android Programming Glossary: ninepatchdrawable
How to programmatically re-apply a 9-patch image to an ImageView? apply to the view byte chunk mapBitmap.getNinePatchChunk NinePatchDrawable mapNinePatch new NinePatchDrawable getResources mapBitmapScaled.. NinePatchDrawable mapNinePatch new NinePatchDrawable getResources mapBitmapScaled chunk new Rect null imgResultMap.setImageDrawable.. apply to the view byte chunk mapBitmap.getNinePatchChunk NinePatchDrawable mapNinePatch new NinePatchDrawable getResources mapBitmapScaled..
convert bitmap into ninepatch to use as background Color.rgb 55 50 255 byte chunk backMap.getNinePatchChunk NinePatchDrawable np_drawable new NinePatchDrawable getResources backMap chunk.. NinePatchDrawable np_drawable new NinePatchDrawable getResources backMap chunk new Rect null np_drawable.setBounds..
Drawing Nine Patch onto Canvas (Android) do it this way Load the image as a NinePatch drawable NinePatchDrawable npd NinePatchDrawable Resources.getDrawable R.drawable.my_nine_patch.. the image as a NinePatch drawable NinePatchDrawable npd NinePatchDrawable Resources.getDrawable R.drawable.my_nine_patch Set its bound..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime a NinePatch NinePatchDrawable in runtime I have a requirement on my Android application that.. kept in the application as Bitmaps. In order to create a NinePatchDrawable you either need the corresponding NinePatch or the chunk byte.. boolean result NinePatch.isNinePatchChunk chunk NinePatchDrawable patchy new NinePatchDrawable bitmap chunk new Rect null Server..
Bitmap to NinePatch to New Scaled Bitmap a NinePatch file. This then gets fed into a NinePatch or NinePatchDrawable . I then need to resize it and output to another Bitmap. I have.. new NinePatch bitmap1 bitmap1.getNinePatchChunk null Or NinePatchDrawable NinePatchDrawable patch new NinePatchDrawable bitmap1 bitmap1.getNinePatchChunk.. bitmap1.getNinePatchChunk null Or NinePatchDrawable NinePatchDrawable patch new NinePatchDrawable bitmap1 bitmap1.getNinePatchChunk..
How to programmatically re-apply a 9-patch image to an ImageView? mapBitmapScaled mapBitmap Load the 9 patch data chunk and apply to the view byte chunk mapBitmap.getNinePatchChunk NinePatchDrawable mapNinePatch new NinePatchDrawable getResources mapBitmapScaled chunk new Rect null imgResultMap.setImageDrawable mapNinePatch.. the 9 patch data chunk and apply to the view byte chunk mapBitmap.getNinePatchChunk NinePatchDrawable mapNinePatch new NinePatchDrawable getResources mapBitmapScaled chunk new Rect null imgResultMap.setImageDrawable mapNinePatch .... android android layout.. mapBitmapScaled mapBitmap Load the 9 patch data chunk and apply to the view byte chunk mapBitmap.getNinePatchChunk NinePatchDrawable mapNinePatch new NinePatchDrawable getResources mapBitmapScaled chunk new Rect null imgResultMap.setImageDrawable mapNinePatch..
convert bitmap into ninepatch to use as background true backMap getChangedColor backMap Color.rgb 212 212 212 Color.rgb 55 50 255 byte chunk backMap.getNinePatchChunk NinePatchDrawable np_drawable new NinePatchDrawable getResources backMap chunk new Rect null np_drawable.setBounds 0 0 backMap.getWidth backMap.getHeight.. Color.rgb 212 212 212 Color.rgb 55 50 255 byte chunk backMap.getNinePatchChunk NinePatchDrawable np_drawable new NinePatchDrawable getResources backMap chunk new Rect null np_drawable.setBounds 0 0 backMap.getWidth backMap.getHeight I usually don't ask..
Drawing Nine Patch onto Canvas (Android) nine patch share improve this question You can easily do it this way Load the image as a NinePatch drawable NinePatchDrawable npd NinePatchDrawable Resources.getDrawable R.drawable.my_nine_patch Set its bound where you need Rect npdBounds new Rect.. improve this question You can easily do it this way Load the image as a NinePatch drawable NinePatchDrawable npd NinePatchDrawable Resources.getDrawable R.drawable.my_nine_patch Set its bound where you need Rect npdBounds new Rect ... npd.setBounds npbBounds..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime a NinePatch NinePatchDrawable in runtime I have a requirement on my Android application that parts on the graphics should be customizable by retrieving.. over the network . The nine patch images are retrieved and kept in the application as Bitmaps. In order to create a NinePatchDrawable you either need the corresponding NinePatch or the chunk byte of the NinePatch. The NinePatch can NOT be loaded from the.. BitmapFactory.decodeStream stream byte chunk bitmap.getNinePatchChunk boolean result NinePatch.isNinePatchChunk chunk NinePatchDrawable patchy new NinePatchDrawable bitmap chunk new Rect null Server side you need to prepare your images. You can use the Android..
Bitmap to NinePatch to New Scaled Bitmap using a NinePatch. My current system creates a Bitmap from a NinePatch file. This then gets fed into a NinePatch or NinePatchDrawable . I then need to resize it and output to another Bitmap. I have reviewed this and it helped quite a bit. Here is my current.. .open gfx head.9.png Using NinePatch NinePatch patch new NinePatch bitmap1 bitmap1.getNinePatchChunk null Or NinePatchDrawable NinePatchDrawable patch new NinePatchDrawable bitmap1 bitmap1.getNinePatchChunk new Rect null Set dimensions from NinePatch.. head.9.png Using NinePatch NinePatch patch new NinePatch bitmap1 bitmap1.getNinePatchChunk null Or NinePatchDrawable NinePatchDrawable patch new NinePatchDrawable bitmap1 bitmap1.getNinePatchChunk new Rect null Set dimensions from NinePatch and create new..