android Programming Glossary: pics
Android VideoView orientation change with buffered video for the randomness of the photos but they were the first pics I could find of the actual layout This is pretty easy to do..
How to pass integer from one activity to another? activity to another. i.e. activity B contains an integer pics R.drawable.1 R.drawable.2 R.drawable.3 I would like activity.. like activity A to pass a new value to activity B integer pics R. drawable.a R.drawable.b R.drawable.c so that somehow through..
Where to save pictures on Android? Uses up space that wont be freed on uninstall User can see pics in Gallery Needs a folder on the sdcard root you can actually..
Is Android's CameraInfo.orientation correctly documented? Incorrectly implemented? Incidentally there is an unanswered question Why are my pics upside down or backwards. within Customer Questions Answers.. for Samsung SCH A930 regarding the latter Lately my pics have been upside down or backwards. Why is this happening and..
Android Stop Background Music btw this is NOT a music player app just an app to view pics and text opens multiple activities like menu and about view.. play some simple background music while looking thru the pics and text why is that so difficult another EDIT it seems the.. I am done with my very simple app that just shows some pics and texts in diff activities I either click BACK multiple times..
Android VideoView orientation change with buffered video app in portrait mode YouTube app in landscape mode Sorry for the randomness of the photos but they were the first pics I could find of the actual layout This is pretty easy to do normally just specify an alternate layout in layout land and..
How to pass integer from one activity to another? I would like to pass a new value for an integer from one activity to another. i.e. activity B contains an integer pics R.drawable.1 R.drawable.2 R.drawable.3 I would like activity A to pass a new value to activity B integer pics R. drawable.a.. integer pics R.drawable.1 R.drawable.2 R.drawable.3 I would like activity A to pass a new value to activity B integer pics R. drawable.a R.drawable.b R.drawable.c so that somehow through private void startSwitcher Intent myIntent new Intent A.this..
Where to save pictures on Android? fully satisfying. Save them on SD Card in a public folder Uses up space that wont be freed on uninstall User can see pics in Gallery Needs a folder on the sdcard root you can actually see it while browsing your phone Save them on SD Card in a..
Is Android's CameraInfo.orientation correctly documented? Incorrectly implemented? like this would appear in the Android sphere as well. Incidentally there is an unanswered question Why are my pics upside down or backwards. within Customer Questions Answers for Samsung SCH A930 regarding the latter Lately my pics have.. pics upside down or backwards. within Customer Questions Answers for Samsung SCH A930 regarding the latter Lately my pics have been upside down or backwards. Why is this happening and how can I fix it. This might actually be a bug in the otherwise..
Android Stop Background Music and this seems like the most simple obvious freaking thing EDIT btw this is NOT a music player app just an app to view pics and text opens multiple activities like menu and about view diff types of pictures etc. i just want to play some simple.. and about view diff types of pictures etc. i just want to play some simple background music while looking thru the pics and text why is that so difficult another EDIT it seems the main question really is WHY DOES PRESSING THE HOME BUTTON NOT.. uninterrupted which is GOOD that is what I want. Now when I am done with my very simple app that just shows some pics and texts in diff activities I either click BACK multiple times to get to the home original activity and then one more time..