android Programming Glossary: notetitle
Trying To Upload To Dropbox: NetworkOnMainThreadException? get truncated to 32 characters if it's too long. String noteTitle if wholeNoteString.indexOf n 0 New line character found. .. if wholeNoteString.indexOf n 0 New line character found. noteTitle wholeNoteString.substring 0 wholeNoteString.indexOf n if noteTitle.length.. wholeNoteString.substring 0 wholeNoteString.indexOf n if noteTitle.length 32 noteTitle wholeNoteString.substring 0 32 else..
Trying To Upload To Dropbox: NetworkOnMainThreadException? It will be the first line of the whole note. The name will get truncated to 32 characters if it's too long. String noteTitle if wholeNoteString.indexOf n 0 New line character found. noteTitle wholeNoteString.substring 0 wholeNoteString.indexOf.. to 32 characters if it's too long. String noteTitle if wholeNoteString.indexOf n 0 New line character found. noteTitle wholeNoteString.substring 0 wholeNoteString.indexOf n if noteTitle.length 32 noteTitle wholeNoteString.substring 0 32.. n 0 New line character found. noteTitle wholeNoteString.substring 0 wholeNoteString.indexOf n if noteTitle.length 32 noteTitle wholeNoteString.substring 0 32 else if wholeNoteString.length 32 noteTitle wholeNoteString.substring..