android Programming Glossary: pinpoint
Class members in Fragment become null after Home button press and wait lifecycle share improve this question It's hard to pinpoint the exact problem but I'm almost sure it has to do with the..
android application failing upon user scrolling - no 'obvious' error strangeness is that when I attach the debugger to try and pinpoint the error I can't reproduce the error Any thoughts on what LogCat..
requestLocationUpdates interval in Android A call to requestLocationUpdates will trigger the GPS to pinpoint your location and it will send one or more location updates..
Android: Unable to instantiate activity / ClassNotFoundException before accessing elements in the view. I know it's hard to pinpoint the source of an error without being able to reproduce it but..
AppWidget PendingIntent not working after Launcher restart while they stop responding. Only thing I have been able to pinpoint is that they are crippled after a Launcher restart i.e. I use..
Android ImageView size not scaling with source image me a while to find but looking at the source helped me pinpoint adjustViewBounds . You might want to try adding android adjustViewBounds..
Android Dialog: Removing title bar Dialog Removing title bar I have a weird behavior I can't pinpoint the source of. I have my app with the classic requestWindowFeature..
Android Maps Point Clustering for Point Clustering in android How can i load thousand pinpoint without having performance issues android maps android mapview..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss after dumping hprof and using MAT and JProfiler I can't pinpoint it. I've disabled loading of images from the web and increased..
Submitting tasks to a thread-pool gives RejectedExecutionException for me and our QA department also find it difficult to pinpoint the problem as it hardly occur during test only our users reported..
Class members in Fragment become null after Home button press and wait gone RelativeLayout java android android fragments android lifecycle share improve this question It's hard to pinpoint the exact problem but I'm almost sure it has to do with the way you built the adapter for the ViewPager . Everything works..
android application failing upon user scrolling - no 'obvious' error show up right before the crash see below . The additional strangeness is that when I attach the debugger to try and pinpoint the error I can't reproduce the error Any thoughts on what LogCat is telling me here There's a small section near the end..
requestLocationUpdates interval in Android the most accurate one. Monitor the GPS icon on your phone. A call to requestLocationUpdates will trigger the GPS to pinpoint your location and it will send one or more location updates to the locationlistener if it's able to get a fix. At this point..
Android: Unable to instantiate activity / ClassNotFoundException is called in the overriden method. The ContentView is set before accessing elements in the view. I know it's hard to pinpoint the source of an error without being able to reproduce it but maybe somebody has a bright idea and can help me out. Some..
AppWidget PendingIntent not working after Launcher restart 2 pending intents. They work most of the time but after a while they stop responding. Only thing I have been able to pinpoint is that they are crippled after a Launcher restart i.e. I use Launcher Pro and sometimes fiddle with settings and have to..
Android ImageView size not scaling with source image ImageViews to use android layout_height fill_parent Edit took me a while to find but looking at the source helped me pinpoint adjustViewBounds . You might want to try adding android adjustViewBounds true to your ImageViews. Surprisingly this defaults..
Android Dialog: Removing title bar Dialog Removing title bar I have a weird behavior I can't pinpoint the source of. I have my app with the classic requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE to remove the title status bar...
Android Maps Point Clustering Maps Point Clustering Is there any code for Point Clustering in android How can i load thousand pinpoint without having performance issues android maps android mapview markerclusterer share improve this question Last night..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss a crash. This indicates some sort of a memory leak yet even after dumping hprof and using MAT and JProfiler I can't pinpoint it. I've disabled loading of images from the web and increased the test data loaded to make up for it and make the test..
Submitting tasks to a thread-pool gives RejectedExecutionException stack trace from Android Market leaves hardly any more clues for me and our QA department also find it difficult to pinpoint the problem as it hardly occur during test only our users reported crash . It affects only a small portion of our users..