android Programming Glossary: pid
Android Image View Pinch Zooming actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP sb.append pid .append action MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_SHIFT sb.append.. i event.getPointerCount i sb.append # .append i sb.append pid .append event.getPointerId i sb.append .append int event.getX..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? signal. PID 244 SIG 9 I ActivityManager 46 Process MyAct pid 244 has died. I have tried to dismiss the progress dialog in..
Can't run JUnit 4 test case in Eclipse Android project Environment # # Internal Error classFileParser.cpp 3075 pid 5564 tid 4940 # Error ShouldNotReachHere # # JRE version 6.0_17.. # C Users Giles Roadnight workspaceAndroid Cycloid hs_err_pid5564.log # # If you would like to submit a bug report please..
Delete SMS in Android 1.5 null null while c.moveToNext try Delete the SMS String pid c.getString 0 Get id String uri content sms pid count context.getContentResolver.. SMS String pid c.getString 0 Get id String uri content sms pid count context.getContentResolver .delete Uri.parse uri null..
Android: How to detect double-tap? results searchResponse.getJSONArray results this is stupid. i probably have to see how to make a json adapter for int index.. String ptypename product.getString ptypename int pid product.getInt pid int positive product.getInt pos int negative.. product.getString ptypename int pid product.getInt pid int positive product.getInt pos int negative product.getInt..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android variety of other things. You can also tack on the name or pid of a single process to see for example adb shell dumpsys meminfo.. meminfo system give me the system process MEMINFO in pid 890 system native dalvik other total size 10940 7047 N A 17987..
Open another application from your own (intent) pid 1176 uid 10063 gids 3003 1015 05 06 11 22 26.995 INFO ActivityManager..
How to compile Android Application with system permissions android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner from pid 354 uid 354 not allowed because package com.jayway.test does..
Android: keeping a background service alive (preventing process death) ActivityManager 1269 Process com.androsz.electricsleep pid 16223 has died. 10 04 03 27 41.681 INFO WindowManager 1269 WIN..
Android: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: start Intent from ProcessRecord 43f6d7c8 675 com.i10n.notifier 10052 pid 675 uid 10052 requires null WARN System.err 675 java.lang.SecurityException.. from ProcessRecord 43f6d7c8 675 com.i10n.notifier 10052 pid 675 uid 10052 requires null WARN System.err 675 at android.os.Parcel.readException..
How to use addr2line in Android sdk generic 2.3 GRH55 79397 eng test keys' I DEBUG 31 pid 378 tid 386 com.example.gltest I DEBUG 31 signal 11 SIGSEGV..
Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP sb.append pid .append action MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_SHIFT sb.append.. i event.getPointerCount i sb.append # .append i sb.append pid .append event.getPointerId i sb.append .append int event.getX..
Error inflating class 20 more 05 09 13 12 11.593 I Process 24278 Sending signal. PID 24278 SIG 9 I am using GoogleAdMobAdsSdkAndroid 6.0.0. Again..
How to get ndk-gdb working on Android? in adb shell following command gdbserver 5055 attach PID where PID is your application process id. running adb forward.. shell following command gdbserver 5055 attach PID where PID is your application process id. running adb forward tcp 5055..
How can I catch SIGSEGV (segmentation fault) and get a stack trace under JNI on Android? activity is starting up. Really you should pass it the PID so it can wait for step 5 to complete I don't do this. Here..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? Native Method I Process 46 Sending signal. PID 244 SIG 3 I dalvikvm 244 threadid 7 reacting to signal 3 I dalvikvm.. to ' data anr traces.txt' I Process 244 Sending signal. PID 244 SIG 9 I ActivityManager 46 Process MyAct pid 244 has died...
Android USB host and hidden devices usb2 2 1 idVendor' VID '2226 I USB3G 92 '. I USB3G 92 PID size 5 Pid_path ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1 idProduct'.. ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1 idProduct' PID '0014 I USB3G 92 '. I USB3G 92 cmd system etc
USB device access pop-up supression? id here have to be given in decimal above both the VID and PID are 0x6666. What I have given above also works for a USB accessory..
Caused by: android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException [duplicate] 18 more 10 30 15 07 42.250 I Process 732 Sending signal. PID 732 SIG 9 android android emulator android parser networkonmainthread..
