android Programming Glossary: notification.setlatesteventinfo
intent extras are duplicated when using FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT in PendingIntent when creating android notifications context 0 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT notification.setLatestEventInfo context SaleTitle SaleMessage pendingIntent notificationManager.notify..
Sending a notification from a service in Android your notification PendingIntent pendingIntent your intent notification.setLatestEventInfo this your content pendingIntent notificationManager.notify id..
Starting Activity through notification: Avoiding duplicate activities PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 notificationIntent 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent mNotificationManager.notify..
getExtra from Intent launched from a pendingIntent context 0 new Intent context tvguide.class 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo context Το γ αμμα εκίνη ε showname contentIntent notification.flags..
android pending intent notification problem PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 showIntent 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo context The event is imminent alarmname contentIntent And the..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? pIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 newIntent 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo context text1 text2 pIntent notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL..
Android: How to avoid that clicking on a Notification calls onCreate() Notification R.drawable.icon msg System.currentTimeMillis notification.setLatestEventInfo this ABC msg PendingIntent.getActivity this.getBaseContext 0..
Android: How to resume an App from a Notification? notification new Notification icon tickerText when notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent final int..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging info for the views that show in the notification panel. notification.setLatestEventInfo this getText R.string.service_label text contentIntent Send..
Animation in Notification bar Cutsom View Intent 0 notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL notification.setLatestEventInfo this getText R.string.someTitle getText R.string.someText pendingIntent..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? info for the views that show in the notification panel. notification.setLatestEventInfo this title text contentIntent Send the notification. We use..
How exactly to use Notification.Builder that I am using a deprecated method for noficitations notification.setLatestEventInfo It says to use Notification.Builder. How do I use it When I..
How to set Alarm in Android? My notification CharSequence contentText Hello World notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent final int NOTIF_ID.. R.drawable.icon Wake up alarm System.currentTimeMillis notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent notification.flags.. notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND notification.setLatestEventInfo context My Activity This will runs on button click contentIntent..
Alarm Manager - Scheduling multiple Non-repeating events info for the views that show in the notification panel. notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent notification.defaults.. info for the views that show in the notification panel. notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent notification.defaults..
Android - notification manager, having a notification without an intent My notification CharSequence contentText Hello World notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText null mNotificationManager.notify.. getApplicationContext 0 new Intent 0 instead of null on notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText null share improve this answer..
intent extras are duplicated when using FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT in PendingIntent when creating android notifications PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT notification.setLatestEventInfo context SaleTitle SaleMessage pendingIntent notificationManager.notify saleid notification When I create the PendingIntent..
Sending a notification from a service in Android
Starting Activity through notification: Avoiding duplicate activities context LaunchActivity.class PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 notificationIntent 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent mNotificationManager.notify 1 notification However I have detected a case..
getExtra from Intent launched from a pendingIntent PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 new Intent context tvguide.class 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo context Το γ αμμα εκίνη ε showname contentIntent notification.flags Notification.FLAG_ONLY_ALERT_ONCE notification.sound..
android pending intent notification problem showIntent.putExtra details alarmname PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 showIntent 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo context The event is imminent alarmname contentIntent And the receiver of the notification Bundle b getIntent .getExtras..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? context.getString R.string.notif_Go_To_Details PendingIntent pIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 newIntent 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo context text1 text2 pIntent notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_ALL..
Android: How to avoid that clicking on a Notification calls onCreate() new Intent this ABC.class Notification notification new Notification R.drawable.icon msg System.currentTimeMillis notification.setLatestEventInfo this ABC msg PendingIntent.getActivity this.getBaseContext 0 contentIntent PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT notification.flags..
Android: How to resume an App from a Notification? the Notification using the configurations above Notification notification new Notification icon tickerText when notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent final int HELLO_ID 1 mNotificationManager.notify HELLO_ID notification..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging this 0 new Intent this MainActivity.class 0 Set the info for the views that show in the notification panel. notification.setLatestEventInfo this getText R.string.service_label text contentIntent Send the notification. We use a layout id because it is a unique..
Animation in Notification bar Cutsom View pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this 0 new Intent 0 notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL notification.setLatestEventInfo this getText R.string.someTitle getText R.string.someText pendingIntent NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? 0 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT Set the info for the views that show in the notification panel. notification.setLatestEventInfo this title text contentIntent Send the notification. We use a layout id because it is a unique number. We use it later..
How exactly to use Notification.Builder exactly to use Notification.Builder I found that I am using a deprecated method for noficitations notification.setLatestEventInfo It says to use Notification.Builder. How do I use it When I try to create a new instance it tells me Notification.Builder..
How to set Alarm in Android? new Notification icon tickerText when CharSequence contentTitle My notification CharSequence contentText Hello World notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent final int NOTIF_ID 1234 NotificationManager notofManager NotificationManager.. tickerText when Notification notification1 new Notification R.drawable.icon Wake up alarm System.currentTimeMillis notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent notification.flags Notification.FLAG_INSISTENT notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND.. contentIntent notification.flags Notification.FLAG_INSISTENT notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND notification.setLatestEventInfo context My Activity This will runs on button click contentIntent notofManager.notify NOTIF_ID notification PendingIntent..
Alarm Manager - Scheduling multiple Non-repeating events context 0 notificationIntent 0 Set the info for the views that show in the notification panel. notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE.. context 0 notificationIntent 0 Set the info for the views that show in the notification panel. notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE..
Android - notification manager, having a notification without an intent new Notification icon tickerText when CharSequence contentTitle My notification CharSequence contentText Hello World notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText null mNotificationManager.notify HELLO_ID notification android notifications android intent..