android Programming Glossary: notification.contentintent
Is setContentIntent(PendingIntent) required in NotificationCompat.Builder? null throw new IllegalArgumentException contentView required pkg pkg id id notification notification if notification.contentIntent null throw new IllegalArgumentException contentIntent required pkg pkg id id notification notification On later Android..
android memory leak in notification service notification new Notification notification.when System.currentTimeMillis notification.contentView contentView notification.contentIntent appIntent updateNotification private void updateNotification String text contentView.setTextViewText text mNotificationManager.notify..
Updating the Progress Bar in the Notification Area context NotificationHandler.class PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 notificationIntent 0 notification.contentIntent contentIntent mManager.notify APPID notification Finally I try to update the progress bar which doesn't work. contentView.setProgressBar..
Event OnClick for a button in a custom notification NotificationActivity.class PendingIntent pendingMainIntent PendingIntent.getActivity getBaseContext 0 mainIntent 0 notification.contentIntent pendingMainIntent Remoteview and intent for my button RemoteViews notificationView new RemoteViews getBaseContext .getPackageName..
getIntent() Extras always NULL! Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT notification.contentView new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.notifypbar notification.contentIntent pendingIntent notification.contentView.setTextViewText text notification.contentView.setProgressBar..
Extract notification text from parcelable, contentView or contentIntent However I have no idea how to extract the notifcation's message either from notification or notification.contentView notification.contentIntent . Any ideas edit To clarify what is asked here How can I read out 3 android notifications android pendingintent parcelable..