android Programming Glossary: notificationcompat.builder
Create custom notification, android new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.widget NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder new NotificationCompat.Builder this .setSmallIcon.. R.layout.widget NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder new NotificationCompat.Builder this .setSmallIcon R.drawable.ic_launcher .setContent remoteViews.. there is more style avaialbe Android Developer Edited The NotificationCompat.Builder is the most easy way to create Notifications on all Android..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications 1 private NotificationManager mNotificationManager NotificationCompat.Builder builder public GcmIntentService super GcmIntentService public.. this DemoActivity.class 0 Log.d Notification Message msg NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder new NotificationCompat.Builder this .setSmallIcon.. Message msg NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder new NotificationCompat.Builder this .setSmallIcon R.drawable.ic_stat_gcm .setContentTitle Iween..
Is setContentIntent(PendingIntent) required in NotificationCompat.Builder? setContentIntent PendingIntent required in NotificationCompat.Builder Calling public static void triggerTestNotification Context.. Context ctx String tag int id Notification not new NotificationCompat.Builder ctx .setContentTitle Title .setContentText Text .setAutoCancel.. learn more about them see the reference documentation for NotificationCompat.Builder. This opinion is reflected in various SO answers and results..
How exactly to use Notification.Builder 3.0 you should continue to use the old API. Update the NotificationCompat.Builder class has been added to the Support Package so we can use this..
Create custom notification, android add RemoteView in notification Here is Sample RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.widget NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder new NotificationCompat.Builder this .setSmallIcon R.drawable.ic_launcher .setContent remoteViews Creates an.. RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.widget NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder new NotificationCompat.Builder this .setSmallIcon R.drawable.ic_launcher .setContent remoteViews Creates an explicit intent for an Activity in your.. android text Close Me LinearLayout check this article there is more style avaialbe Android Developer Edited The NotificationCompat.Builder is the most easy way to create Notifications on all Android versions. You can even use features that are available with..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications extends IntentService public static final int NOTIFICATION_ID 1 private NotificationManager mNotificationManager NotificationCompat.Builder builder public GcmIntentService super GcmIntentService public static final String TAG GCM Demo @Override protected void.. contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this 0 new Intent this DemoActivity.class 0 Log.d Notification Message msg NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder new NotificationCompat.Builder this .setSmallIcon R.drawable.ic_stat_gcm .setContentTitle Iween Notification .setStyle.. this 0 new Intent this DemoActivity.class 0 Log.d Notification Message msg NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder new NotificationCompat.Builder this .setSmallIcon R.drawable.ic_stat_gcm .setContentTitle Iween Notification .setStyle new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle..
Is setContentIntent(PendingIntent) required in NotificationCompat.Builder? setContentIntent PendingIntent required in NotificationCompat.Builder Calling public static void triggerTestNotification Context ctx String tag int id Notification not new NotificationCompat.Builder.. Calling public static void triggerTestNotification Context ctx String tag int id Notification not new NotificationCompat.Builder ctx .setContentTitle Title .setContentText Text .setAutoCancel true cancel on click .setSmallIcon R.drawable.ic_launcher.. other notification settings and contents are optional. To learn more about them see the reference documentation for NotificationCompat.Builder. This opinion is reflected in various SO answers and results in SO questions and another one . workaround final Intent emptyIntent..
How exactly to use Notification.Builder is in API 11 so if you are developing for anything earlier than 3.0 you should continue to use the old API. Update the NotificationCompat.Builder class has been added to the Support Package so we can use this to support API level v4 and up http