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:$styleable in android Method 04 09 05 40 26.487 I Process 1053 Sending signal. PID 1053 SIG 9 In properties Android Please any one help me out...
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android procrank . Output of this on the same system looks like PID Vss Rss Pss Uss cmdline 890 84456K 48668K 25850K 21284K system_server..
AlarmManager and BroadcastReceiver instead of Service - is that bad ? (Timeout) 0 m 0x0 06 25 11 55 05.278 INFO Process 76 Sending signal. PID 819 SIG 9 06 25 11 55 05.298 INFO ActivityManager 76 Process..
Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out from data anr traces.txt INFO Process 88 Sending signal. PID 1812 SIG 3 INFO dalvikvm 1812 threadid 7 reacting to signal..
What is the correct permission handling when sending sensitive app data as email attachment? Note that this is coming from a different PID and UID. This is because the actual call to openAssetFile happens..
Activity restarts on Force Close 3ms 05 25 08 26 02.950 INFO Process 18449 Sending signal. PID 19554 SIG 9 05 25 08 26 02.980 INFO ActivityManager 18449 Process..
Getting “Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError:” 4 more 06 06 10 05 43.832 INFO Process 52 Sending signal. PID 224 SIG 3 Thanks Senthil.M android verify share improve this..
Debugging Android NDK native apps sdk linux platform tools adb shell sleep 2 Found running PID 0 ERROR Could not extract PID of application on device emulator... shell sleep 2 Found running PID 0 ERROR Could not extract PID of application on device emulator. Weird this probably means..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB SingleAdbInterface USB_Install USB here you put VID and PID CompositeAdbInterface USB_Install USB same as above but add.. ids. for example you see something like USB VID_2207 PID_0000 REV_0222 MI_01 USB VID_2207 PID_0000 MI_01 take this value.. like USB VID_2207 PID_0000 REV_0222 MI_01 USB VID_2207 PID_0000 MI_01 take this value for composite adb device and remove..
Android Image View Pinch Zooming names actionCode if actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP sb.append pid .append action MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_SHIFT sb.append sb.append for int i 0 i event.getPointerCount i sb.append.. sb.append sb.append for int i 0 i event.getPointerCount i sb.append # .append i sb.append pid .append event.getPointerId i sb.append .append int event.getX i sb.append .append int event.getY i if i 1 event.getPointerCount..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? stack trace to ' data anr traces.txt' I Process 244 Sending signal. PID 244 SIG 9 I ActivityManager 46 Process MyAct pid 244 has died. I have tried to dismiss the progress dialog in onSaveInstanceState but that just prevents an immediate crash...
Can't run JUnit 4 test case in Eclipse Android project # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment # # Internal Error classFileParser.cpp 3075 pid 5564 tid 4940 # Error ShouldNotReachHere # # JRE version 6.0_17 b04 # Java VM Java HotSpot TM Client VM 14.3 b01 mixed mode.. x86 # An error report file with more information is saved as # C Users Giles Roadnight workspaceAndroid Cycloid hs_err_pid5564.log # # If you would like to submit a bug report please visit # http webapps bugreport crash.jsp # Anyone..
Delete SMS in Android 1.5 Cursor c context.getContentResolver .query deleteUri null null null null while c.moveToNext try Delete the SMS String pid c.getString 0 Get id String uri content sms pid count context.getContentResolver .delete Uri.parse uri null null catch.. null null null null while c.moveToNext try Delete the SMS String pid c.getString 0 Get id String uri content sms pid count context.getContentResolver .delete Uri.parse uri null null catch Exception e return count Thanks everyone for help..
Android: How to detect double-tap? run searchResponse sendSearchQuery queryStr try JSONArray results searchResponse.getJSONArray results this is stupid. i probably have to see how to make a json adapter for int index 0 index results.length index JSONObject product results.getJSONObject.. image String productname product.getString productname String ptypename product.getString ptypename int pid product.getInt pid int positive product.getInt pos int negative product.getInt neg int neutral product.getInt neu SearchItem.. String productname product.getString productname String ptypename product.getString ptypename int pid product.getInt pid int positive product.getInt pos int negative product.getInt neg int neutral product.getInt neu SearchItem item new SearchItem..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android of each Java process containing the above info as well as a variety of other things. You can also tack on the name or pid of a single process to see for example adb shell dumpsys meminfo system give me the system process MEMINFO in pid 890 system.. or pid of a single process to see for example adb shell dumpsys meminfo system give me the system process MEMINFO in pid 890 system native dalvik other total size 10940 7047 N A 17987 allocated 8943 5516 N A 14459 free 336 1531 N A 1867 Pss..
