android Programming Glossary: pinnedheaderexplistview
Pinned groups in ExpandableListView of Peter Kuterna and android sample package com.example import com.example.ExpandableList.MyExpandableListAdapter.. can be pushed up and dissolved as needed. public class PinnedHeaderExpListView extends ExpandableListView Adapter interface. The list adapter.. int mHeaderViewWidth private int mHeaderViewHeight public PinnedHeaderExpListView Context context super context public PinnedHeaderExpListView..
Pinned groups in ExpandableListView question I found solution based on Pinned Header ListView of Peter Kuterna and android sample package com.example import com.example.ExpandableList.MyExpandableListAdapter import android.content.Context import.. a header pinned at the top of the list. The pinned header can be pushed up and dissolved as needed. public class PinnedHeaderExpListView extends ExpandableListView Adapter interface. The list adapter must implement this interface. public interface PinnedHeaderAdapter.. View mHeaderView private boolean mHeaderViewVisible private int mHeaderViewWidth private int mHeaderViewHeight public PinnedHeaderExpListView Context context super context public PinnedHeaderExpListView Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs public..