android Programming Glossary: noticing
Change ActionBarSherlock background color item item name background #000000 item style resources I'm noticing the built in theme are using images for the background but I'm..
Google Maps API v3 in PhoneGap: markers not drawing properly after move and it was still working well I thought. Last week I began noticing it doing some strange things when I move the markers. It would..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask the onPostExecute method of the AsyncTask . However I am noticing a flickering that shows up when I scroll through my ListView..
Android — How to properly handle onPause/onResume methods? resumes gameplay in the onResume method but what I'm noticing is that if my app was the last run application when I put the..
Eclipse Android SDK slow Content Assist performance Eclipse 3.6 and android 2.2 SDK Im running jdk 1.6 Im noticing that when coding and the context popups to list methods of a..
How to keep the OAuth consumer secret safe, and how to react when it's compromised? site The following might happen the end user may being noticing that something fishy is going on and inform the service provider..
Soft Keyboard Overlapping with EditText Field old post which definitely helps with my problem but I'm noticing that it doesn't really seem to solve my problem. I have gathered..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? Nexus no such luck. Nor on my other friend's Droid X. I'm noticing for a not insignificant number of devices specific native IOCTL..
Change ActionBarSherlock background color item name android background #000000 item item name background #000000 item style resources I'm noticing the built in theme are using images for the background but I'm praying I don't have to create images to change the background..
Google Maps API v3 in PhoneGap: markers not drawing properly after move working fine. I then upgraded to a phone with Android 4.x and it was still working well I thought. Last week I began noticing it doing some strange things when I move the markers. It would seem to create a duplicate marker instead of just moving..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask . And once I get that contactId I make the call to Picasso in the onPostExecute method of the AsyncTask . However I am noticing a flickering that shows up when I scroll through my ListView quickly. It seems to me that there is an issue with the ViewHolder..
Android — How to properly handle onPause/onResume methods? methods I have an app that starts playing sounds and begins resumes gameplay in the onResume method but what I'm noticing is that if my app was the last run application when I put the phone into standby screen off and I just press the Menu button..
Eclipse Android SDK slow Content Assist performance machine 64bit with 6gb ram and core 2 duo. Im currently running Eclipse 3.6 and android 2.2 SDK Im running jdk 1.6 Im noticing that when coding and the context popups to list methods of a class it hangs Eclipse for up to 15 seconds. This is very frustrating...
How to keep the OAuth consumer secret safe, and how to react when it's compromised? users was tricked into authorizing access to that application site The following might happen the end user may being noticing that something fishy is going on and inform the service provider ex Google about the malicious app the service provider..
Soft Keyboard Overlapping with EditText Field Keyboard Overlapping with EditText Field I found this old post which definitely helps with my problem but I'm noticing that it doesn't really seem to solve my problem. I have gathered that I need to set android windowSoftInputMode adjustPan..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? SII and get the LED flash turned on. On my friend's Galaxy Nexus no such luck. Nor on my other friend's Droid X. I'm noticing for a not insignificant number of devices specific native IOCTL calls seem to be required. Is this the case for the Galaxy..