Open another application from your own (intent) for activity pid 1176 uid 10063 gids 3003 1015 05 06 11 22 26.995 INFO ActivityManager 76 Displayed activity
How to compile Android Application with system permissions Permission Denial starting instrumentation ComponentInfo com.jayway.test android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner from pid 354 uid 354 not allowed because package com.jayway.test does not have a signature matching the target
Android: keeping a background service alive (preventing process death) thereby ending my service. Example 10 04 03 27 41.673 INFO ActivityManager 1269 Process com.androsz.electricsleep pid 16223 has died. 10 04 03 27 41.681 INFO WindowManager 1269 WIN DEATH Window 45509f98 com.androsz.electricsleep com.androsz.electricsleep.ui.SleepActivity..
Android: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: start Intent Intent cmp com.fsck.k9 .activity.MessageList has extras from ProcessRecord 43f6d7c8 675 com.i10n.notifier 10052 pid 675 uid 10052 requires null WARN System.err 675 java.lang.SecurityException Permission Denial starting Intent cmp com.fsck.k9.. Intent cmp com.fsck.k9 .activity.MessageList has extras from ProcessRecord 43f6d7c8 675 com.i10n.notifier 10052 pid 675 uid 10052 requires null WARN System.err 675 at android.os.Parcel.readException 1247 WARN System.err 675..
How to use addr2line in Android my projects I DEBUG 31 I DEBUG 31 Build fingerprint 'generic sdk generic 2.3 GRH55 79397 eng test keys' I DEBUG 31 pid 378 tid 386 com.example.gltest I DEBUG 31 signal 11 SIGSEGV code 1 SEGV_MAPERR fault addr 00000000 I DEBUG 31 r0 001dbdc0..
Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview names actionCode if actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN actionCode MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP sb.append pid .append action MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_SHIFT sb.append sb.append for int i 0 i event.getPointerCount i sb.append.. sb.append sb.append for int i 0 i event.getPointerCount i sb.append # .append i sb.append pid .append event.getPointerId i sb.append .append int event.getX i sb.append .append int event.getY i if i 1 event.getPointerCount..
Error inflating class 570 05 09 13 12 01.109 E AndroidRuntime 24278 ... 20 more 05 09 13 12 11.593 I Process 24278 Sending signal. PID 24278 SIG 9 I am using GoogleAdMobAdsSdkAndroid 6.0.0. Again I am very new to this and I have tried using examples off multiple..
How to get ndk-gdb working on Android? to data local folder on device running your application invoking in adb shell following command gdbserver 5055 attach PID where PID is your application process id. running adb forward tcp 5055 tcp 5055 on host running arm linux androideabi gdb.exe.. folder on device running your application invoking in adb shell following command gdbserver 5055 attach PID where PID is your application process id. running adb forward tcp 5055 tcp 5055 on host running arm linux androideabi gdb.exe from..
How can I catch SIGSEGV (segmentation fault) and get a stack trace under JNI on Android? will die. debugger.c debuggerd.c Meanwhile your crash handling activity is starting up. Really you should pass it the PID so it can wait for step 5 to complete I don't do this. Here you apologise to the user and ask if you can send a log. If..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? 497 E AndroidRuntime 244 at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main Native Method I Process 46 Sending signal. PID 244 SIG 3 I dalvikvm 244 threadid 7 reacting to signal 3 I dalvikvm 244 Wrote stack trace to ' data anr traces.txt' I Process.. 7 reacting to signal 3 I dalvikvm 244 Wrote stack trace to ' data anr traces.txt' I Process 244 Sending signal. PID 244 SIG 9 I ActivityManager 46 Process MyAct pid 244 has died. I have tried to dismiss the progress dialog in onSaveInstanceState..
