android Programming Glossary: normalscreens
Designing an android tablet-only app supports screens android largeScreens true android normalScreens false android requiresSmallestWidthDp 600 android smallScreens..
HTC Sensation Real Resolution android anyDensity false android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true Both of them return 320x569 while..
support for different screen sizes in android ... supports screens android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android smallScreens true android anyDensity true ... manifest..
My App not supporting nexus 7 android anyDensity true android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android smallScreens true After uploading to play store..
Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions resizeable true android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true android xlargeScreens true..
How can i made the layout that will work in both Tablet and phone? supports screens android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true android anyDensity true Hope..
Designing android apps for tablets android anyDensity true android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android resizeable true android smallScreens true android..
MapView has a bad resolution comparing to generic Maps this supports screens android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android smallScreens true android anyDensity true As described..
prevent tablet downloads of app supports screens android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true android xlargeScreens false But..
Can?™t use android:xlargeScreens=“true”? resizeable true android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true android xlargeScreens true..
multiple screen support in android screens android smallScreens true supports screens android normalScreens true supports screens android largeScreens true supports screens..
“ERROR getting 'android:icon' attribute: attribute is not a string value” when trying to upload to the Android Market 4 supports screens android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android smallScreens true android anyDensity false manifest..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? android resizeable false android largeScreens true android normalScreens true Add this right after the uses sdk ... part. Furthermore..
Android Manifest Restrict To Tablets needs supports screens android smallScreens false android normalScreens false android largeScreens false android xlargeScreens true..
How to support different screen size in android dpis. supports screens android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true android xlargeScreens true android..
Android Market filters app - Telephony? android anyDensity false android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android resizeable false android smallScreens true android..
Design Layout For Multiple Screens supports screens android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true android xlargeScreens true android..
How can I force the Action Bar to be at the bottom in ICS? anyDensity true android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android smallScreens true android xlargeScreens true..
Android Boot-Up BroadCast Not invoking android anyDensity true android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android smallScreens true uses permission android name..
how to set android layout to support all screen sizes? android resizeable true android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true android anyDensity true the..
Designing an android tablet-only app ICS in Google Play you would do this in your AndroidManifest supports screens android largeScreens true android normalScreens false android requiresSmallestWidthDp 600 android smallScreens false android xlargeScreens true uses sdk android minSdkVersion..
HTC Sensation Real Resolution minSdkVersion 3 android targetSdkVersion 3 supports screens android anyDensity false android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true Both of them return 320x569 while the real one is 640x960 . android resolution share improve..
support for different screen sizes in android manifest xmlns android http apk res android ... supports screens android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android smallScreens true android anyDensity true ... manifest And for code level tweeking float scale getContext .getResources..
My App not supporting nexus 7 android required true supports screens android anyDensity true android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android smallScreens true After uploading to play store It doesn't shows nexus 7 as supported device. Any guess android..
Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions xxhdpi. I have this in my manifest file supports screens android resizeable true android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true android xlargeScreens true android anyDensity true android android manifest android drawable..
How can i made the layout that will work in both Tablet and phone?
Designing android apps for tablets minSdkVersion 9 android targetSdkVersion 18 supports screens android anyDensity true android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android resizeable true android smallScreens true android xlargeScreens true application android allowBackup true android..
MapView has a bad resolution comparing to generic Maps and then set supports screens in your AndroidManifest.xml like this supports screens android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android smallScreens true android anyDensity true As described here http guide topics manifest..
prevent tablet downloads of app make sure. android bitmap tablet share improve this question supports screens android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true android xlargeScreens false But I suspect that it will prevent your app to run on Galaxy..
Can?™t use android:xlargeScreens=“true”? intent filter receiver application supports screens android resizeable true android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true android xlargeScreens true android anyDensity true uses permission android name android.permission.SEND_SMS..
multiple screen support in android with all screen sizes. How to do this I have given supports screens android smallScreens true supports screens android normalScreens true supports screens android largeScreens true supports screens android anyDensity true supports screens android resizeable..
“ERROR getting 'android:icon' attribute: attribute is not a string value” when trying to upload to the Android Market uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 android targetSdkVersion 4 supports screens android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android smallScreens true android anyDensity false manifest The image myicon.png is located in the res drawable folder...
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? not critical supports screens android anyDensity true android resizeable false android largeScreens true android normalScreens true Add this right after the uses sdk ... part. Furthermore be sure to import the following two JAR libraries osmdroid..
Android Manifest Restrict To Tablets that playing with Screen size in Manifest will fit your needs supports screens android smallScreens false android normalScreens false android largeScreens false android xlargeScreens true android anyDensity true android requiresSmallestWidthDp..
How to support different screen size in android high density The following code in the Manifest supports all dpis. supports screens android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true android xlargeScreens true android anyDensity true And also check out my SO answer . share..
Android Market filters app - Telephony? versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0.0 supports screens android anyDensity false android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android resizeable false android smallScreens true android xlargeScreens true supports screens uses permission android..
Design Layout For Multiple Screens to do this android android layout share improve this question supports screens android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true android xlargeScreens true android anyDensity true You should probably read this share..
How can I force the Action Bar to be at the bottom in ICS? 4 android targetSdkVersion 11 supports screens android anyDensity true android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android smallScreens true android xlargeScreens true manifest Also I noticed that on my Galaxy Nexus which runs ICS..
Android Boot-Up BroadCast Not invoking Manifest uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 supports screens android anyDensity true android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android smallScreens true uses permission android name android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED uses permission android..
how to set android layout to support all screen sizes? i used this code in the manifest also. supports screens android resizeable true android smallScreens true android normalScreens true android largeScreens true android anyDensity true the image for the small screen is here. How can i set the screen..