android Programming Glossary: pixels
How to get screen dimensions to programmatically place them to the upper right corner n pixels from the top edge and m pixels from the right edge therefore.. to the upper right corner n pixels from the top edge and m pixels from the right edge therefore I need to get the screen width.. this question If you want the the display dimensions in pixels you can use getSize Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen density the physical pixel density of the display in pixels per inch or ppi ` To determine screen size density quickly please.. relative layouts dp sp and mm dp units device independent pixels normalised to 1 physical pixel on a 160 ppi screen i.e. medium.. runtime. Use for screen element dimensions sp units scaled pixels specified as floating point values based on dp units but additionally..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps GoogleMap object private GoogleMap map Vertical offset in pixels between the bottom edge of our InfoWindow and the marker position..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? Matrix m m new Matrix m.preTranslate 81 146 pixels to offset final Layer layer1 v.addLayer res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer1.. R.drawable.layer1 m m new Matrix m.preTranslate 62 63 pixels to offset final Layer layer0 v.addLayer 0 res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer0.. final Matrix mm new Matrix mm.preTranslate 200 69 pixels to offset mm.preRotate 20 50 64.5f final Layer layer2 v.addLayer..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? this question px is one pixel. sp is scale independent pixels. dip is Density independent pixels. You would use sp for font.. sp is scale independent pixels. dip is Density independent pixels. You would use sp for font sizes dip for everything else. dip.. else. dip dp from here px Pixels corresponds to actual pixels on the screen. in Inches based on the physical size of the screen...
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? if heightDiff 100 if more than 100 pixels its probably a keyboard... ... do something here Easy ORIGINAL.. diff 128 assume all soft keyboards are at least 128 pixels high super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec Then..
How to make an ImageView to have rounded corners static Bitmap getRoundedCornerBitmap Bitmap bitmap int pixels Bitmap output Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap.getWidth bitmap .getHeight.. final RectF rectF new RectF rect final float roundPx pixels paint.setAntiAlias true canvas.drawARGB 0 0 0 0 paint.setColor..
Converting pixels to dp pixels to dp I have created my application with the height and width.. created my application with the height and width given in pixels for a Pantech device whose resolution is 480x800. I need to.. for both devices. Is there any easy way to convert pixels to dp Any suggestions android share improve this question..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds to measure the height. From there I step down by 2 font pixels and remeasure until I have a size that fits. At the end if the..
Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View FrameLayout private static final int PX_PER_SEC 900 Pixels per Second to animate layout changes private final LayoutAnimation.. animation to a duration matching the specified value in Pixels per Second PPS . For example if the view animation is 60 pixels.. second to resize the layout by private void setDurationPixelsPerSecond int pps setDuration int float Math.abs deltaHeight..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? Roboto Regular.ttf 14 2 2 Create Font Height 14 Pixels X Y Padding 2 Pixels enable texture alpha blending GLES20.glEnable.. 14 2 2 Create Font Height 14 Pixels X Y Padding 2 Pixels enable texture alpha blending GLES20.glEnable GLES20.GL_BLEND..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? font sizes dip for everything else. dip dp from here px Pixels corresponds to actual pixels on the screen. in Inches based.. on the physical size of the screen. dp Density independent Pixels an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the.. dp is more consistent with sp . sp Scale independent Pixels this is like the dp unit but it is also scaled by the user's..
TextView.setTextSize behaves abnormally class but some of them are TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX Pixels TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP Scaled Pixels TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP.. Pixels TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP Scaled Pixels TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP Device Independent Pixels share..
basics of device-independent-pixels dip share improve this question dp Density independent Pixels This is also why it was earlier called dip though I prefer to..
Android: measureText() Return Pixels Based on Scaled Pixels measureText Return Pixels Based on Scaled Pixels So I use Paint's measureText method.. measureText Return Pixels Based on Scaled Pixels So I use Paint's measureText method to measure the width of..
