android Programming Glossary: nohistory
USB device access pop-up supression? popup android theme @style Theme.Transparent android noHistory true android excludeFromRecents true android taskAffinity com.example.taskAffinityUsbEventReceiver..
Removing an activity from the history stack from your AndroidManifest.xml file just adding android noHistory true attribute in those activity you want share improve this..
How to clear stack back to root activity when user leaves application? activities in your application you could set the android noHistory attribute on MainAct thus ensuring that users can never return..
Calling finish() After Starting a New Activity improve this question Probably you should just use the noHistory flag on the activity in your manifest.xml share improve this..
Home key press behaviour point into the application. Also add the flag android noHistory true . The DummyActivity is simple and would look like this..
Use a persistent notification to allow the user to return to running Android app it Add your ResumeActivity to the manifest and specify the noHistory attribute activity android name .ResumeActivity android noHistory.. attribute activity android name .ResumeActivity android noHistory true Specifying noHistory will make sure this Activity won't.. name .ResumeActivity android noHistory true Specifying noHistory will make sure this Activity won't stay in the stack as soon..
What is the correct way of creating a login screen/activity in Android? name LoginScreen android label @string app_name android noHistory true android excludeFromRecents true activity Setting noHistory.. true android excludeFromRecents true activity Setting noHistory and excludeFromRecents to true for LoginActivity means that..
Android take screen shot programatically theme @android style Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar android noHistory true intent filter action android name android.intent.action.SEARCH_LONG_PRESS..
Can an activity receive an unordered broadcast(incoming call) intent before system's default receiver? receiver activity android name .LockScreenActivity android noHistory true android label @string app_name intent filter action android..
Android app is published, but not visible anywhere in Google Play activity android name xyzxyzAppWidgetActivity android noHistory true activity activity android name .SelectableImagesActivity.. activity android name .SelectableImagesActivity android noHistory true activity activity android name .SelectedImageActivity android.. activity android name .SelectedImageActivity android noHistory true android windowSoftInputMode stateHidden adjustResize activity..
USB device access pop-up supression? label YOUR APPLICATION NAME This appears in the permission popup android theme @style Theme.Transparent android noHistory true android excludeFromRecents true android taskAffinity com.example.taskAffinityUsbEventReceiver android process UsbEventReceiverActivityProcess..
Removing an activity from the history stack
How to clear stack back to root activity when user leaves application? kills the task to save resources etc. . As you only have two activities in your application you could set the android noHistory attribute on MainAct thus ensuring that users can never return to it and must pass through the LogonAct . As an aside it..
Calling finish() After Starting a New Activity
Home key press behaviour be this Create a DummyActivity and set it up as the main entry point into the application. Also add the flag android noHistory true . The DummyActivity is simple and would look like this public class DummyActivity extends Activity @Override protected..
Use a persistent notification to allow the user to return to running Android app the only activity in the stack . Here's how you can do it Add your ResumeActivity to the manifest and specify the noHistory attribute activity android name .ResumeActivity android noHistory true Specifying noHistory will make sure this Activity.. your ResumeActivity to the manifest and specify the noHistory attribute activity android name .ResumeActivity android noHistory true Specifying noHistory will make sure this Activity won't stay in the stack as soon as it finishes. This way you know.. manifest and specify the noHistory attribute activity android name .ResumeActivity android noHistory true Specifying noHistory will make sure this Activity won't stay in the stack as soon as it finishes. This way you know that only a currently running..
What is the correct way of creating a login screen/activity in Android? is declared as following in the manifest file activity android name LoginScreen android label @string app_name android noHistory true android excludeFromRecents true activity Setting noHistory and excludeFromRecents to true for LoginActivity means that.. LoginScreen android label @string app_name android noHistory true android excludeFromRecents true activity Setting noHistory and excludeFromRecents to true for LoginActivity means that the user cant return to this activity using back button. share..
Android take screen shot programatically Manifest activity android name .extras.ScreenShot android theme @android style Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar android noHistory true intent filter action android name android.intent.action.SEARCH_LONG_PRESS category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT..
Can an activity receive an unordered broadcast(incoming call) intent before system's default receiver? name android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE intent filter receiver activity android name .LockScreenActivity android noHistory true android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.ANSWER category android name..
Android app is published, but not visible anywhere in Google Play name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER intent filter activity activity android name xyzxyzAppWidgetActivity android noHistory true activity activity android name .SelectableImagesActivity android noHistory true activity activity android name .SelectedImageActivity.. name xyzxyzAppWidgetActivity android noHistory true activity activity android name .SelectableImagesActivity android noHistory true activity activity android name .SelectedImageActivity android noHistory true android windowSoftInputMode stateHidden.. name .SelectableImagesActivity android noHistory true activity activity android name .SelectedImageActivity android noHistory true android windowSoftInputMode stateHidden adjustResize activity activity android name .ReplayAlbumActivity android noHistory..