android Programming Glossary: notation
Show only two digit after decimal [duplicate] integers 123 fixed point numbers 123.4 scientific notation 1.23E4 percentages 12 and currency amounts 123 . All of these..
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation store the result in a 4 element column vector. In matrix notation result lhs x rhs. The resultVector element values are undefined..
Perspective Projection in Android in an augmented reality application 1 and 2 we now have X x z w 2 tan α If we go back to the notation used in the Wikipedia article our equation is equivalent to..
MathML and Java MathML Output MathML by parsing standard mathematical notation Render MathML particularly important Do any other cool maths..
How to use AsyncTask to .get it will perform asynchronously. What does this notation execute String... params mean To keep it simple I will just..
How to change background color in android app
Set ImageView's max width as a percent of its parent's width in the onCreate of the activity Edited added import float notation. import android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams ... obj.setLayoutParams..
Is it possible to chop a bitmap to small pieces without loading the entire thing into memory? processing application for Android that recognizes music notation from pictures taken of music sheets. I tried to load the entire.. I won't get the high resolution image I need for the music notation recognition process. Is there anyway to handle this without..
Android ListView with RadioButton/CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout ListView p .getChoiceMode Decide which check state notation to visualize check box radio button or none . switch choiceMode..
what is the difference betwenn @id/ and @+id/ in android? [duplicate] android share improve this question You must use the @ notation on the first occurrence of the ID within an XML file. The second..
Switch android x86 screen resolution 'hex' value for Mode column Translate the value to decimal notation for example 360 hex is 864 in decimal . Go to menu.lst and modify..
Show only two digit after decimal [duplicate] Indic digits. It also supports different kinds of numbers including integers 123 fixed point numbers 123.4 scientific notation 1.23E4 percentages 12 and currency amounts 123 . All of these can be localized. Code snippet double i2 i 60000 tv.setText..
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation a method to multiply a 4 element vector by a 4x4 matrix and store the result in a 4 element column vector. In matrix notation result lhs x rhs. The resultVector element values are undefined if the resultVector elements overlap either the lhsMatrix..
Perspective Projection in Android in an augmented reality application Side Splitter Theorem we get MB CD EM EC X x f z 2 With both 1 and 2 we now have X x z w 2 tan α If we go back to the notation used in the Wikipedia article our equation is equivalent to b_x d_x d_z r_z You can notice we are missing the multiplication..
MathML and Java which can do any preferably all of the following things Parse MathML Output MathML by parsing standard mathematical notation Render MathML particularly important Do any other cool maths ey things like re arrange equations in terms of different things..
How to use AsyncTask not take place in a separate thread. If you remove the call to .get it will perform asynchronously. What does this notation execute String... params mean To keep it simple I will just say that it means that the actual number of parameters you can..
How to change background color in android app
Set ImageView's max width as a percent of its parent's width would have to specify the size in the code. I would do that in the onCreate of the activity Edited added import float notation. import android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams ... obj.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..
Is it possible to chop a bitmap to small pieces without loading the entire thing into memory? loading the entire thing into memory I'm working on an image processing application for Android that recognizes music notation from pictures taken of music sheets. I tried to load the entire image into a Bitmap using the BitmapFactory.decodeFile imgPath.. property of the BitmapFactory.Option class but if I do that I won't get the high resolution image I need for the music notation recognition process. Is there anyway to handle this without going to NDK android image processing out of memory share..
Android ListView with RadioButton/CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout list item is a ListView if p instanceof ListView int choiceMode ListView p .getChoiceMode Decide which check state notation to visualize check box radio button or none . switch choiceMode case ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE mCheckedTextView.setCheckMarkDrawable..
what is the difference betwenn @id/ and @+id/ in android? [duplicate] so what is the difference between two definition android share improve this question You must use the @ notation on the first occurrence of the ID within an XML file. The second and subsequent times you can and should drop off the sign...
Switch android x86 screen resolution Enter 2.4. Find your resolution and write down remember the 'hex' value for Mode column Translate the value to decimal notation for example 360 hex is 864 in decimal . Go to menu.lst and modify it 4.1. From the GRUB menu select Debug Mode 4.2. Input..