android Programming Glossary: notificationmanager.notify
intent extras are duplicated when using FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT in PendingIntent when creating android notifications context SaleTitle SaleMessage pendingIntent notificationManager.notify saleid notification When I create the PendingIntent I have 4..
Sending a notification from a service in Android
I can't open a dialog from GCM onMessage in Android intent notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL notificationManager.notify 0 notification Please let me know if this helps you and Marry..
Is setContentIntent(PendingIntent) required in NotificationCompat.Builder? ctx .getSystemService Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE notificationManager.notify tag id not in onCreate of my main activity yields 11 17 15 58..
Android: How to avoid that clicking on a Notification calls onCreate() notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL notificationManager.notify notificationCounter notification notificationCounter If the..
Start service in android context contentTitle contentText contentIntent notificationManager.notify NOTIFICATION_EX notification Toast.makeText this Started Toast.LENGTH_LONG..
Can a broadcastReceiver catch multiple broadcasts? intent.getExtras .get name pendingIntent here notificationManager.notify NOTIFICATION_ID notification private Notification createNotification.. .get name pendingIntent here notificationManager.notify intent.getBundleExtra michaels.pack.ProximityAlert. .getInt..
Event OnClick for a button in a custom notification notification.contentView notificationView notificationManager.notify CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION_ID notification With this code I've a custom..
How to use Notification.deleteIntent context 0 new Intent context CleanUpIntent.class 0 notificationManager.notify 123 notification This is the CleanUpIntent class class CleanUpIntent..
Android: Multiple Alarm not working context contentTitle contentText contentIntent notificationManager.notify NotificationConstants.NOTIFICATION_ID notification Now how to..
intent extras are duplicated when using FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT in PendingIntent when creating android notifications 0 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT notification.setLatestEventInfo context SaleTitle SaleMessage pendingIntent notificationManager.notify saleid notification When I create the PendingIntent I have 4 choices FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT FLAG_NO_CREATE FLAG_ONE_SHOT and..
Sending a notification from a service in Android
I can't open a dialog from GCM onMessage in Android
Is setContentIntent(PendingIntent) required in NotificationCompat.Builder? .build NotificationManager notificationManager NotificationManager ctx .getSystemService Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE notificationManager.notify tag id not in onCreate of my main activity yields 11 17 15 58 46.198 E AndroidRuntime 1507 FATAL EXCEPTION main 11 17 15..
Android: How to avoid that clicking on a Notification calls onCreate() this.getBaseContext 0 contentIntent PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL notificationManager.notify notificationCounter notification notificationCounter If the user clicks on the Notification the onCreate method is called...
Start service in android this 0 notificationIntent 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent notificationManager.notify NOTIFICATION_EX notification Toast.makeText this Started Toast.LENGTH_LONG timer.scheduleAtFixedRate new TimerTask @Override..
Can a broadcastReceiver catch multiple broadcasts? context Proximity Alert You are approaching intent.getExtras .get name pendingIntent here notificationManager.notify NOTIFICATION_ID notification private Notification createNotification Notification notification new Notification notification.icon.. Alert You are approaching intent.getBundleExtra michaels.pack.ProximityAlert. .get name pendingIntent here notificationManager.notify intent.getBundleExtra michaels.pack.ProximityAlert. .getInt id notification private Notification createNotification Notification..
Event OnClick for a button in a custom notification notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingLaunchIntent notification.contentView notificationView notificationManager.notify CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION_ID notification With this code I've a custom notification with my custom layout...but I can't click..
How to use Notification.deleteIntent here notification.deleteIntent PendingIntent.getService context 0 new Intent context CleanUpIntent.class 0 notificationManager.notify 123 notification This is the CleanUpIntent class class CleanUpIntent extends IntentService public CleanUpIntent super CleanUpIntent..
Android: Multiple Alarm not working Notification.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent notificationManager.notify NotificationConstants.NOTIFICATION_ID notification Now how to handle that different alarm Help me for this. Thanks. Edited..