android Programming Glossary: notification_service
Sending a notification from a service in Android notificationManager NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE Notification notification new Notification your notification..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? onCreate mNM NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE end onCreate @Override public void onDestroy super.onDestroy..
How to make notification intent resume rather than making a new intent? mNotificationManager NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE final Notification notifyDetails new Notification R.drawable.chat_notification.. mNotificationManager NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE final Notification notifyDetails new Notification R.drawable.chat_notification..
Android: How to avoid that clicking on a Notification calls onCreate() notificationManager NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE Intent contentIntent new Intent this ABC.class Notification..
android memory leak in notification service mNotificationManager NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE createNotification private void createNotification Intent contentIntent..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging showNotification nm NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE In this sample we'll use the same text for the ticker and the..
Animation in Notification bar Cutsom View
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? serviceState true mNM NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE HandlerThread thread new HandlerThread ServiceStartArguments..
Revision 2: How to pass data from a background Service/thread to some other activity than the MainActivity that created the background service notificationMgr NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE displayNotificationMessage starting Background Service Thread..
getIntent() Extras always NULL! manager NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE Notification notification new Notification R.drawable.icon title..
Sending a notification from a service in Android as your Context within your Service . NotificationManager notificationManager NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE Notification notification new Notification your notification PendingIntent pendingIntent your intent notification.setLatestEventInfo..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? void onCreate super.onCreate Log.d LightfactoryRemote TelnetService onCreate mNM NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE end onCreate @Override public void onDestroy super.onDestroy Log.d LightfactoryRemote TelnetService onDestroy Cancel the..
How to make notification intent resume rather than making a new intent? savedInstanceState setContentView mNotificationManager NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE final Notification notifyDetails new Notification R.drawable.chat_notification Chat Started System.currentTimeMillis notifyDetails.flags.. savedInstanceState setContentView mNotificationManager NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE final Notification notifyDetails new Notification R.drawable.chat_notification Chat Started System.currentTimeMillis notifyDetails.flags..
Android: How to avoid that clicking on a Notification calls onCreate() special happens public void triggerNotification String msg notificationManager NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE Intent contentIntent new Intent this ABC.class Notification notification new Notification R.drawable.icon msg System.currentTimeMillis..
android memory leak in notification service me if this is the case and what I am doing wrong. onCreate mNotificationManager NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE createNotification private void createNotification Intent contentIntent new Intent this MainScreen.class contentIntent.setFlags..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging void run onTimerTick 0 100L isRunning true private void showNotification nm NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE In this sample we'll use the same text for the ticker and the expanded notification CharSequence text getText R.string.service_started..
Animation in Notification bar Cutsom View
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? VVS stopSelf msg.arg1 @Override public void onCreate serviceState true mNM NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE HandlerThread thread new HandlerThread ServiceStartArguments 1 thread.start Get the HandlerThread's Looper and use it for..
Revision 2: How to pass data from a background Service/thread to some other activity than the MainActivity that created the background service Messenger messenger @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate notificationMgr NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE displayNotificationMessage starting Background Service Thread thr new Thread null new ServiceWorker BackgroundService thr.start..
getIntent() Extras always NULL! like this. Context context getApplicationContext NotificationManager manager NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE Notification notification new Notification R.drawable.icon title System.currentTimeMillis Intent notificationIntent new..