go back..
Android - restore last viewed Activity the problem is not start stop where I pretty much get what I need but onCreate if app was terminated. In that case it picks Activity that I configured in the manifest. I suppose I can put something in onCreate method of that default activity but..
AsyncTask's get() method: Is there any scenario where it is actually the best option? app provided by Q and starts it running but he hears someone coming so he has to hide. Le Chiffre enters the room and picks up his phone to make a call. For a few seconds the phone seems a bit unresponsive but suddenly the phone wakes up and he..
Outgoing call status call status My Query is I want to get notified if the receiver at the other side picks my call when I am making an outgoing call. Is it possible with the Android SDK. The onCallStateChanged Function is called..
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper setting the wallpaper from the home screen minus the Live Wallpapers options. Once the user navigates the choices and picks an actually image I would load it to my canvas. How do I do this I can't find an API anywhere for getting a list of wallpapers...
How do you implement context menu in a ListActivity on Android? you add menu items in the usual way calling menu.add menu.add 0 MENU_ITEM_ID 0 R.string.menu_string and when the user picks an option onContextItemSelected is called. Also onMenuItemSelected and this fact is not explicitly explained in the documentation..
Help: JDK not detected problem during Android SDK Tools setup [duplicate]
how to calculate phone's movement in the vertical direction from rest? calculate the movement of the device up in the vertical direction. For example the device is at rest point A the user picks it up in his hand point B now there is a height change between point A and point B how would i calculate that I have already..
Accessing UI thread handler from a service UI thread has its own handler and looper Any message will be put into the message queue of the UI thread The looper picks up the event and passed it to the handler The handler handles the message and sends the specfic event to the UI I want to..
Java (Android) - class not found exception eclipse setup share improve this question You need to copy the jar s to the libs directory in the project. The ADK picks the libraries from that folder and convert them into classes optimized for Dalvik. Edit There might be some more information..
Can you launch the native Camera App from an Html 5 Web App? for uploading images. Similar to that I just want to launch the Camera App in the same way the Android browser picks up on Phone Number and Addresses. android web applications android camera share improve this question Android 3.0 Honeycomb..
How to know the moment when the called person picks up his phone [duplicate] to know the moment when the called person picks up his phone duplicate Possible Duplicate Detect if an outgoing call has been answered How can I know the moment when the.. Possible Duplicate Detect if an outgoing call has been answered How can I know the moment when the person I call picks up his phone android share improve this question Using PhoneStateListener . When they 'pick up' the phone the state..
Android change contact picture change contact picture I'm building an app where when a image is clicked the user sees the contacts list and picks one. After clicking on it it's contact picture should change to the image clicked in the first place. Here's how i implement..
C2DM Broadcast Receiver I don't have any problem when I re install the .apk and then send the device a c2dm message the Broadcast receiver picks it up. In this case the application was not already running when the C2DM came in yet everything worked as expected. The..