Android screen sizes in Pixels for ldpi, mdpi, hpdi? screen sizes in Pixels for ldpi mdpi hpdi I've read 10 articles yet still cant find..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter int position float positionOffset int positionOffsetPixels if positionOffset 0 positionOffsetPixels 0 position 0 lastPosition.. positionOffsetPixels if positionOffset 0 positionOffsetPixels 0 position 0 lastPosition position posOffset positionOffset.. Position Offset Variable posOffset Position Offset Pixels positionOffsetPixels Last Position lastPosition TAG Log.VERBOSE..
How to get screen dimensions dimensions I created some custom elements and I want to programmatically place them to the upper right corner n pixels from the top edge and m pixels from the right edge therefore I need to get the screen width and screen height and then set.. custom elements and I want to programmatically place them to the upper right corner n pixels from the top edge and m pixels from the right edge therefore I need to get the screen width and screen height and then set position int px screenWidth.. android layout layout screen android screen share improve this question If you want the the display dimensions in pixels you can use getSize Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay Point size new Point display.getSize size int width..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen size the physical size of the display measured diagonally Screen density the physical pixel density of the display in pixels per inch or ppi ` To determine screen size density quickly please install What's my Size app for Android. Screen size Android.. is Hdpi then it will use this resources. Additional Tips Use relative layouts dp sp and mm dp units device independent pixels normalised to 1 physical pixel on a 160 ppi screen i.e. medium density. Scaled at runtime. Use for screen element dimensions.. pixel on a 160 ppi screen i.e. medium density. Scaled at runtime. Use for screen element dimensions sp units scaled pixels specified as floating point values based on dp units but additionally scaled for the user's font size preference setting...
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps MapWrapperLayout extends RelativeLayout Reference to a GoogleMap object private GoogleMap map Vertical offset in pixels between the bottom edge of our InfoWindow and the marker position by default it's bottom edge too . It's a good idea to..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? this Resources res v.getResources v.setImageResource R.drawable.background Matrix m m new Matrix m.preTranslate 81 146 pixels to offset final Layer layer1 v.addLayer res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer1 m m new Matrix m.preTranslate 62 63 pixels to.. pixels to offset final Layer layer1 v.addLayer res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer1 m m new Matrix m.preTranslate 62 63 pixels to offset final Layer layer0 v.addLayer 0 res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer0 m final AnimationDrawable ad new AnimationDrawable.. 0 0 100 129 gd.setCornerRadius 20 gd.setStroke 5 0xaa666666 final Matrix mm new Matrix mm.preTranslate 200 69 pixels to offset mm.preRotate 20 50 64.5f final Layer layer2 v.addLayer 2 gd mm final Animation as AnimationUtils.loadAnimation..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? units in Android android units of measurement share improve this question px is one pixel. sp is scale independent pixels. dip is Density independent pixels. You would use sp for font sizes dip for everything else. dip dp from here px Pixels.. measurement share improve this question px is one pixel. sp is scale independent pixels. dip is Density independent pixels. You would use sp for font sizes dip for everything else. dip dp from here px Pixels corresponds to actual pixels on the.. pixels. You would use sp for font sizes dip for everything else. dip dp from here px Pixels corresponds to actual pixels on the screen. in Inches based on the physical size of the screen. mm Millimeters based on the physical size of the screen...
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? int heightDiff activityRootView.getRootView .getHeight activityRootView.getHeight if heightDiff 100 if more than 100 pixels its probably a keyboard... ... do something here Easy ORIGINAL ANSWER Yes it's possible but it's far harder than it ought.. height if listener null listener.onSoftKeyboardShown diff 128 assume all soft keyboards are at least 128 pixels high super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec Then in your Activity class... public class MyActivity extends..
How to make an ImageView to have rounded corners public class ImageHelper public static Bitmap getRoundedCornerBitmap Bitmap bitmap int pixels Bitmap output Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap.getWidth bitmap .getHeight Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas canvas new Canvas output final.. final Rect rect new Rect 0 0 bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight final RectF rectF new RectF rect final float roundPx pixels paint.setAntiAlias true canvas.drawARGB 0 0 0 0 paint.setColor color canvas.drawRoundRect rectF roundPx roundPx paint paint.setXfermode..
