android Programming Glossary: notes
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? 21000 Set 07 15 12 00 33.719 D Picker 21000 Set Other notes and comments Wrapping it around a DatePickerFragment doesn't..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK however you'd like. THE ANDROID CODE Updating Two quick notes on updating the last modified date of a file on Google Drive..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK rotates a bitmap by 90 degrees counter clockwise . br notes br the input bitmap will be recycled and shouldn't be used anymore.. EDIT after I got my answer I wish to share this code and notes about it to everyone in order for it to work i've replaced in..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview VideoSurfaceView typically API level 19 Important notes For API level 11 android hardwareAccelerated true must be set.. can exit full screen. Important notes Javascript is enabled by default and must not be disabled with..
How to read contacts on Android 2.0 people.close Furthermore if you need to get things like notes from a contact then you will need to use a different URI like..
RuntimeException: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.text_newslist c from to.. this R.layout.text_newslist c from to setListAdapter notes newslist.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns..
Android column '_id' does not exist? int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to This.. notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to This code seems to work fine. But just to be clear.. CREATE TABLE android_metadata locale TEXT CREATE TABLE notes _id integer primary key autoincrement title text not null body..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? however another A List Apart Article Responsive Web Design notes that Thankfully the W3C created media queries as part of the..
Difference between Activity Context and Application Context If you read the docs at getApplicationContext it notes that you should only use this if you need a context whose lifecycle..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity PATH. I couldn't find any reference to this in the release notes but I did it anyway. I'm totally stuck now. Please can anyone..
How to programmatically tell if a Bluetooth device is connected? (Android 2.2) action ... Device has disconnected A few notes There is no way to retrieve a list of connected devices at application..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to setListAdapter.. notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to setListAdapter notes Where this R.layout.notes_row c from to setListAdapter notes Where is a ButtonImage . Here is my LogCat..
How to insert a SQLite record with a datetime set to 'now' in Android application? application Say we have a table created as create table notes _id integer primary key autoincrement created_date date To insert..
Creating an Android trial application that expires after a fixed time period an entry for that phone id then it makes a new one and notes the time. If the server does have an entry for the phone id..
Eclipse giving an error of failed to instantiate [closed] compatibility v7 gridlayout folder. Hope this help you. Notes You must use grid columnCount 6 instead of
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) Which obviously isn't valid... Side Notes I don't plan on doing anything with the PDU besides local use..
IntelliJ and layout_marginRight 20dp LinearLayout RelativeLayout Coles Notes I have a support GridLayout in a RelativeLayout and a LinearLayout..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? parameter therefore it does not need to be transmitted. Notes When data d k is 1 specifies a bit printed to 1 and not printed..
How to update some data in a Listview without using notifyDataSetChanged()? bar.setProgress newProgress return true Notes This example of course is not complete. You can probably use..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off this Thanks for reading through all this Additional Notes Code runs during 10 second interval initiated from the AlarmManager...
Unable to import Eclipse project to Android Studio and voila The project imported without any problem. Notes This also fixes the issue with org.gradle.tooling.GradleConnectionException..
Android: I want to shake it is no movement and lets say 2 if the device is shaked. Notes The accelometer should be deactivated onPause and activated..
Clear the entire history stack and start a new activity on Android then be the only item on the stack in my application. Notes There are many other similar questions but I haven't found anything..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes the work necessary to get the class back to a valid state. Notes View#onSavedInstanceState and View#onRestoreInstanceState are..
Get referrer after installing app from Android Market don't find ANY usefull informations about this features. Notes 1. The intent will be catched..
Why is my activity crashing when hitting the home button? if that's getting into the startManagingCursor call. Notes startManagingCursor creates a ManagedCursor http
Android Game Keeps Getting Hacked Pirates and Stopping Vampires EDIT The Presentation Notes from Evading Pirates and Stopping Vampires Some basic keypoints..
Android: How do I get string from resources using its name? name tab_Questions_en Questions string string name tab_Notes_en Notes string string name tab_Bookmarks_en Bookmarks string.. tab_Questions_en Questions string string name tab_Notes_en Notes string string name tab_Bookmarks_en Bookmarks string string.. string name tab_Questions_ru оп о string string name tab_Notes_ru аме ки string string name tab_Bookmarks_ru акладки string..
How to create text file and insert data to that file on Android File root new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory Notes if root.exists root.mkdirs File gpxfile new File root sFileName..
Android: How do I force the update of all widgets of a particular kind method to be called whenever the widget is clicked on. Notes Any call to updateWidgets will cause all instances of our widget..