Android USB host and hidden devices I USB3G 92 VID size 5 vid_path ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1 idVendor' VID '2226 I USB3G 92 '. I USB3G 92 PID size 5 Pid_path ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1 idProduct' PID '0014 I USB3G 92 '. I USB3G 92 cmd system etc idVendor' VID '2226 I USB3G 92 '. I USB3G 92 PID size 5 Pid_path ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1 idProduct' PID '0014 I USB3G 92 '. I USB3G 92 cmd system etc system etc usb_modeswitch.d 2226_0014 I USB3G 92 excute..
USB device access pop-up supression? 26214 product id 26214 resources The vendor id and product id here have to be given in decimal above both the VID and PID are 0x6666. What I have given above also works for a USB accessory that is where the accessory is the USB host and the android..
Caused by: android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException [duplicate] 2023 10 30 15 07 35.341 E AndroidRuntime 732 ... 18 more 10 30 15 07 42.250 I Process 732 Sending signal. PID 732 SIG 9 android android emulator android parser networkonmainthread share improve this question There are two Solution..
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:$styleable in android AndroidRuntime 1053 at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main Native Method 04 09 05 40 26.487 I Process 1053 Sending signal. PID 1053 SIG 9 In properties Android Please any one help me out. Am I missing any reference Any help will be appreciated. Thanks..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android usage across all processes you can use the command adb shell procrank . Output of this on the same system looks like PID Vss Rss Pss Uss cmdline 890 84456K 48668K 25850K 21284K system_server 1231 50748K 39088K 17587K 13792K
AlarmManager and BroadcastReceiver instead of Service - is that bad ? (Timeout) p 0 o 0 m 0x0 06 25 11 55 05.278 INFO Process 76 Sending signal. PID 819 SIG 9 06 25 11 55 05.298 INFO ActivityManager 76 Process com.cousinHub.myapp remote pid 819 has died. ps strangely enough..
Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out 0 softirq INFO ActivityManager 88 Removing old ANR trace file from data anr traces.txt INFO Process 88 Sending signal. PID 1812 SIG 3 INFO dalvikvm 1812 threadid 7 reacting to signal 3 INFO dalvikvm 1812 Wrote stack trace to ' data anr traces.txt'..
What is the correct permission handling when sending sensitive app data as email attachment? pid 7617 uid 10011 requires com.mycompany.timelog.permission.READ_TIME_LOG Note that this is coming from a different PID and UID. This is because the actual call to openAssetFile happens from some sync provider component that belongs to a different..
Activity restarts on Force Close freed 343K 51 free 2794K 5639K external 303K 532K paused 3ms 3ms 05 25 08 26 02.950 INFO Process 18449 Sending signal. PID 19554 SIG 9 05 25 08 26 02.980 INFO ActivityManager 18449 Process pid 19554 has died. 05 25 08 26..
Getting “Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError:” 305 06 06 10 05 43.812 ERROR AndroidRuntime 224 ... 4 more 06 06 10 05 43.832 INFO Process 52 Sending signal. PID 224 SIG 3 Thanks Senthil.M android verify share improve this question In Eclipse go to the Project properties Java..
Debugging Android NDK native apps ## COMMAND opt android sdk linux platform tools adb shell sleep 2 Found running PID 0 ERROR Could not extract PID of application on device emulator. Weird this probably means one of these The installed package.. ## COMMAND opt android sdk linux platform tools adb shell sleep 2 Found running PID 0 ERROR Could not extract PID of application on device emulator. Weird this probably means one of these The installed package does not match your current..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB the format to add is Comment usually the device name SingleAdbInterface USB_Install USB here you put VID and PID CompositeAdbInterface USB_Install USB same as above but add the MI before i go on vid is the usb vendor id it doesn ™t have.. dialog go to Details tab in property drop menu select hardware ids. for example you see something like USB VID_2207 PID_0000 REV_0222 MI_01 USB VID_2207 PID_0000 MI_01 take this value for composite adb device and remove MI for single adb device.. drop menu select hardware ids. for example you see something like USB VID_2207 PID_0000 REV_0222 MI_01 USB VID_2207 PID_0000 MI_01 take this value for composite adb device and remove MI for single adb device you get MSI WindPad Enjoy 7 plus..