android Programming Glossary: nosuchmethodexception
How to configue static IP, netmask ,gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x NoSuchFieldException IllegalAccessException NoSuchMethodException ClassNotFoundException InstantiationException InvocationTargetException.. IllegalAccessException ClassNotFoundException NoSuchMethodException InstantiationException InvocationTargetException Object linkProperties.. IllegalAccessException ClassNotFoundException NoSuchMethodException InstantiationException InvocationTargetException Object linkProperties..
uninstall app silently with system priveleges Context context throws SecurityException NoSuchMethodException observer new PackageInstallObserver pm context.getPackageManager.. Context context throws SecurityException NoSuchMethodException observer new PackageInstallObserver observerdelete new PackageDeleteObserver..
Reflection to access advanced telephony features throws ClassNotFoundException SecurityException NoSuchMethodException IllegalArgumentException IllegalAccessException InvocationTargetException..
Change the background color of the options menu e return null hack failed use normal inflater catch NoSuchMethodException e return null hack failed use normal inflater if IconMenuItemView_constructor..
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? WebView.class.getMethod name method.invoke mWebView catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.error No such method name e catch IllegalAccessException..
Using onClick attribute in layout xml causes a NoSuchMethodException in Android dialogs onClick attribute in layout xml causes a NoSuchMethodException in Android dialogs I have created a custom dialog and a layout.. System.out.println clicked When I tap the button I get a NoSuchMethodException 'dialogClicked'. Setting the onClick handler in layout xml works..
Proguard and reflection in Android There was a problem creating the Algorithm class catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.e TAG NoSuchMethodException e throw new IllegalStateException.. Algorithm class catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.e TAG NoSuchMethodException e throw new IllegalStateException There was a problem creating..
What if I want to release an update with higher minSDK than the one on the market? getExternalFilesDir partypes catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.e TAG getExternalFilesDir isn't available in this devices..
Accessing CallManager in Android e Log.i TAG e.getClass .getName e.toString catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.i TAG e.getClass .getName e.toString catch InvocationTargetException..
How to stop youtube video playing in Android webview? Object null catch ClassNotFoundException cnfe ... catch NoSuchMethodException nsme ... catch InvocationTargetException ite ... catch IllegalAccessException..
List View Footer Background on Android 2.3.3 catch SecurityException e e.printStackTrace catch NoSuchMethodException e e.printStackTrace public TransparentListView Context context..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility getExternalFilesDir partypes catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.e TAG getExternalFilesDir isn't available in this devices..
Problem to load flv video in webview WebView.class.getMethod name method.invoke webView catch NoSuchMethodException e Lo.g No such method name e catch IllegalAccessException e.. WebView.class.getMethod name method.invoke webView catch NoSuchMethodException e Lo.g No such method name e catch IllegalAccessException e..
what is the use of MemoryFile in android try return MemoryFile.class.getDeclaredMethod name catch NoSuchMethodException e throw new RuntimeException e What you should be looking..
How to configue static IP, netmask ,gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x wifiConf throws SecurityException IllegalArgumentException NoSuchFieldException IllegalAccessException NoSuchMethodException ClassNotFoundException InstantiationException InvocationTargetException Object linkProperties getField wifiConf linkProperties.. throws SecurityException IllegalArgumentException NoSuchFieldException IllegalAccessException ClassNotFoundException NoSuchMethodException InstantiationException InvocationTargetException Object linkProperties getField wifiConf linkProperties if linkProperties.. throws SecurityException IllegalArgumentException NoSuchFieldException IllegalAccessException ClassNotFoundException NoSuchMethodException InstantiationException InvocationTargetException Object linkProperties getField wifiConf linkProperties if linkProperties..
uninstall app silently with system priveleges use reflecion like as in the installation example. public ApplicationManager Context context throws SecurityException NoSuchMethodException observer new PackageInstallObserver pm context.getPackageManager Class types new Class Uri.class IPackageInstallObserver.class.. packageName returnCode public ApplicationManager Context context throws SecurityException NoSuchMethodException observer new PackageInstallObserver observerdelete new PackageDeleteObserver pm context.getPackageManager Class types new..
Reflection to access advanced telephony features I am unsure of which one is appropriate public void placeReflectedCall throws ClassNotFoundException SecurityException NoSuchMethodException IllegalArgumentException IllegalAccessException InvocationTargetException InstantiationException String serviceManagerName..
Change the background color of the options menu catch SecurityException e return null hack failed use normal inflater catch NoSuchMethodException e return null hack failed use normal inflater if IconMenuItemView_constructor null return null hack failed use normal..
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? String name if mWebView null try Method method WebView.class.getMethod name method.invoke mWebView catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.error No such method name e catch IllegalAccessException e Log.error Illegal Access name e catch InvocationTargetException..
Using onClick attribute in layout xml causes a NoSuchMethodException in Android dialogs onClick attribute in layout xml causes a NoSuchMethodException in Android dialogs I have created a custom dialog and a layout xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android.. R.layout.dialog public void dialogClicked final View view System.out.println clicked When I tap the button I get a NoSuchMethodException 'dialogClicked'. Setting the onClick handler in layout xml works fine for activities but not in dialogs. Any ideas What..
Proguard and reflection in Android e Log.e TAG SecurityException e throw new IllegalStateException There was a problem creating the Algorithm class catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.e TAG NoSuchMethodException e throw new IllegalStateException There was a problem creating the Algorithm class return.. new IllegalStateException There was a problem creating the Algorithm class catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.e TAG NoSuchMethodException e throw new IllegalStateException There was a problem creating the Algorithm class return list Here is my proguard.cnf optimizationpasses..
What if I want to release an update with higher minSDK than the one on the market? new Class 1 partypes 0 String.class getExternalFilesDir Context.class.getMethod getExternalFilesDir partypes catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.e TAG getExternalFilesDir isn't available in this devices api This piece of code is saying Within the Context.class..
Accessing CallManager in Android objectCallManager catch ClassNotFoundException e Log.i TAG e.getClass .getName e.toString catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.i TAG e.getClass .getName e.toString catch InvocationTargetException e Log.i TAG e.getClass .getName e.toString ..
How to stop youtube video playing in Android webview? .getMethod onPause Class null .invoke webview Object null catch ClassNotFoundException cnfe ... catch NoSuchMethodException nsme ... catch InvocationTargetException ite ... catch IllegalAccessException iae ... Note that the variable 'webview' in..
List View Footer Background on Android 2.3.3 catch InvocationTargetException e e.printStackTrace catch SecurityException e e.printStackTrace catch NoSuchMethodException e e.printStackTrace public TransparentListView Context context super context this.makeTransparent public TransparentListView..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility new Class 1 partypes 0 String.class getExternalFilesDir Context.class.getMethod getExternalFilesDir partypes catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.e TAG getExternalFilesDir isn't available in this devices api Now getExternalFilesDir is only available on API level..
Problem to load flv video in webview my activity isnt visible if webView null try Method method WebView.class.getMethod name method.invoke webView catch NoSuchMethodException e Lo.g No such method name e catch IllegalAccessException e Lo.g Illegal Access name e catch InvocationTargetException.. my activity isnt visible if webView null try Method method WebView.class.getMethod name method.invoke webView catch NoSuchMethodException e Lo.g No such method name e catch IllegalAccessException e Lo.g Illegal Access name e catch InvocationTargetException..
what is the use of MemoryFile in android new RuntimeException e private static Method get String name try return MemoryFile.class.getDeclaredMethod name catch NoSuchMethodException e throw new RuntimeException e What you should be looking at is the #getParcelFileDescriptor MemoryFile method which you..