Avoid apk cracked watch v TnSNCXR9fbY EDIT The Presentation Notes from Evading Pirates and Stopping Vampires Some basic keypoints..
Android-SDK r17 ruins working projects contains the MainActivity I read the Android SDK Release Notes for something related but I didn't find anything And of course..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? 15 12 00 24.876 D Picker 21000 Set 07 15 12 00 33.696 D Picker 21000 Set 07 15 12 00 33.719 D Picker 21000 Set Other notes and comments Wrapping it around a DatePickerFragment doesn't matter. I simplified the problem for you but I've tested it...
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK Drive's log in if it ever reaches this spot. Handle it here however you'd like. THE ANDROID CODE Updating Two quick notes on updating the last modified date of a file on Google Drive You must provide a fully initialized DateTime. If you do not..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK return newBitmap java file static System.loadLibrary JniTest rotates a bitmap by 90 degrees counter clockwise . br notes br the input bitmap will be recycled and shouldn't be used anymore br returns the rotated bitmap . br could take some time.. ... Bitmap rotatedImage rotateBitmapCcw90 bitmapToRotate EDIT after I got my answer I wish to share this code and notes about it to everyone in order for it to work i've replaced in the code every instance of uint16_t with uint32_t that's the..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview 11 18 VideoSurfaceView typically API level 19 Important notes For API level 11 android hardwareAccelerated true must be set in the application manifest. The invoking activity must call.. possible To detect the HTML5 video ended event so that the VideoEnabledWebChromeClient can exit full screen. Important notes Javascript is enabled by default and must not be disabled with getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled false . setWebChromeClient..
How to read contacts on Android 2.0 String number people.getString numberFieldColumnIndex people.close Furthermore if you need to get things like notes from a contact then you will need to use a different URI like the following feel free to use this method private String..
RuntimeException: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' startManagingCursor c String from new String DBHelper.KEY_TITLE int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.text_newslist c from to setListAdapter notes newslist.xml xml version 1.0 encoding.. SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.text_newslist c from to setListAdapter notes newslist.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android..
Android column '_id' does not exist? Notepadv1Solution String from new String NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to This code seems to work fine. But just to be clear I ran the ADB.. NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to This code seems to work fine. But just to be clear I ran the ADB utility and run SQLite 3. I inspected the.. run SQLite 3. I inspected the schema as follows sqlite .schema CREATE TABLE android_metadata locale TEXT CREATE TABLE notes _id integer primary key autoincrement title text not null body text not null All seems good to me. Now on to my application..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? to say for certain since I've no access to those devices however another A List Apart Article Responsive Web Design notes that Thankfully the W3C created media queries as part of the CSS3 specification improving upon the promise of media types...
Difference between Activity Context and Application Context access to different information about the application environment. If you read the docs at getApplicationContext it notes that you should only use this if you need a context whose lifecycle is separate from the current context. This doesn't apply..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity post that it's necessary to add ...platform tools to the PATH. I couldn't find any reference to this in the release notes but I did it anyway. I'm totally stuck now. Please can anyone suggest what the problem might be UPDATE 1540 GMT Turned off..
How to programmatically tell if a Bluetooth device is connected? (Android 2.2) to disconnect else if BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED.equals action ... Device has disconnected A few notes There is no way to retrieve a list of connected devices at application startup. The Bluetooth API does not allow you to..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object int to new int notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to setListAdapter notes Where is a ButtonImage.. notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to setListAdapter notes Where is a ButtonImage . Here is my LogCat 01 25 05 05 49.877 ERROR.. notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to setListAdapter notes Where is a ButtonImage . Here is my LogCat 01 25 05 05 49.877 ERROR dalvikvm heap 3896 6291456 byte external..
How to insert a SQLite record with a datetime set to 'now' in Android application? a SQLite record with a datetime set to 'now' in Android application Say we have a table created as create table notes _id integer primary key autoincrement created_date date To insert a record I'd use ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues..
Creating an Android trial application that expires after a fixed time period unique identifier to the server. If the server does not have an entry for that phone id then it makes a new one and notes the time. If the server does have an entry for the phone id then it does a simple check to see if the trial period has expired...
Eclipse giving an error of failed to instantiate [closed] follow the instruction in README.txt file in extras android compatibility v7 gridlayout folder. Hope this help you. Notes You must use grid columnCount 6 instead of 6 because you declare the prefix grid in..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) PDU destination 555 message helloworld 1100038155f50000aa0ae8329bfdbebfe56c32 Which obviously isn't valid... Side Notes I don't plan on doing anything with the PDU besides local use I do not want hard coded PDU's in my code because I'm not..