Converting pixels to dp pixels to dp I have created my application with the height and width given in pixels for a Pantech device whose resolution is.. pixels to dp I have created my application with the height and width given in pixels for a Pantech device whose resolution is 480x800. I need to convert height and width for a G1 device. I thought converting.. it into dp will solve the problem and provide same solution for both devices. Is there any easy way to convert pixels to dp Any suggestions android share improve this question Converts 14 dip into its equivalent px Resources r getResources..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds a static layout with the text paint of the original text view to measure the height. From there I step down by 2 font pixels and remeasure until I have a size that fits. At the end if the text still does not fit I append an ellipsis. I had requirements..
Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View Kevin Coppock Date 2013 03 02 public class ResizeLayout extends FrameLayout private static final int PX_PER_SEC 900 Pixels per Second to animate layout changes private final LayoutAnimation animation new LayoutAnimation private final int wrapSpec.. 2.2f setAnimationListener this Sets the duration of the animation to a duration matching the specified value in Pixels per Second PPS . For example if the view animation is 60 pixels then a PPS of 60 would set a duration of 1000ms i.e. duration.. the contents of the view. @param pps the number of pixels per second to resize the layout by private void setDurationPixelsPerSecond int pps setDuration int float Math.abs deltaHeight pps 1000 Allows reuse of a single LayoutAnimation object...
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? a successful call to this the font is ready for rendering glText.load Roboto Regular.ttf 14 2 2 Create Font Height 14 Pixels X Y Padding 2 Pixels enable texture alpha blending GLES20.glEnable GLES20.GL_BLEND GLES20.glBlendFunc GLES20.GL_ONE GLES20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA.. this the font is ready for rendering glText.load Roboto Regular.ttf 14 2 2 Create Font Height 14 Pixels X Y Padding 2 Pixels enable texture alpha blending GLES20.glEnable GLES20.GL_BLEND GLES20.glBlendFunc GLES20.GL_ONE GLES20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? dip is Density independent pixels. You would use sp for font sizes dip for everything else. dip dp from here px Pixels corresponds to actual pixels on the screen. in Inches based on the physical size of the screen. mm Millimeters based on.. size of the screen. pt Points 1 72 of an inch based on the physical size of the screen. dp Density independent Pixels an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the screen. These units are relative to a 160 dpi screen so one.. proportion. Note The compiler accepts both dip and dp though dp is more consistent with sp . sp Scale independent Pixels this is like the dp unit but it is also scaled by the user's font size preference. It is recommend you use this unit when..
TextView.setTextSize behaves abnormally The constant values for this can be found in the TypedValue class but some of them are TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX Pixels TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP Scaled Pixels TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP Device Independent Pixels share improve this answer..
basics of device-independent-pixels What am i missing here thx in advance android layout dip share improve this question dp Density independent Pixels This is also why it was earlier called dip though I prefer to use dp these days. Think of it like other units in inches..
Android: measureText() Return Pixels Based on Scaled Pixels measureText Return Pixels Based on Scaled Pixels So I use Paint's measureText method to measure the width of a segment of text but I wanted to measure.. measureText Return Pixels Based on Scaled Pixels So I use Paint's measureText method to measure the width of a segment of text but I wanted to measure text based on a certain..
Android screen sizes in Pixels for ldpi, mdpi, hpdi? screen sizes in Pixels for ldpi mdpi hpdi I've read 10 articles yet still cant find any relation between ldpi mdpi hdpi and the actual dimensions..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter TAG Log.VERBOSE posOffset 0 @Override public void onPageScrolled int position float positionOffset int positionOffsetPixels if positionOffset 0 positionOffsetPixels 0 position 0 lastPosition position posOffset positionOffset CommonLogic.logMessage.. void onPageScrolled int position float positionOffset int positionOffsetPixels if positionOffset 0 positionOffsetPixels 0 position 0 lastPosition position posOffset positionOffset CommonLogic.logMessage Position position Position Offset.. Position position Position Offset positionOffset Position Offset Variable posOffset Position Offset Pixels positionOffsetPixels Last Position lastPosition TAG Log.VERBOSE CommonLogic.logMessage Last Position lastPosition..