IntelliJ and android text 00 00 android layout_marginLeft 10dp android layout_marginRight 20dp LinearLayout RelativeLayout Coles Notes I have a support GridLayout in a RelativeLayout and a LinearLayout that sits on top anchored at the bottom of the RelativeLayout...
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? k indicates the number of bit image data. k is an explanation parameter therefore it does not need to be transmitted. Notes When data d k is 1 specifies a bit printed to 1 and not printed to 0. If a raster bit image exceeds one line of print area..
How to update some data in a Listview without using notifyDataSetChanged()? example ProgressBar bar ProgressBar convertView.findViewById bar.setProgress newProgress return true Notes This example of course is not complete. You can probably use the following sequence Update your Data when you receive new..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off much of a difference Is this completely the wrong way to approach this Thanks for reading through all this Additional Notes Code runs during 10 second interval initiated from the AlarmManager. WakeLock is held only for the duration of this call...
Unable to import Eclipse project to Android Studio user pathtosdk Did that and imported using default gradle wrapper and voila The project imported without any problem. Notes This also fixes the issue with org.gradle.tooling.GradleConnectionException Could not execute build using Gradle distribution..
Android: I want to shake it acceleration such as gravity. It will be approx. 0 if there is no movement and lets say 2 if the device is shaked. Notes The accelometer should be deactivated onPause and activated onResume to save resources CPU Battery . The code assumes we..
Clear the entire history stack and start a new activity on Android of whether it is already in the stack. Screen A should then be the only item on the stack in my application. Notes There are many other similar questions but I haven't found anything that answers this exact question. I tried calling getParent..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes can do the work of extracting the state members and doing the work necessary to get the class back to a valid state. Notes View#onSavedInstanceState and View#onRestoreInstanceState are called automatically for you if View#getId returns a value..
Get referrer after installing app from Android Market help who like me fails to make install_referrer works and who don't find ANY usefull informations about this features. Notes 1. The intent will be catched during the install process not when the application starts..
Why is my activity crashing when hitting the home button? this line when there's a sql exception newcursor null I wonder if that's getting into the startManagingCursor call. Notes startManagingCursor creates a ManagedCursor http p pdn slatedroid source browse trunk eclair frameworks..
Android Game Keeps Getting Hacked to check out this from Google I O 2011 YouTube recording Evading Pirates and Stopping Vampires EDIT The Presentation Notes from Evading Pirates and Stopping Vampires Some basic keypoints Modify the LVL Implement LVL Tamper Resistance Use obfuscation..
Android: How do I get string from resources using its name? Books string string name tab_Quotes_en Quotes string string name tab_Questions_en Questions string string name tab_Notes_en Notes string string name tab_Bookmarks_en Bookmarks string string name tab_Books_ru ниги string string name tab_Quotes_ru.. string string name tab_Quotes_en Quotes string string name tab_Questions_en Questions string string name tab_Notes_en Notes string string name tab_Bookmarks_en Bookmarks string string name tab_Books_ru ниги string string name tab_Quotes_ru Ци а.. ниги string string name tab_Quotes_ru Ци а string string name tab_Questions_ru оп о string string name tab_Notes_ru аме ки string string name tab_Bookmarks_ru акладки string Now I need to retrieve these values dynamically in my app spec.setContent..
How to create text file and insert data to that file on Android void generateNoteOnSD String sFileName String sBody try File root new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory Notes if root.exists root.mkdirs File gpxfile new File root sFileName FileWriter writer new FileWriter gpxfile writer.append..
Android: How do I force the update of all widgets of a particular kind pendingIntent This code will cause the onUpdate method to be called whenever the widget is clicked on. Notes Any call to updateWidgets will cause all instances of our widget to be updated. Clicking the widget will cause all instances..
Avoid apk cracked Google I O 2011 Evading Pirates and Stopping Vampires http watch v TnSNCXR9fbY EDIT The Presentation Notes from Evading Pirates and Stopping Vampires Some basic keypoints Modify the LVL Implement LVL Tamper Resistance Use obfuscation..
Android-SDK r17 ruins working projects file and view the compiled classes with dexdump the apk file contains the MainActivity I read the Android SDK Release Notes for something related but I didn't find anything And of course rebuild the project clean build I even manually deleted the..